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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Fiona, Mai, Paige | summary = "Everything was fine for years. Then suddenly people care." | gamedate = 2016-12-24 | gamedatename = | subtitle = ...")
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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = [[Fiona]], [[Mai]], [[Paige]]
| cast = [[Fiona]], [[Mai]], [[Paige]]
| summary = "Everything was fine for years. Then suddenly people care."
| summary = "Everything was fine for years. Then suddenly people care." (Takes place prior to [[ArchivedLogs: A Friend for Dinner]].)
| gamedate = 2016-12-24
| gamedate = 2016-12-24
| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = <NYC> [[Central Park North]]
| location = <NYC> [[Central Park North]]

Latest revision as of 05:17, 19 October 2020

Things Are Happening
Dramatis Personae

Fiona, Mai, Paige


"Everything was fine for years. Then suddenly people care." (Takes place prior to ArchivedLogs: A Friend for Dinner.)


<NYC> Central Park North

Central Park North is slightly quieter than its southern counterpart, being further uptown and slightly out of the bustle of the City - insofar as one can escape the bustle of the City even here, in the acres of green and blue that make up Central Park. The reservoir is in the northern half, providing miles of jogging and biking trails along the clear water, as well as benches for people to sit and rest.

It's late morning, nearly noon, on Christmas Eve in New York City. The temperature is above freezing, but the showering rain does not help keep anyone caught in it particularly warm. On a bench to the side of a main path, a figure sits with her head tilted back. Her hood has fallen off to reveal two large horns that sweep towards the back of her skull as Paige stares up to the sky, letting the falling water pepper her face. The young woman's hands are hidden within her grey sweatshirt's pocket while her legs are covered by a pair of jeans. Her feet, however, bear no protection and are not feet at all, but cloven hooves.

Mai is not one to get bullied by weather it seems, judging from that she seems to be jogging through the park, it helps in keeping warm as well despite the rather chilly weather, she hates winter, but does not let it stop her from keeping in shape. She is somewhat surprised though to see someone else out here too, and even more so just sitting there and soaking in the rain, thats just unusual. As she gets closer to the bench, and the person sitting on it, she can see certain details about her that reveal that she might be more unusual than initially thought. "Hey there, wasn't expecting to see anyone else out in this weather." is offered once she is close enough to be able to be heard without shouting, while she takes in more of the details of Paige, the horns, the hooves... all that is missing is wings!

Great! Freezing rain. Just what Fiona wanted on her birthday, not to mention Christmas Eve. She has her hands jammed in the pockets of her coat with a big fluffy scarf wrapped around her neck and mouth; a knit cap with a fuzzy ball on top adorns her head... but you can still see the two slight protrusions of her horns sticking up under the hat. One would guess she started making her way here before the rain started, and is now caught out in it. While walking along the path, she spots Paige and lets out a muffle, "Hey!" with a wave. She didn't manage to get the other girl's name though, the night before...

Ears twitch, causing Paige to sigh at the sensation, as they pick up Mai's voice. She gives a sniff, one more mucousy that might be expected from one simply sitting in the rain. Straightening herself up, she looks towards the new-comer. A quick look around reveals that she must be the target of the other girl's attention. "Uh, hi," the blonde girl offers in response. "Yeah, it's pretty gross, raining on Christmas Eve and all." She shivers as though now noticing the cold and her ears flick again, this time at Fiona's call. Spying the dragon-lady, she blinks and returns the gesture. "Hi!" she replies, seemingly surprised.

Mai stops fully once she is at the front of the bench, she might be somewhat staring but that is probably understandable taking in how exotic Paige looks. Once she realizes she is doing it though she snaps out of it, offering a smile while reaching a hand up to brush some of her wet hair off of her face, it tends to get so clingy in the rain. "I do hope you are not going to catch cold." She looks up to the sky at the mention of the rain. "Well, at least it can't rain all the time. I apologize for the curiosity, but you do look rather unusual... and I am still getting used to..." she drifts off as she hears another voice, turning her head over towards it, and damn, speaking of unusual!

Fiona is of course nearly fully covered, so Mai can probably see her red skin on part of her face and well, the tail (which is not covered, sadly - cold tail is the worst), and the little spikes sticking up about a half inch (maybe a little more) under the hat. "Brrr. Good to see you again. I 'spose we could have all chosen a better day to be out here, though!" she folds her arms across her chest, trying to stay warm. "I didn't catch your name last night, though!"

"Yeah...I know." Paige's response to Mai isn't the least bit sarcastic; it actually sounds more like she's agreeing with the other girl. In fact, she even offers a soft smile in return. "I, uh, understand the curiosity. It's, you know, normal, right? I understand, really. I'm not used to it myself yet. Some people, though...they do kind of mind. And I hope I don't catch a cold either." At Fiona's words, the blonde girl lets out a laugh. "'We'? I came out here to clear my head and get my physical therapy in. I've got...these stupid hoove-things. They're stupid and hard to walk with so I have to practice. A lot." Her ears flick while she stares at her hooves for a moment. "Oh! I'm Paige! Sorry about last night. I was a bit...not in a good headspace, you know? Did you ever manage to get to Evolve?"

Mai looks between the two others for a moment while she listens to their conversation. "Ah, I guess you two know each other? Just let me know if I am being a bother and I can leave." she offers, before nodding in agreement with Fiona. "Yeah, I don't suppose either of you would know of some place nearby where we could be... you know, out of the rain and cold? Would probably be more comfortable. Oh I am Mai by the way." Then her attention is drawn to the hooves as Paige mentions them. "Ouch, that doesn't sound nice. Though maybe it will be something like that once you do learn how to do it, they might actually end up being better than regular feet? I imagine should be good for kicking any of those jerks that get all foaming at the mouth when they see anything 'different' from their own ideals."

"Ah, no... I um... got lost again, kinda. Well not really lost, but more I didn't find it," Fiona shrugs a bit helplessly. She does need to do something about her food situation though - she is quickly running out of money and out of the food she brought with her. Fun! She looks down at Paige's hooves, then back up to her, "I dunno, they don't look that stupid to me. Just different? Are they hard to balance on?" she wonders. "Also, I crossed under a bridge a ways back there... we could probably, you know, stand under that. Instead of getting rained on."

"They don't -hurt- anymore, so that's a good thing. And I think kicking will have to come after running and running will have to come after walking," Paige remarks as she bumps her legs against each other before pushing herself off of the bench. Her ears push back and down slightly when Mai talks of such jerks. "And given how my brain is working lately, I'd probably run before fighting back." With a nod to Fiona, she says, "Yeah, they are. But I've been doing a lot better, I think. I also have some friends who've helped me. They're pretty amazing. And a bridge sounds pretty nice and dry compared to this." Paige's eyes have glanced over Fiona again, having wandered down to the other's tail and back up to her head. "You, uh, have horns too?"

Mai gives a smile at Fiona. "Well, that should at the very least take care of the rain... not sure about the temperature, though... but still, improvement to the current situation for sure, lead the way!" Then turning her attention back to Paige as she watches the girl standing up. "I am not sure if running would be good, that would just encourage them, should never give in to bullies. My dad always said, never start a fight, but always be ready to finish it." she explains.

"Horns?" Fiona blinks, pushing her hat up to reveal the two short spikes protruding from her head. They're a dark black in color, similar to her fingernails and toenails. "I guess I do, don't I?" she smiles faintly. "I've just kind of always had them, I guess. Gets to the point where you don't even think about it," she notes, pulling the hat back down over them. "I wouldn't say I've NEVER thought about them, or anything." When they're finally under the bridge a few dozen yards away, she pulls off her hat again, wringing the cold water out of it. "I think it's OK to run away sometimes, if you have to."

"Mine are new," comes Paige's simple response once they are under the bridge, having listened silently to Fiona's explanation. "I, uh..." the blonde girl begins before apparently thinking better of her next words. "Well, uh, when you put it that way, running doesn't sound so grand." She lets out a puff of air in a sigh. "But I'm not sure I can finish any fights either. I'm wearing multiple layers, at least, though it's...annoying that I can't wear shoes. Oh, and I don't think I caught your name?" This part is directed to Fiona. "And where are you two from, if you don't mind me asking?"

Mai is quite happy to get out of the rain also, brushing excess water off from her hair, long hair can be such a pain when its wet. "Anyone can learn how to fight, it is more the attitude that is important, than skill, especially when it comes to dealing with bullies, they are for most parts not all that brave, or capable, they just try to make up for it by making lot of noise. If you don't let that scare you, they tend to back off. Never let them see that you are afraid of them." Pausing for a moment while Paige talks to Fiona, she then replies to the question. "From chinatown, as you might have guessed." said with a light laugh.

Fiona removes her glasses, attempting to dry them off with her shirt tail, before she puts them back on, pushing them up on her nose. "I'm Fiona," she says brightly, the water not appearing to phase her at all. Nothing phases her! "I'm from Middle-of-Nowhere, Missouri," the girl nods. "Warrensburg, actually, it's just a little college town," she shrugs. "Anyway personally, I don't think people should fight unless they have no choice... even if someone's bullying you, there's usually a better way. I think, anyway... I guess it just depends on the situation."

"Scare...yeah..." The older girl's brows furrow and she removes one hand from her pocket to rub it against the opposing arm. "I just, uh, try to avoid the bullies and ignore them when I can. I just...really -want- to run away from them, you know?" A flick of the ears as she changes topics. "So, the city then? And Missouri." Paige chews on her lip as she thinks, her freed hand falling to her side. "I'm from New Hampshire. Super small little town. Got here a few months ago. I was attending Southern New Hampshire University, but, uh, I kind of left due to-- due to my manifestation. Not that I had to leave?" Her pitch raises at the end, creating an inflection. "I just, you know, ran." She sighs and again tries to direct the conversation away from herself even as she continuously brings it back to herself. " two like it here?"

Mai listens to both of the other two talking about where they came from. "Must have been cool to live out there away from all the bustle of the city, yeah?" she inquires. "So what brought you two all the way here to Manhattan? Oh and its okay here I suppose, winter sucks, too cold! But rest of the time its not too bad. This year has been kind of rough though... but at least it can't get any worse I suppose."

Fiona shifts her weight from one foot to the other nervously, "It's okay. I guess. I kind of had some fantasy in my head about people being much more accepting here and... well it's just a place like any other, I guess. I mean, aside from it actually being New York City, which is kinda cool. But everything here is REALLY expensive, and, I dunno, the last time I showered was at some truck stop in Pennsylvania... I might have to go back home at this rate," she frowns.

Paige blinks at Mai's question. "I, well, I can't go home. I thought I could kind of escape here and not be, you know, found. That part didn't really work out for me, though." At this last part, she swallows, trying to keep her composure in check. "But, uh, it's been wonderful otherwise. I mean, not having a place to live at first kind of sucked, but there's this place called the Commons -- uh, Harbor Commons -- and they're just really, really awesome. I've made a few friends, one who is totally the best of them all, and they're really, you know, supportive. And, yeah, I guess it could be worse. At least there's not one of those 'zombie' outbreaks like there was a while back? I, uh, read about those."

Wide eyes inspect Fiona as the dragon-lady speaks. "You poor thing!" The words are said with sincerity and not a hint of mockery or sarcasm. "Jesus! Why didn't you say something last night? I'm sure we could have gotten you into the Commons for a shower. Where the heck are you staying that they don't even have a shower?" A pause as Paige narrows her eyes. "-Are- you even staying somewhere? I mean, I did my fair share of sleeping in coffee shops until Steve found me and directed me to the Commons. They're super nice there, like I said last night. I'm -sure- they would be willing to at least give you a shower if we asked. I mean, New York City is no fantasy land, but geez!"

Mai blinks in surprise at Fiona's words as well, though not reacting quite as strongly as Paige does."Hey maybe you could stay at my place for a few days, until you can get things in order? Its not much but beats not having anywhere to stay, and food ain't that expensive if you cook it yourself." she offers with a smile, then her curiosity is drawn to Paige at her words. "Really? Maybe you can show me that place too? It sounds much better than my crappy apartment."

"N-no," Fiona stammers, "I've just been camping out. It's been okay. It's just like, when me and my dad used to go on hiking trips," she rubs one arm with the other, tail swishing behind her like a little kid that's been caught doing something they shouldn't. "I dunno. I was just afraid someone would call the cops and they'd send me back home," she slumps against the wall, sliding down to a sitting position and hugging her knees. "A bunch of stuff happened. I mean, don't get me wrong - everyone was so nice back there, in general... Nobody EVER gave me trouble, but then lately some new people showed up and..." She buries her mouth and nose in her thick scarf.

To Mai, Paige offers, "I guess I could. I'm sure you could, like, apply for a place there or something. It's a cooperative residential complex. If you're able to pay rent in...uh...what is rent even like in Chinatown?" Although she seems interested in helping Mai out, her attention is clearly held by the shorter girl. Brows pulling together and lips pursing, she attempts to squat down in front of Fiona, but only manages to fall backwards. She blinks as she seems about to land on her ass, but doesn't seem to give it much mind. "Hey, it's okay. I wasn't trying to give you a hard time. I just--it's just hard to see someone struggle, you know? If I had known last night, I would have said something. The city is kind of scary and the cops...well, don't worry about them, alright? I mean," here she shrugs. "I'm scared all the time. If camping works for you, then that's a good thing. I've never been much for it myself. And nobody ever gave -me- trouble before I know, changing. And I don't --I can't, really-- want to go back home myself. So I kind of get how it feels, I guess?"

Mai nods slightly at Paige's explanation. "Sounds pretty cool, would be nice to have some people around to talk with and stuff, you know. Its pretty lonely living all alone." Frowning some at what Fiona is explaining. "I bet it was those so-called 'friends of humanity' a bunch of pretentous pricks those are." Blinking then as she sees Paige starting to fall over and instinctively reacts to 'catch' her before that happens, although she does not actually move, but some kind of invisible force suspends the goat girl and pushes her back upright. She doesn't even realize that she did it until after, which makes her bite her lower lip some, that was stupid! Pretending like she didn't even notice anything unusual, she continues on the conversation. "Yeah I agree with Paige, don't let the fear control you. Things my look bleak now, but remember, its always darkest just before the dawn."

Fiona giggles a little at Paige's clumsiness - as it doesn't look like she's hurt. It lightens the mood a little. "No, I don't... I mean, I'd really rather sleep in a warm bed. Or, even a warm floor, that'd be okay..." she murmurs. She looks up at Mai, "M-maybe... I dunno who they were. It was all anonymous letters and then a couple of times I got attacked, one time two guys came into our house and another someone blew up a store I was in with a bomb. So, I can't go back; they might try it again and someone around me could get hurt. I don't want anybody to get hurt," she frowns again. "I just don't get it. I was born like this. Everything was fine for years. Then suddenly people care."

Finding oneself bouyed up after one's hooves fail them is not a typical occurrence. Paige blinks and draws a sharp breath in surprise before then finding herself pushed back into a standing position. Her eyes are wide as this clearly distracting incident implores her to check herself over. "I,'s, uh...I think, uh, I think...-THINGS- ARE HAPPENING!" A beautiful explanation from the goat girl, to be sure. The other two, however, seem to be carrying on with the conversation as if nothing happened. She cringes, a tensing of her spine and shoulders at the mention of the Friends of Humanity, but she does not offer any remarks on it. "I...uh...the...Um, ignore me..." Hopefully her apparently random act of freaking out will be forgotten soon. Paige's attention returns to Fiona once she's gathered herself again, crossing her arms and looking rather on edge after what happened. "That sounds...really intense and really scary. I'm so sorry that happened to you. It's, uh, not your fault, you know, right? People...people are just assholes. I mean, not all people, but some of them. We could, uh, work on that warm bed and floor, though, I think."

Mai gives a somewhat questioning look to Fiona at the last part of what she says. "I guess you haven't been following the news much? There was this pretty public terrorist attack made by mutants sometime ago which really stirred things up, ever since that every anti-mutant asshole has come out of their holes banging their war drums, because like, totally there has never been any terrorist attacks made by non-mutants, right?" she notes with a roll of her eyes. Focusing very hard to not giggle at Paige's outburst, but keeps up the whole act of not having noticed anything, maybe she will manage to keep her secret! "Uh, are you alright, Paige? But yeah, I agree that getting somewhere warm would likely be a good first step, did I mention I hate the cold?"

Fiona blinks at Paige. "Are things happening?" she seems somewhat confused. "I guess, I mean... Really? I didn't hear about that. I guess I was kinda in my own little bubble." But can you really blame her? "I was pretty busy with school and... maybe getting a driver's license soon and everything." Yeah, that would have been pretty cool. "Hmm... I wonder if you had some like... rubber on the bottoms of your hooves if it'd be easier to move around. Like, some of those little chair feet things." Just an idle thought!

"You didn't notice it?" Paige's expression is worried, confused. "I mean I, uh, thought they were?" Her voice comes out as a squeak with this; she's clearly struggling in her attempt to figure things out. Her hand rubs the back of her neck. "It's probably just stress or, uh, something..." Still, while the blonde girl looks rather frightened, she manages to hold herself together for the time being. "I...don't think chair boots would help. I mean my toes still kind of need to move...or whatever it is that they do." A shiver passes through her. "Yeah, could we maybe go someplace warmer?"

Mai chuckles a bit at the mental image of Paige wearing chair feet paddings on her hooves. "I think its more like she just needs some time to get used to them, its kind of like learning how to walk again, I suppose?" she offers with a shrug, then smiles at Paige. "Well weren't you the one who had this place in mind? That commons or something? Maybe we could go there?"

"Yeah, we should head back. It would be really bad if we got sick out here..." Quite! "I say, we go back to Paige's place! Or that Evolve place... Hrm," she looks to Paige for confirmation, climbing to her feet.

Putting her confusion aside for the time being, Paige says, "It's not really -my- place. It's a place where they let me stay as a guest. And, well, I don't really know how it works with bringing people over and such. I feel like I should probably find that out first. Evolve would probably be better, to be honest, though either way we'll need to take the subway. I mean, that's what I'm doing. You two are free to walk in the cold. And, yeah." This last part is addressed towards Mai with a furrowed brow as she starts making her way towards the nearest station. "Well, not -really- like learning how to walk again? The changes have happened slowly, but it still takes a lot of getting used to. It was harder before when I was basically walking on the balls of my feet all the time."