ArchivedLogs:Cluttered Minds

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Cluttered Minds
Dramatis Personae

Hive, Micah, Melinda, Jim, Shelby, Jackson, Mirror




BORG Collective

<Borg> Someone is leaking a quiet and inadvertent sense of puzzlement over the mental airwaves. << -- honey -- ? >>
<Borg> Someone says, "Can you be more specific?"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Yes, dear? >>"
<Borg> Someone hums quietly. << Oh, sugar sugar. You are my candy girl. >>
<Borg> Someone snickers.
<Borg> Someone's sleeping mind shifts into a dream of Pooh in a music video...
<Borg> Someone says, "That would be /Hunny/!"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... no. /Honey/. >> This comes with a puzzled mental /picture/. A gift basket. Tea. Two jars of honey."
<Borg> Someone quietly perks. << /Honey/-honey. >>
<Borg> Someone is also puzzled now.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Jegus fuck, honey-honey, now you all SOUND like Jax fucking hell. Isn't ONE 'honey' saccharine enough? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "Mmmmmm, someone is thinking about the taste of honey on their tongue."
<Borg> Someone now has "A Taste of Honey" stuck in their head.  Woo...old Beatles.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Do -- do y'all like honey oh man I don't even know if any of you are close to me. Uh. This brainthing is weird y'all. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Who doesn't like /honey/? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Dirty vegan hippies. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Gorram bee liberationists. >>"
<Borg> Someone mentally /toe-scuffs/.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ...people who are trying to /sleep/, Jesus fuck... >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Yeah apologize to the fucking /senior citizen/ over there needs to be in bed by fucking ten. >>"
<Borg> Someone randomly kick-bite-scuffs at the HIVELINESS of his mind. It's become like an idle chew toy.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Fuck you that wasn't me this time, you slanty-eyed yellow sack of goat shit. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "Are there senior citizens /and/ kids in here now?"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I have a quiz first thing tomorrow, okay? >> Pause. << Wait, any of you wanna ride along for Algebra? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Jim is fucking geriatric. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hive's great at algebra. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< That's it, I'm gonna go slam my hand in a car door. And SHARE it with you people. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< What the fuck, no, I'm kinda shitty at it probably I haven't done it in years the fuck? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... but you're Asian. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< It's like baby algebra, Hive. With the fucking freshmen. Plleeeeeease? >>"
<Borg> Someone thinks that's Japenese specific.
<Borg> Someone says, "That's /racist/."
<Borg> Someone says, "Kid, Hive ain't even got a calculator to his name right now."
<Borg> Someone's facepalming can probably be /felt/ by all of you right now.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< He can borrow mine, /duh/. >>"
<Borg> Someone wants honey.
<Borg> Someone SIGHS. I'm alright with math. Jesus, it's been about ten years but I'll come along. You better buy me a fern.
<Borg> Someone says, "<<Heywait, that's /cheating/, too...>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You can have mine, someone gave me a, uh. Gift -- I don't know? Basket? With honey? I can't even eat this. Also, guys, Hive is lying, he's pretty great at math. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< No it's not. The answers will be coming from my own head. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< We're mutants. Mutants cheat at LIFE. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< OK, fine, yeah, I am, but it's shitall to do with being Asian, okay? I just studied a lot of engineering. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Seriously. And math cheats too, what the hell are letters doing up in the numbers. Christ. >>"
<Borg> Someone is sick of this math talk already. Can I have the honey.
<Borg> Someone says, "Who's getting honey. I want honey."
<Borg> Someone says, "<<Equations are the devil's sentences!>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< If I pass, can I have some honey? >>"
<Borg> Someone has no idea who /has/ honey, or who /wants/ the honey.  Has no honey, if that is helpful?
<Borg> Someone says, "<< If this is just one of you being a cocktease again... >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Cocktease with honey. Kinky. Also messy. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Silly, you don't put honey on cocks. External use only. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<<Ohgosh, /sticky/ bad...>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< .... >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Also. Cocks are external. So. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Cocks are ex -- HEY. Get out of my HEAD. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh wait. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< But it's best when they go in things. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< No you! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Honey is meant to be eaten >:). >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Look guys okay at least SOME of you must be near the east village. Someone is getting this honey. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Fuck you I'm coming over. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< What, you don't want to keep it now? Free sex toy, dude! >>"
<Borg> Someone eyebrowwaggles. << He's giving someone his honey. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... it's not vegan I don't EAT honey! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "!!!"
<Borg> Someone has a very sudden awkward PANG because SOMEONE isn't there to say fuck-you to when he visits :(.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Also feel kind of WEIRD about the gift basket in general but, uh. Honey! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You can say fuck you. Just say it at Jax, I'll hear. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< How is honey not vegan? >>"
<Borg> Someone quietly twinges underneat the joking, though.
<Borg> Someone can't say 'fuck you' to Jax! D:<
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... bees are animals, dude. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< It's made by bee-slave labour. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Nuh uh, they're bugs. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... >>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You're gonna need some help when it comes time for biology, too, aren't you. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< And they make it anyway. It's not like baby sheep, they don't fall on your plate in chops. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ...probably. Bastian said he'd help me. :( >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Someone else meet me at Jax's. I need to yell at someone through them. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Also just not too clear on the whole vegan concept as a WHOLE. Uh. Look. Just picture everything good in life, okay? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Then imagine you can't have any of it. That's vegan. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Um.  I can't right now.  Someone may be about to get mobbed over here.  :( >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ...mobbed? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Mobbed? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, " << Angryguys.  Visiblemutant.  Ugh >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ! >>"
<Borg> Someone is suddenly fretting. << Y'okay? >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Son of a bitch. Run 'em over. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Not in the middle of it.  I'm on foot.  Got my phone.  May call the cops if this goes south. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< There's a MOB where the hell did the MOB come from?? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, " << OKAY, it's only like 3 people, but they're /big/. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... would they like some honey? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Assholes always travel in packs. Like pigeons. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You are like a MAGNET for this shit, man, get inside! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You could throw the honey at them. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Honey-bomb. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< HAS NO HONEY! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< And then run like your ass is on fire. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Flicker could get you honey in a hurry, he's mobile again. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, " << Somehow, I think /honey-throwing/ will only make this /worse/. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< How could honey make anything worse, it's /honey/! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Where the hell are you? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< OMG guys Jim's turning into a TOTAL hero. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Near some club in the Village?  I was just walkin' home from the /store/. >>"
<Borg> Someone is still quietly fretting. << Where are you, honey-hon >> << oh gosh honey >> << oh like the endearment this time not like sweetstuff. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Kick their ass, Jim! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Shut the fuck up I'm on my way. >>"
<Borg> Someone YANKS at Jim's brain. << Jegus fuck I swear I'm leashing you don't you fucking start shit asshole. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< OW FUCK YOU >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oooh, someone's in troooouble. Lots of someones! C'mon, no, he's /awesome/ when he's kicking ass! He's like BAM! I GOT A GUN! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I can thrash harder, don't even try to start shit with me. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< You know what that situation DOESN'T need? A gun. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, " << It hasn't gotten in a way that /did/ anything yet? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Not. Gonna. Use. A. Gun. >> THRASHTRASHTHRASH."
<Borg> Someone says, " << NO GUNS! >>"
<Borg> Someone mumbles. << ...still a badass, even without a gun... >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< you don't need a fucking gun to deal with stupid street punks JESUS CHRIST LAY OFF ASSHOLE. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "YANKYANK - 'GATOR ROLL."
<Borg> Someone doesn't thrash so much as CLAMP DOWN on Jim. Like a mastiff laying his PAW down on a yappy shih-tzu. << S'a fucking idiot is what he is. Go to bed, old man. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ...!!!!!  >:(!!!!!! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< !!!... !!....! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<<(I still think you're a badass)>>"
<Borg> Someone finally gives up. GOES LIMP. << FUCK YOU. >>
<Borg> Someone still wants honey.
<Borg> Someone is an idiot.  :(
<Borg> Someone wants an ice pack >:|. ... and honey.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh gosh who is an idiot what's going on is everyone okay??? >>"
<Borg> Someone can't leave well enough alone.  Will have to update you on the okay.  :(
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Shoulda let Jim go handle bidness, dude. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Why didn't you stop HIM? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Micah's not a fucking idiot is why even if he has no self-esteem. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Last time Jim handled fucking business I had to come brainrape a facemelting psychopath do you know what it's LIKE having that shit in your HEAD no thanks. >>"
<Borg> Someone has self-esteem.  Makes bad /choices/.
<Borg> Someone lipbites. << Oh gosh oh gosh are you okay please be okay. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ... >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "obviously, he's dead and we're just communing with his spirit."
<Borg> Someone's not dead yet!
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Man, guys, Hive is like almost /normal/ again. Check it out, he said I! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< DON'T DIE. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I got better? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Ohgosh, nerd <3! >>"
<Borg> Someone is glad someone got it.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Monty Python is not /nerd/ dude what the fuck. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< That is like as main-fucking-stream as you can get. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Whafuck is Monty Python? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< See? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< One person being /pop/-culturally illiterate doesn't make it any nerdier, dipshit. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< So am I allowed to go see if anyone's bleeding yet, or am I still supposed to just sit on my hands for the rest of the day? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< No one is bleeding. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Sit on your fucking hands, asshole. Nobody's bleeding. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh no.  I was disappointly mainstream in my choice of geeky material.  Why the hell are you so grumpy? >>"
<Borg> Someone is really not sure how this is gonna go.  << Sorry I think loud.  I don't mean to worry everyone. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Sorry, I'm going to have to agree. If my mom has seen it, it's not geeky. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< S'been a few days since he's had Jim-kisses. >>"
<Borg> Someone thought Mel was getting the Jim-kisses.
<Borg> Someone is still worried. /Leaking/ worry /all over/ the rest of you.
<Borg> Someone hugs.  Generally.  Just hugs /everything/.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< If something bad is happening, why aren't all of us in the city wandering out there en masse to stare down the bad and make it creeped the hell out? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< creepiness could totally discourage violence."
<Borg> Someone says, ">>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I'm in my jammies. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Do you have any idea how the fuck many bad things happen in the city every fucking day, jegus. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Also, Micah is a /big boy/. If he wanted an entourage swooping to his rescue like some fucking damsel in /distress/ he could ask for backup. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I'm not saying 'save the world' I'm saying 'one of our own is out there and fretting up a storm. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Micah, would you like backup? >>"
<Borg> Someone is a self-rescuing princess, thank you.  << Well, sometimes, anyway.  I think more people might just make this worse. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< There. See. Now all of you sit down and shut the fuck up. >>"
<Borg> Someone thinks REALLY HARD about cheekpinching Hive.
<Borg> Someone goes back to making ramen.  << How did you know I was standing?  That's amazing! >>
<Borg> Someone wasn't going to start shit, you meddling sack of shit. I have, at a FEW rare time sin my life, been able to help solve problems.
<Borg> Someone says, "SHOCKING as that may be to you"
<Borg> Someone is trying to write, please quiet your lovers' quarrel.
<Borg> Someone might be starting to imagine Hive and Jim making out HARD CORE.
<Borg> Someone joins in.
<Borg> Someone is revving up to... try... THRASHING... AGAIN.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< treeee kisses.  His beard is all mossy and soffft... >>"
<Borg> Someone says, " << OHGOSH that is really distracting. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Mel got one kiss and look what it's done to her brain. >>"
<Borg> Someone is a burning angry coil of /embarrassment/.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< That seems to be a common trend around here. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< There's this whole thing about a lack of privacy.  Like I'm pretty sure you all know that I am wearing polka dot underwear today.  See? No privacy. >>"
<Borg> Someone likes polka dots.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Good thing we have FRIENDS for that. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Friends?  For underwear? >>"
<Borg> Someone is puzzled. Has his own underwear.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< To polka? >>"
<Borg> Someone isn't polkaing what the fuck.
<Borg> Someone had a polka class in the 8th grade, doesn't remember shit about how to actually polka.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Cuz your friends don't dance and if they don't dance -- >>"
<Borg> Someone imagines it's mostly a lot of locking arms and spinning around?  To accordions?
<Borg> Someone says, "<< They're no friends of mine! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Did it seriously just get all Safety Dance in here? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< We can dance if we want to, okay? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< YES. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< But we /can't/ leave our friends behind...>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Because brain-tethers. >>"
<Borg> Someone sullen brain-yank.
<Borg> Someone likes her attachment to Hive.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Okay, I think the situation cooled off.  Should be fine as long as no one calls the cops on the Mutanting in Progress. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Don't say thinks like that. It's like asking the Universe to do what you just described would be bad. >>"
<Borg> Someone grumbles. << The flatscan did fine on his own. No superheroing needed. Can we all get back to our lives now? >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Didn't /say/.  /Thought/.>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hey! That's -- wait is that racist? What do you even call that? It's not a nice word though! >>"
<Borg> Someone is still trying to write. << Can I perhaps have some earplugs. Mindplugs. Somethingplugs. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hey.  'Flatscan' over here. >>"
<Borg> Someone snickers. Somethingplugs alright.
<Borg> Someone isn't sure what that means.  :(
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I'm sorry, forgive me. What is the politically correct term for the genetically inferior? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< When they scan us, we cause no blips on the mutant registry. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< So the scan comes out flat. >>"
<Borg> Someone giggles.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Dunno...  I just go with 'boring'. :) >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Politically correct term is 'you're an asshole.' >>"
<Borg> Someone has sudden memories of Micahkissing. << notboring at all ohmygosh >> << SORRY >>
<Borg> Someone gigglefits.  "<< /Geneticist/. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Okay, Micah's not boring because his lips are superior. >>"
<Borg> Someone BLUSHES FURIOUSLIER.  Which is a word OHGOSH.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< /Queer/ flatscan. Great. /How/ do I turn this thing off again? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< apparently, you ask one of the few people that convinced Hive to let go of someone to let go of you.  But maybe bribes were involved too.  SO.  Bribery. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I bribed him with my /brain/ last time.  And I'm fresh out of those.  Sorry. >>"
<Borg> Someone can't let most of these people go, sorry. Kinda stuck with the assholes as /well/.
<Borg> Someone isn't any more happy about it than the rest of you.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< OH.  Well, sorry.  Bribery is out. >>"
<Borg> Someone doesn't really know how this all happened I just tried to kick Hive's ass until he let some go.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ...and then man, how do you kick that out if you don't know when the next time you can punch him in the FACE might be. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Don't punch Hive. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< It's real easy. Just punch yourself in the face, he'll feel it. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< NO punching! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Hey, he can shove me around in my BRAIN, I'm can shove around HIS FACE with my FIST. >>"
<Borg> Someone protectivehugs Hive.
<Borg> Someone sends a sudden jolt of pain through the network. May have just punched themselves in the face.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< ! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< That wasn't me. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Jegus /fuck/. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Ow. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Jesus! Knock it the hell off! >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< WHATtheWHY??? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< WASN'T ME. JESUS. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< What the hell.  You made me spill my ramen. Can we get back to the kissing?  I like that better. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< owowow >>"
<Borg> Someone likes kissing.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Wait. Is someone hurt? >>"
<Borg> Someone idly drifts into Micahkissing daydreams.
<Borg> Someone gets really distracted...
<Borg> Someone grumbles. << Y'know, half you assholes were all SCHOOL IS IMPORTANT and now you're not letting me sleep. >>
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I think they did it to themselves. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Why the fuck would anyone do this. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Go to sleep, Shelby, school is still important, even when sleep deprived. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Seriously? Fucking gayass kissing AGAIN goddammit let me the fuck go this is ridiculous. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Kissing is better than schoolwork. >>"
<Borg> Someone ... idly drifts into Micahsex daydreams.
<Borg> Someone ...misses Bastian.
<Borg> Someone has an immediate rush of embarrasment ohgoshohgosh shutup brain.
<Borg> Someone  gets reallyreally distracted.  Realises distractedness.  /BLUSHES/.  OHGOSH.
<Borg> Someone grumbles. Fag.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< My brain is mean to me :( >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Sex is much better than schoolwork.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Sorry, Micah, I don't know if I will be able to look you in the face next time I see you.  But, if you want to get coffee sometime, that'd be cool. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Who the fuck is that? >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Not me! >>"
<Borg> Someone is not a cigarette, by the way.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< not me. >"
<Borg> Someone wants a cigarette.
<Borg> Someone puts a pillow over her head, starts counting sex positions to try to get to sleep.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Who am I gettin' coffee with, now?>>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Mel. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Oh.  Yeah.  Coffee.  Must be Mel-me >>"
<Borg> Someone smiles.  "<< Oh, sure, that'd be nice. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I got open mic tomorrow, maybe during the weekend? >>"
<Borg> Someone is getting hungry. The brainlink is flooding with -- an odd craving for blood.
<Borg> Someone says, "<< I'm going to the range. You can all kiss my ass. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< DUSK, eat. >>"
<Borg> Someone says, "<< Dammit. I had two bowls of ramen and now I'm hungry again. >>"
<Borg> Someone will be bombarding the collective with loud, BLAM! BLAM! ... *chk-klk* .... BLAM! BLAM! noises for a while.
<Borg> Someone hkhawgehsja.
<Borg> Someone idly thinks about