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xxxxxOverview of your character goes here.


xxxxxMercy's biological parents were teenagers and were not have the support they needed or the desire to take on the responsibility of caring for a child. Instead of putting her up for adoption, however, she was eventually acquired by the Department of Child Services during toddler-hood and was set up with different foster families before finding the most appropriate one when she was seven years old. Her foster parents were human and knew she carried the X-Gene though neither of her birth parents had ever manifested. She got along very well with them and the family loved one another. When she was twelve, Mercy' parents delivered their own infant into the world. Unfortunately, it was soon apparent that the child was ill and needed ample medical attention and services. At the age of fourteen, Mercy decided to leave her loving home behind, feeling guilty that her parents' needed to spend money on her that could go to her younger brother and worried that her mutation (just beginning to manifest) would be too much of an additional stressor on them. It wasn't long before she was out on the streets.

xxxxxWhile growing a second set of arms wasn't too bad, the complete reconstruction of her musculoskeletal system was not only painful, but nearly debilitating. Her attempts to be admitted to hospitals were met with rejections. She refused to make use of her parents' insurance and the human staff did not see her pain as real or valid and instead wrote her off as an opioid-seeking mutant teenager and was told as much. These incorrect assessments were also propagated by human-run shelters who, akin to the hospitals, refused her access on the basis that she clearly had no interest in ceasing her drug-seeking behaviors. Unfortunately, Mercy bore witness to the same shelters granting space to human teens who she determined to be in less need than herself. As her physical pain progressed and increased, it mixed with her frustration and feelings of discrimination and not being understood. By the time her manifestation had completed, she was left bitter towards humans and had found the Morlocks.

xxxxxAt the age of seventeen, Mercy decided to stop living on the kindness of strangers and whatever she could scrounge around on her own and look for a job. She was largely discriminated against on the basis of being a mutant and a physical one at that, but she did manage to find some work. One such job was as a dishwasher - surely four hands cleaning is more efficient than two - but she was let go when the human owner replaced her with the human child of a friend of the family. She was likewise replaced in some other positions - apparently the business-owners did not stop looking for people to fill the role after she had started. Her pay was also less than those of humans. Mercy eventually stopped seeking employment and developed a greater disdain for humans on whole.


xxxxxMercy has a subcutaneous exoskeleton She is covered in human skin, but her 'bones' encase her muscles, lending to the paleness of her skin. She has a spine like humanoid vertebrates.

xxxxxShe has four arms, one pair above the other. Both sets of limbs are fully-grown, fully-functioning, arms and hands. They have the same lifting ability and are equals. She is able to lift several times her body weight, but such a feat is very taxing on her energy levels and if she maintains it for too long, she may need a couple of days' rest to recover. For example, she could lift a heavy item several times her body weight for between ten to fifteen minutes before completely exhausting herself. She can also perform multiple, less heavy, less lengthy feats, but these tire her out as well.

xxxxxDue to the proximity of Mercy's bone to her skin and the fact that the bone encases her muscles, it is difficult to cause her any immediately damaging wounds. She is still prone to infection and any cuts or scrapes she may obtain take longer to heal than the average human. Still, this mutation offers her protection in many instances. Additionally, her second set of arms come in very handy in unarmed, and some armed, combat situations. They also make it a bit easier to pickpocket unsuspecting victims - as two hands distract, another two can go to work. She can lift heavy things, but only for a maximum of ten to fifteen minutes.


xxxxxMercy is skilled at unarmed combat and having four arms definitely help her with that. She is also not too bad at pickpocketing - again assisted by her second set of arms. Over the years, she has picked up the bare bones of a few languages, enough to understand simple phrases in common tongues. Again, having four arms has allowed her to pick up basic repair and facility maintenance tasks.




Business Partners

Persons of Particular Interest

  • Random facts you think are worth knowing about your character.

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Mercy Devon Williams
Lzzy hale 1.JPG
Birthdate 11-08-1990
Birthplace New York, NY
Species Mutant
Affiliation Morlocks
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Occupation Thief, Maintenance, Bruiser
Registration Status Unregistered
Played By Lzzy Hale
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
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Archived Logs
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2018-01-05)
Hush Hush Business Blink, Mercy
  • (2017-10-02)
New York's Finest Eric, Mercy
  • (2017-08-25)
Odds and Ends Allison, Blink, Flicker, Ion, Mercy
  • (2017-08-24)
Small Mercies Mercy, Ryan, Skye
  • (2017-08-18)
Being Infamous is a Fuckin' Delight Marrow, Mercy
  • (2017-08-12)
Little Mercy Heather, Mercy