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| gamedatename =  
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| location = <NYC> East Harlem
| location = <NYC> [[East Harlem]]
| categories = Mutants, Citizens, East Harlem, NPC-Jack, Gabriel, Donovan
| categories = Mutants, Citizens, East Harlem, NPC-Jack, Gabriel, Donovan
| log = With the highest violent crime rate in Manhattan and a failing educational system, it is easy to overlook the charms of El Barrio. Amidst its problems, East Harlem is a place thriving with culture. Salsa dancing has a rich history in the neighborhood, and in the open-air markets a wide assortment of goods can be bought from the West African community there.
| log = With the highest violent crime rate in Manhattan and a failing educational system, it is easy to overlook the charms of El Barrio. Amidst its problems, East Harlem is a place thriving with culture. Salsa dancing has a rich history in the neighborhood, and in the open-air markets a wide assortment of goods can be bought from the West African community there.

Latest revision as of 14:57, 7 August 2013

Tuesday Night Lights


Dramatis Personae

Donovan, Gabriel, Jack


Drug bust goes wrong. Gabriel is still totally innocent, promises.


<NYC> East Harlem

With the highest violent crime rate in Manhattan and a failing educational system, it is easy to overlook the charms of El Barrio. Amidst its problems, East Harlem is a place thriving with culture. Salsa dancing has a rich history in the neighborhood, and in the open-air markets a wide assortment of goods can be bought from the West African community there.

It's around midnight. The streets are less crowded than during the day, but this is New York, so you'll still see cars pass every few minutes. In a back alley, behind an apartment building (totally not a stereotype, promise), lies Gabriel and Jack. They're slowly walking down the alley, approaching a man leaning next to a dumpster. Gabriel, wearing his usual denim jacket, boots, and jeans combo, is the first to speak to Jack, who is also wearing his duster and calico gloves. "Jack, why the fuck are we in Harlem? No, scratch that, East Harlem?'. Jack laughs a bit, still walking, as he slightly turns to him. "My dealer lives down here, Gabby. Ya' know that.". Gabriel gives him a quick, angry look. "You dragged me all the way out to East Harlem this late for drugs?". Jack quickly glances back. "Heroin, Gabby. The good stuff.". Gabriel shakes his head, as they approach the dealer. They're in for a long night.

Donovan uses parkour for getting aroudn the city. Given his power set, it's okay if he messes up, he won't kill himself. And while flight is certianly easier, he'd much rather use it as a get out of jail free card, sometime litterally, given his limited flight ability. He lands quietly, he hopes, on a roof top. He had heard whispers of a Drug Dealer in East harlem. Guy was bad, horrible. Getting kids hooked, and then using them to sell once they were hooked.

It was something Donovan wasn't down with. So here he was, finding evidence of an actual Drug Dealer, so he can slam the guy around, and then drop an unconscious guy full of drugs on a door step fo the police. That's the plan anyway. It's a working plan... Still in progress.

He checks his costume. Hood is up. Bandanna is on. Gloves on. He nods and peers over the edge of the building. Man. Alley. Being approached. Time to watch, and see if he cna hear anything.

Jack and Gabriel don't notice Donovan, sadly. Jack approaches the dealer first, holding the money up. "Ey', it's Jack. You got the goods?". Choosing not to speak, the dealer pulls out a small box, holding it close to him, and shows him the heroin. Jack slides the money over to him, as the dealer passes the drugs. "Gabby, carry these. I don't want to get caught possessing drugs.". Gabriel quickly shakes his head at him. "They're your drugs. I'm not even comfortable being around them, and you know that.". Jack sighs, putting the drugs in his pocket. "Well 'en, wanna go to your place, watch a movie perhaps?". Gabriel stares back at him. "You're not coming near my apartment. They have a telepath there and I'd prefer he doesn't crack my brains to pieces, thank you.". Jack turns, to make another reply.

Leaping from the rooftop, Donovan lands in a crouch, his powers absorbing the impact of the drop and then slowly stands up. "Hi." He says darkly, adding a bit deeper tone ot his voice. "You must be the shit that is selling to the kids." He rolls a shoulder. "You have two choices. Turn yourself in to the cops and confese, and I will be watching to make sure you don't like hide your drugs and sick the cops on me. Or I beat the snot out of you, and you end up in jail anyway." He stnads easily. Confident. "Your choice dirt bags."

Gabriel is quickly turning his head to Donovan. "I, uh, think you have the wrong idea? Jack's just buying, we're not dealers. Yes, I'm admitting to drug possession, but then again, you're a vigilante. Look, we don't need to have any problems. Trust me.". Jack however, is not so nice and calm. "Hey fuckface, who the fuck do you think you are, Batman or some shit? Why don't you get the fuck out of here, I believe it's past your curfew.". Jack's holding his hand up, as the dealer is quickly running away behind them. Gabriel turns to Jack. "Jack, calm down! We don't need any fighting!". Jack bellows back. "Fuck that shit. This guy's going down.".

"You're adorable." Donovan says. though he wonders very briefly if he should get soe neat toys like the infamous Batman. That would be cool. He shakes his head. "Look. That scum bag sells to kids, then once their hooked uses them. I'm not okay with that." He narrows his eyes as regognition comes into his mind, he immediately makes a fist, ready to attack, incase he needs to. "I could care less about you. Over dose, do the world a favor. I want the dealer."

Donovan's not doing himself any favors. Jack's face turns red in seconds, ready for a fight. Gabriel looks around, thinking about running, but realizes no other choice. "Look, just let us leave. No one needs to get hurt.". Jack looks towards Gabriel and back at Donovan. "Fuck that, Gabby! I'mma kill this motherfucker.". Jack suddenly slams his thumb down, as a shot of pressure flies forward, ripping part of Donovan's hoodie. BANG!. It sounds like a gunshot, but not as loud, and smoke emits from Jack's finger. "Jack, fuck, the police will be here!". Jack laughs. "Do you think the police really care about gunshots in East fucking Harlem? Come on, help me out.". Gabriel's putting his hand inside his jacket, just he takes a deep breath. "Fuck, I guess this will have to happen, then.".

Blinking, as part of the hoodie is ripped, Donovan absorbs the passing shockwave and nods. "Yupp. All I wanted was the dealer." He throws his hand up and lets out an arc flash into the sky. He hopes he creates an intense flash of light, but he can't really control how much power he lets out. So he's just sort moves while does that, and leaps at Jack at the same time, coming up in a round house, releasing a little Kintetic Energy to speed him up and if he impacts HOPEFULLY throw Jack back into Gabriel. But again, he doens't know how much power he releases, he just aims and goes.

Thwump. Jack is kicked..and falls over on his bum. "FUCK.". He's immediately lifting himself up, as out of his jacket...Gabriel draws an extendable baton. "Look, I'm sorry about this in advance, wish this wouldn't have to happen, but I can't have you kill Jack, so..yeah.". In the next second, Gabriel is flicking his fingers down onto his his matter suddenly begins skirting upwards diagonally, above Donovan when it ends, he's directly above Donovan, and is dropping downwards onto him, with his baton out. "Light's out.".

The baton hits and Donovan's body absorbs the impact from the baton. He turns and looks to Gabriel. "Good news." He says evenly and does a fast Right Reverse punch to Gabriel's sternum, trying to let out the power he just absorbed from the baton. "I'm not trying to kill anybody. I just want the Drug Dealer. Which I will have to look for again." He backs away to keep both Jack and Gabriel where he can see them. He narrows his eyes and looks to his hand. The one that failed to produce the nice bright flash of light. "I'm fighitng two mutants and you fail me." He rolls his shoulders and adopts a martial artist's fighting stance. He watches the pair of them carefully. "You two are a pair. That is just fantastic. I'm very glad that criminals, like the rest of society can come out of the closet these days." He nods. Very good.

This time, the blast is much stronger. Gabriel is sent flying into the wall. As he lands hardly, he shouts to Donovan. "Don't him him..directly! He's just shrugging it off!". Gabriel's next move, is to move, basically. Using Capoiera, he's skirting around Donovan, trying to tire him out. He's prepared to hit any blows that come towards him, however. Jack grabs a bottle from the side of the alley, and tosses it up. "Bang!". As the bottle is above Donovan, he's shattering it, causing glass to rain down above him. Gabriel's using this time to get behind him.

The best part about having been in a war zone, is having an idea when something is going to happen. He crouches quickly as the bottle is thrown up and looks to the ground, watching the feet, and letting what was left of the hood cover hism form glass shards. Then he moves, throwing force into his movement to leap, he hopes, up and over Jack.

Instead he lands right in front of the other man. He sighs and looks at Jack. "Look. Not all of us can perfomr all the time okay? Its kind of an off day."

Jack resorts back to hand firing at him, over and over. After a while, he screams in pain, shaking his hand. Gabriel suddenly gets an idea. He runs over, grabbing a second bottle, seeing as hobos aren't good at recycling. This time, he smashes the bottle against a wall, turning it sharp. He's charging over at Donovan, from behind, and goes forward to stab him with it. "I'm sorry about this!"

Donovan crosses his arms over his face while Jack fires over and over, and the impacts, the force of it drives him to his knees. He grunts and then hears the bottle smash. "Shit." He says rolling as Gabriel stabs, the bottle ripping the hoodie open and cutting his upper rib cage. Blood flows and he stumbles a bit. Then holds both hands toward Gabriel and Jack, letting loose with an Arc Flash. "Yeah. Yer real... SHIT THAT HURTS! FUCK WHAT I WAS GONNA BE A SMART ASS ABOUT!!" He stumbles, trying to get away from the two making a fist. He strikes the wall. Focusing breifly on absorbing the enrgy form punching a wall. He turns and looks at the two, one hand clutching his side.

He winces a bit but keeps his cool, and his bandanna on, as much as he wants to rip it off and stuff it into the wound.

The blast flies forward. Gabriel's reflexes are faster than Jack's, and he's quickly 'warping' out of the range. Jack, however, is not so luckily, and is sent flying into the wall, knocked out. Gabriel's quickly running over to him, checking his vitals. When he can guarentee Jack's still alive, he shatters the bottle again into a small glass shard. "Okay, let's make a deal. I don't cut you up, and you leave and go catch your dealer guy. Does that sound fair? I won't follow you and the police don't need to know about any of this.". Gabriel's other hand is up, prepared to dash towards him and stab him at any moment.

"That friend of yours is a maniac." Donovan says evenly. "And I'm the guy wearing a mask to beat up bad guys." He watches the other man carefully and lets the power build in his hand. The Electircal kind. His eyes crackle with neon blue energy and he continues to back away. "I think your bud protected the Dealer tonight." He hisses in pain, his one hand, now jsut circled with an electrical line of energy. "I see you cats around that dealer again, and I'll unload with a full power Arc Flash before I simply beat the tar out of the Dealer and drag him in. But tonight. yeah. We're good."

Slowly, Gabriel is lifting Jack up. "Sounds fair. I admire what you're doing, but you're also a complete idiot for doing it.". Lifting Jack up slowly, out of the alley, he waves to Donovan. Gabriel's thinking for a second. "Hold on..I know why you seemed familiar.". He smiles. "Your secret's safe with me. And no, I won't tell Jack here. Hell, I don't even know your name, so all's good, anyways.". He continues dragging Jack off, until they're out of the alley, gone.