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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Peter, Rasa | summary = | gamedate = 2013-11-05 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <XS> Roof | categories = XS Roof, Mutants, Xavier's,...")
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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = [[Peter]], [[Rasa]]
| cast = [[Peter]], [[Rasa]]
| summary =  
| summary = (Part of [[TP-Infected|Infected TP]].)
| gamedate = 2013-11-05
| gamedate = 2013-11-05
| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =  

Latest revision as of 17:26, 20 December 2013

Fix It
Dramatis Personae

Peter, Rasa


(Part of Infected TP.)


<XS> Roof

The view from up here is phenomenal, a panorama of the expansive Xavier's grounds, forest and lake and rocky cliffs alike. Even without the view outwards, the rooftop itself holds its own delights, in the form of the tiny jewel of a flower garden tucked away up here, tended by one of the school's teachers. From the edge of the roof, with a veeery careful jump, it looks like it just might be possible to reach the treehouse in the old oak tree.

Peter arrives maybe a half an hour later; he's got something strapped to his back -- it appears to be... a large backpack? Black, nylon; stuffed to the gills with /something/. He's still wearing his black hoodie and mask -- although the former has a slash mark across the arm and chest, exposing unusual, honeycomb patterend red -- and his sweatpants have another nasty slash similarly exposing the red-and-blue pattern. He clambors up the side of the roof, landing with a whump, sliding the backpack down to the ground. "...Rasa?"

Rasa has spent the last half hour pretty much zoned out, sitting on the ground pretty much where Peter left hir, staring down at Ivan and not really touching him. Ze sits rather still when Peter whumps down with his bag and doesn't really acknowledge his return until he speaks hir name. Even then, ze is slow to move. Ze turns hir head, eyes remaining locked on Ivan. Hir eyes follow the head motion when Ivan is out of view, blinking away blurry vision. "Oh. Peter. That was quick. OH. What happened to your shirt? Did you get attacked again?" And then ze starts to rise, moving toward him with a hand lifted to investigate. "Are you okay? Is it bad down there?"

"--I'm fine," Peter tells hir, immediately -- lifting a hand, as if to hold hir back. Though his posture doesn't /seem/ afraid of her. "--might have gotten bit, though. I don't know. So, uh, watch it... around me." And then he's kicking the bag toward hir feet. "It's... kind of bad. Shane and Sebastian, they... they haven't turned. Yet. But they're getting there. I'm going to go with them to the city. See if we can't get to the clinic, maybe... find a cure. Bring it back. Maybe even save... some of the people. Who have died. Shane knows someone who can -- um. Bring people back."

"Ah. Well, I was bit yesterday. I don't know if it does stuff that quickly. They kind of just patched me up and wanted to watch me to be sure." Rasa gestures lightly at hir face and lets hir gaze drop to the bag Peter is nudging toward hir. "Daiki bit me," ze adds, frowning up at Peter and studying him. Ze exhales and lowers hirself to a kneel to look inside the bag. "The twins are getting there? I... Peter. You're... just going to leave?"

Peter relaxes, a little, after Rasa explains the bite; he reaches up to pluck at the back of his mask -- tugging it off. Exposing his chitin-clad face; flustered, violet -- his eyes a little rimmed around the corners. Apparently, he hasn't been having a good day -- then again, who has? "...we're going to try and save Daiki," he tells hir. Inside the pack are bottles of water; a few granola bars. Lots of airheads, candy -- what looks like a couple of candy bars. Slimjims; something he learned to carry around a lot for the twins.

The mention of leaving makes Peter visibly grimace; he turns away, moving toward the other side of the roof -- but soon is coming right back. Apparently pacing. Eyes dropping down to Ivan. "I can't -- Rasa, all I can do is bind people down for like an hour. I can't /save/ anyone here, I need to go find..." His lips purse again, turning into a hard, sharp line. "I don't know what else to do. To bring someone back to life, we need -- Eric. The police officer. I need to get him, so we can be ready. But... I'll be back. Soon. In a day, if /that/. Do you think -- will you turn in a day? That fast?" He looks down to Ivan, then, brow rumpling.

"I don't know. We don't really have a lot of experience with all of this yet. I don't think I've started. Maybe. I don't ... really know." There's some growing frustration in Rasa's tone, hir eyes starting to well up with emotion. "I don't want to turn. I don't want to die!" Ze draws in a breath to try to stop the speed of each following inhalation, eyes fluttering closed with the effort. "If I have anything to say about it, I won't. But I have to get Ivan inside. To the medical staff. I don't want some infection in his bites to make things worse. We kind of just... trapped whatever's in there without antibiotics." Ze grabs a slim jim out of the bag and tears it open with hir teeth, stripping down some plastic with hir fingers. "I'll probably be able to take him in when I've eaten."

"--Rasa," Peter responds, stepping forward -- hands darting out to catch hir by the shoulders as zhe tears into that slimjim. "You /won't/ die. Okay? I won't--" His brow rumples again at these words; his mouth twists into something between a frown and a whimper. "--no one's going to... I'm going to -- we're going to bring back as many people as possible, okay? I can help you get him down to medlab -- if you think it's... safe down there. I can get you /both/ down there, pretty much safely."

Rasa looks up quickly when Peter grabs hir, stiff and tense. Hir grip lessens on the food time after nearly bending it in half with the shock of being touched. Ze takes in another breath and straightens up. "I understand wanting to do something to fix this. Find a cure - heal... heal... Heal Daiki. I just can't leave. Can't leave Ivan. Can't risk going away when they might find it here." Another deep breath, then ze moves in to hug Peter, holding him tight - which isn't all that tight right now. "Don't die, Peter. Don't get torn apart by those things. Come back in one piece."

Peter hugs back. Fierce and sudden, tight and restrictive. "I won't, Rasa. I survive /everything/, remember?" The hug tightens a bit more; for an instant, it's almost /suffocating/ -- Peter's head pushes against Rasa's shoulder, and there's a tiny shudder of something -- almost a strangled sound in his throat. Before he pulls back -- almost /pushes/ hir back. "I'll be okay. /You/ stay safe. Keep Ivan safe. Oh, man, Rasa, /please/ keep Ivan safe," Peter adds, glancing down to him. "If he--" The words are cut off; he shakes his head. "...I'm going to fix this, okay? I'll -- be back. Soon. With -- the cure. Or something just as good." He's turning, now -- intent on moving out.

Rasa keeps hir arms around Peter while he hugs hir, holding hir breath and enduring the hug, but becoming lost in the moment that when he pushes hir away, it's far more jarring. Hir arms hang limp at hir sides, staring at him as he makes his final admonitions. "I will. As long as I live, I'm going to keep him safe." Ze remains stiff when he turns away completely, hir gaze moving toward hir person with a determined look.