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[[Category:Active PCs]][[Category:Brotherhood of Mutants]][[Category:Mutants]]
[[Category:Inactive PCs]][[Category:Brotherhood of Mutants]][[Category:Mutants]]

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Who am I? That, my dear, is an excellent question. Though not one easily answered.

xxxxxThe Brotherhood's master spy, dangerous and capable of anything.


xxxxxEither exceptionally beautiful or a horrible demon depending on your point of view, Mystique in her true form is a woman who is impossible to miss. Standing tall at just under six foot her sleek physique would be the envy of supermodels, were it not for her exotic colouring. Her skin a deep shade of blue, hair a slicked back shock of red matching the colour of fresh blood and iris-less yellow eyes with compound pupils that glow with an inner light, Mystique has all the primary colour warnings of a deadly predator. Most of her body is covered in varying patterns of reptilian scales, sufficiently thick over her intimate areas as to provide a modicum of propriety. For Mystique never wears clothes, preferring to flaunt her true form as a visual of mutant superiority and as a tactic to put others off balance.


xxxxxVery few people have heard the name Mystique, many of those people are dead. Of those few people even fewer know that the name pertains to a blue metamorph and even fewer have ever met her in that blue flesh and Mystique likes to keep it that way.


xxxxxIt isn't known exactly when the girl that would become Mystique was born, with few ever realising that the seemingly young blue woman is actually centuries old. Most of Mystique's history is known only to herself, but if she were ever to tell the tale Mystique might say that she was born in a small village on the outskirts of Linz in what was then the Archduchy of Austria.

The young girl had a happy childhood, the treasured only child of a poor farmer couple. The girl was always precocious and so her parents did their best to educate her after the fashion of the time. But that happy childhood died when the girl turned thirteen and she woke up one morning with hair the colour of fresh blood. Her horrified parents summoned the village doctor, his herbs and poultices doing nothing to prevent the girl's skin slowly turning blue and scaly. That and the girl's now demonic looking yellow eyes convinced her terrified family to summon a priest, who upon arrival immediately declared her a demon that must be destroyed. As she screamed in terror the girl's parents dragged her out of the house and through the village to a pyre that had been built. As it was lit the girl cried out for her parents to save her, whilst they prayed fervently, cursing her as an abomination as the flames consumed her.

But survival is a powerful instinct and although burned herself, the flames broke her bonds and with a burst of speed the young girl was able to flee into the surrounding woods. Terrified and alone the young girl battled exposure, hunger and roaming bears. She quickly adapted to survive, hardening into the most dangerous predator in the woods, all the time honing her skills whilst her anger grew within her. After about a year, screams were heard from the home of the parents of the ‘demon child’ and when villagers arrived they found the father and mother already dead. But that was just the beginning. Even today it's not known exactly what happened, but what is certain is that some traders from a neighbouring village arrived shortly after to find it completely deserted, without so much of a sign of its former inhabitants. Terrified, the traders fled, leaving the cursed village to fall into ruin and off the map entirely. A girl had died and Mystique had been born.

Decades passed and the blue woman matured, growing more confident in the use of her powers, beginning to travel the world and amass wealth and power, believing herself to be alone in the world. It wasn't until the 1880's and an encounter with a young precognitive that Mystique discovered that she was not in fact alone and that she was not as alone as she had thought. Armed with this knowledge and guided by Destiny, Mystique dedicated herself to building a world which mutants would rule, working behind the scenes to further her agenda, manipulating events over the course of decades to try to bring that goal to fruition.

By the 1960's Mystique started to attempt to create a new generation of powerful mutants, attempts that ended in failure for various reasons, including a severe lack of a nurturing maternal instinct.

In 1975 Mystique was found by Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr. Subsequently she was invited to Utopia, where she quietly influenced a number of the arriving mutants toward adopting a mutant supremacist position. Due to increasing disagreements with Charles Xavier her presence on Utopia became much less regular, and she mostly disappeared by 1982.

In 1987 Destiny, her soulmate and wife of nearly a century passed away of old age, leaving Mystique bereft and heartbroken. For the next ten years she wandered aimlessly, starting wars, destroying governments, committing varied brutal crimes in an attempt to get over her loss. By 1999 she created the identity of Ronnie Lake, rapidly catapulting to fame as the 'Model of the Millennium', enjoying the empty trappings of beauty and status, but bored and listless...until she heard of the formation of the Brotherhood of Mutants.

It was Magneto that gave her purpose once more, her dedication to the cause of mutant supremacy renewed and she set about furthering the Brotherhood's goals through covert action. In 2014 she began impersonating senatorial aid Henry Gyrich, kidnapping his boss Senator Kelly and participating in the Liberty Island Incident. Afterwards she took the place of the deceased Senator, spending the next three years posing as him, delaying anti-mutant legislation and serving as a mutant advocate in the Senate.

In 2020 she assumed temporary leadership of the Brotherhood, relinquishing it again two years later and the Brotherhood freed the captive Magneto. Since that time she has been quietly maintaining and building contacts in government and amidst the growing mutant population, using many different names and identities, working quietly in the shadows, a spider in the web.


xxxxxMystique is a metamorph, able to take the shape of virtually any human or humanoid that she wishes. While she can increase her size to be an eight foot tall man or shrink down to a young child, doing so puts her under heavy strain and reduces the amount of time she can spend in such forms. The most comfortable shapes are therefore those closest to her natural form. Her shapeshifting is so precise that she can duplicate individuals at a cellular level, copying retina, skin pore and voiceprint patterns, along with fingerprints. She can also camouflage herself to the point of becoming virtually invisible, although only while stationary.

Her mutation grants her a superhuman level of agility and flexibility. Given that she possesses control over every cell in her body, Mystique has a high degree of metabolic control. She is capable of enhancing her own endurance, speed, senses, strength and durability to peak human levels, although not to the point of equalling those who possess those attributes as their main powerset. Mystique is capable of withstanding extreme temperatures and can regulate her body temperature much more efficiently than a regular human. Upon contact with a poisons or pathogen, Mystique is able to adapt to become immune to all subsequent exposure. Because of her ever refreshing cells Mystique has been able to halt the ageing process, her body still being that of a young woman even though she is in fact over 300 years old.

Through her mutation and training, Mystique also possesses a unique resistance to telepathy built up through psychic training with Regan Wyngarde, Mystique learned how to conceal her own thoughts beneath surface thoughts similar to the person she is imitating. She does not duplicate a target's mind, but merely presents her version of it that telepaths are likely to expect, thus concealing her identity. Unless a telepath is conducting a deep scan they are therefore unlikely to detect Mystique. This ability however provides no protection against psychic attacks.

Although Mystique can heal rapidly, she does not have a healing factor per se. Instead she may use her shapeshifting to rapidly repair wounds although the more serious they are the more she has to concentrate. As the process is not passive, she must therefore be conscious in order to heal her wounds. At present when she changes shape she can form an overlay of scent, including perfume or the like. To the human nose she would smell as her target, but those with enhanced senses are able to detect Mystique’s own scent lurking underneath.

Mystique has a near eidetic memory, being able to perfectly recall the appearance of nearly every individual she has seen along with details of their mannerisms and personal lives. It is possible that her mutation includes a form of passive scanning, as there is no way for her to see details such as retina patterns, which she is able to imitate.

Never wearing clothing, Mystique is capable of shifting her skin to resemble a wide range of substances including fabric, stone or metal. She can create virtually any accessory provided it is attached to her. Lastly, Mystique may form pouches inside her body, allowing her to carry items without appearing to.

Twofold exposure to Magneto’s Mutant Conversion Machine has enhanced her abilities, although as yet she is not yet fully aware of the machine’s impact. In the future she will begin to slowly develop these new facets, including the ability to fully alter and conceal her scent, alter the positioning of her internal organs and adopt animal forms. Development of these abilities are slow, as Mystique is not aware of her capabilities and must practice in order to avoid the risk of death.


xxxxxPerhaps one of the most skilled spies on the face of the planet, Mystique is highly proficient in all aspects of spycraft, including surveillance, interrogation, concealment, subterfuge and misdirection.

Because she doesn’t have an offense based power Mystique has honed her martial arts skills to become extremely dangerous in hand to hand combat. She is capable of taking down a fifteen strong fully trained armed SWAT team in short order using little more than her bare fists and can go toe to toe with opponents such as Wolverine and hold her own. But her expertise doesn’t end there; an extremely accurate markswoman, Mystique is very proficient with projectile and bladed weapons and is a skilled pilot in the air and at sea.

Many lifetimes of living other people’s lives has made Mystique an expert in reading the body language of others. She can almost invariably tell when she is being lied to and is herself an incredibly skilled liar. It isn’t enough to just look like a person, to be convincing then you have to act like them too, so Mystique has trained herself to observe all the individual tics and mannerisms of a target individual and mimic them perfectly. She has become so good at this, that she can replace a person and the people closest to them are unlikely to notice any difference.

Mystique has also posed as an enormous number of people during her long life and has therefore had cause to develop basic knowledge of multiple professions. Such knowledge is rarely useful for a practical application, but comes in useful when blending in.

Mystique speaks 14 languages fluently, these include: German, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish, Turkish, Arabic and Farsi.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

The Misguided

  • Coming soon

Useful Idiots

  • Coming soon


  • Coming soon

Randy Green

  • Freelance reporter, writes punchy pieces for the Daily Bugle.

Ronnie Lake

  • The Model of the Millennium. Deceased.
  • Random facts you think are worth knowing about your character.
  • And more random facts!
  • And more.

Prison escape mystique.webp Mystique7.webp Mystique6.jpg

Raven Darkhölme
Codename Mystique
Birthdate September 7th, 1716
Birthplace Linz, Austria
Species Mutant
Affiliation Brotherhood of Mutants
Alignment Herself
Powers Metamorph
Occupation Terrorist
Registration Status Unregistered
Faceclaim Rebecca Romijn
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
  • (2023-09-17)
Tough at the Top