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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = [[Noah]], [[Zach]]
| cast = [[Noah Ringe]], [[Zach]]
| summary = Car theft, and zombie bait
| summary = Car theft, and zombie bait. (Part of [[TP-Infected|Infected TP]].)
| gamedate = 2013-11-16
| gamedate = 2013-11-16
| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =  
| subtitle = Scream for your audience
| subtitle = Scream for your audience
| location = Queens
| location = <NYC> [[Queens]]
| categories = Citizens,Mutants
| categories = Citizens, Mutants, Queens, Noah Ringe, Zach, Infected
| log = With a city in quarantine and curfews in place, New York's night life is practically dead. And literally dead in many cases with things the way they are now. The streets have patrols going along at irregular intervals, by virtue of there simply not being enough manpower to handle a city this size with the troubles it is currently experiencing. If one wants to get around, one has to get creative, or be willing to tangle with zombies and the authorities.
| log = With a city in quarantine and curfews in place, New York's night life is practically dead. And literally dead in many cases with things the way they are now. The streets have patrols going along at irregular intervals, by virtue of there simply not being enough manpower to handle a city this size with the troubles it is currently experiencing. If one wants to get around, one has to get creative, or be willing to tangle with zombies and the authorities.

Latest revision as of 01:42, 11 July 2014

Great Sound System

Scream for your audience

Dramatis Personae

Noah Ringe, Zach

In Absentia


Car theft, and zombie bait. (Part of Infected TP.)


<NYC> Queens

With a city in quarantine and curfews in place, New York's night life is practically dead. And literally dead in many cases with things the way they are now. The streets have patrols going along at irregular intervals, by virtue of there simply not being enough manpower to handle a city this size with the troubles it is currently experiencing. If one wants to get around, one has to get creative, or be willing to tangle with zombies and the authorities.

Still not having had a proper replacement for his car, Zach has had to make due with whatever he could. Thankfully he had his powers to rely on, and streets alone were not a requirement for his mode of transport. He does however need something a bit more covered in metal walls to keep zombies away from him for what he wants to currently do though. Looking over a roof top to the old chevy below, he hops off into a freefall only to stop a few feet above air, firing off a screw in the general direction of down the road. With a screw driver and a slim jim, he pops the lock on the door and slides into the drivers seat.

A sound peals out through the streets locally, at first sounding most like a car's brakes as it careens out of control, but there's no following smash. Besides, with the 'traffic' of the array of cars everywhere, how anyone could get up to speed to make that noise with a car must be lucky. But it'll sound again, this time closer. It's actually some kind of high pitched shriek, more akin to a mutant with some kind of super voice. It carries no emotion, just a horribly eerie, ghastly note that makes the darkness throb against eardrums just slightly, suggestive of how high up in pitch it may go. It would mesh perfectly with a horror movie, to generate chills... but the sounds of the city keep it from being as startling as it may have been in complete silence.

The screamer, a large mass of dark armor normally, but today coated in a variety of nastiness, stalks rather unhurried down the sidewalk, hunched and sometimes using arms to get over a fallen mailbox, shopping cart, or barricade. The spiked black armored creature has at least three zombies stuck to him: a torso of one that's partially backwards and impaled on his shoulder spines, another near the back thigh, and an impaled one being hefted and dragged. He pauses, lashing tail, smearing some of the wiggling zombie off against a store's entryway in long bloody smear, but doesn't get much of it off.

Aside from that, he has company. Probably at least thirty zombies are following along after the big armored mutant. Any that start to wander hear the scream and reorient to trail along hungrily after him. It probably appears that the front mutation, covered in the gore, is pretty unconcerned about the whole thing, other than having gore stuck to it: which, with a partially successful scrape on a pole, sends a severed arm to land on the windshield of a car.

Cars everywhere are at least easy enough for Zach to get out of his path, and once the car revs up, he looks like he's got a crappy control of a manual as it jerks forward and stops over and over as cars get shunted out of the road. Of course cars being shifted out of his way merely opens up his view of the armored screaming mutant and the zombie horde attacking him. "Ah man, can't even steal a car these days without having a horde of zombies." Sealing the windows shut and locking the car up tight, he watches the horde and the armored thing a few moments before letting out a sigh.

"Dammit, I should help. Frigging world." Zach grumbles as he pops the clutch and slams the car into high gear in the now cleared roadway. Burning rubber down the road, the car comes to a sudden abrupt stop right next to the mutant as he gives a grin and a wave out the window, as the speed is transferred into the head zombie of the horde, flinging it back into the grouping like a bowling ball.

The car suddenly sliding next to Noah causes a startled reaction and half-screech that reeks of the emotion of not having at ALL expected a car to suddenly come careening over, or maybe the sudden stop alarmed him. Noah's large body rotates heavily to face the car, broad armored hands up and out to meet this new surprise car foe as if he was going to throw or shove the car in hand to hand combat... as if entirely forgetting the zombies. The weirdest part, likely, is that Noah has no eyes or face, really, just a mass of armor that doesn't remotely look like a visor, just twisted spined black chitin like you would expect from a grotesque, alien monster; low-slung jaw partially open to emit the scream, heavy battering-ram tail smashing into the remains of a window of the clothing store behind him in a shower of glass that he ignores. If anything, he seems maybe disoriented. Covered in gore as he is, he's about as appetizing as a zombie. He doesn't wave back: but the zombie torso on his shoulder is waving? So maybe that counts!

Grimmacing at the gross alien monster, Zach glances between the zombies and the monsters. "Dammit, why do I gotta meet all the weird looking ones." Holding up a hand as if asking for a pause and puts the car into reverse to slide back out of the thing's way. He does rev the engine a few times though and looks towards the zombie horde a moment then to the monster. Pulling the window down just a crack, he calls out "I'll get our of your way if you're having fun there."

The monster reacts as if it had no idea about any hand signals at all, crouching immediately at the engine rev, as if expecting the car to come ram him. Clearly defensive posture, that responded mostly to the revving sound. However, the call of voice changes things entirely, immediately. "Well, I WAS thinking up names for them. I was thinking Earl, Steve, and Matilda," Noah answers. His voice has a smoker's thickness to it, but also an upper pitch edge that would, if it wasn't clear enough already, prove that he was the scream source. "At least, while I decided what to do with them. They like to cuddle, and I'm more of a lone wolf," he continues, deadpan. He lacks the timbre or sincerity that would suggest he's a crazy: he's probably sarcastic, but without a face, he's wacky to judge. He seems entirely unconcerned that zombies have gotten up and are coming along towards them and the car (for cuddles).

"Yeah, I heard all about clingy exs. You should get a restraining order," Zach calls back out the window. Letting the engine sit at its normal rev rate, he puts it in neutral to get it ready to move. "Well, I'm planning on getting my ass out of here, whether there is a horde in the way or not." He gestures to the reassembling horde at that. "You're welcome to trash them yourself if you want? Or should I go for the spare?"

"I can't drive a car... but who would want to, it's such a nice day for walking," Noah comments. Technically it's night, but he did say day. Considering Noah's physiology, a carseat is a bit outside of that, just by general once-over. He'd ruin the upholstery. He turns just a little bit as if to take in the zombies sidelong, as if considering trashing them himself, or something else. "You made them fall down? Like, tele-keen-nitics?" Noah questions, curious. Not skeptically, but as if asking for a clarification. The zombie on his shoulder has started to chew on Noah's upper spine a little, meanwhile, like the creepiest of parrots.

"Dunno, they can probably call it that? I just move the speed around." Zach gives a shrug, then makes a face at the zombie chewing on Noah. "You've got something... thereish?" He gestures at the shoulder area. "Might want to get a napkin or something." He glances at the horde of zombies moving closer, and the armored fellow. "I'm running out of runaway here, so..." Pulling out a couple screws and coins from his pocket, he puts them on the dash of the car.

"Move the -- uh, okay. ....Got something where?" Noah asks blankly, as if he had no perception of the gesture. "You mean stuck on me? Yeah," Noah agrees, as if agreeing that traffic is bad lately. But it just is that way, isn't it. "Nawww, they're cool," Noah disagrees about the runaway space, and adjusts back from the car two steps (taking out the manniquin in the store window via tail) and screams at the the zombies. At close range, it's a heavy sonic pressure in the air, vibrations throb against surfaces. And, of course, every zombie that might have had interest in the car changes to orient and jog-shuffle at Noah. Noise and movement, evidently. "Come minions! Let's rob a bank," Noah tells the zombies grandly. And half gestures a 'byebye' at the car, not expecting Zach to stick around, at least by this 'selfless' behavior to pull the zombies away from the car, which could also probably be interpreted as showing off.

With the windows of the car shaking, Zach reaches out to grab the things he set on the dashboard before they rattle off to the ground. "Nice sound system by the way, bit heavy on the tweeter though." As the zombies start shuffling more towards Noah, he shakes his head, and kills the engine so have less sound to draw the zombies near. "Erm, well enjoy the cash. If you can keep the zombies away from gas stations I'd be appreciative. " Zach gives a salute to the mutant, then pauses. "I'm Zach by the way, glad I never met one like you in the pit." Clicking the seat release, he drops down out of view of passing zombies to wait for them to get by and follow Noah before he drives on.

"It's my radar 'tweeter'," Noah asserts with heavy pride, tail lashing almost catlike... except that it's scraping a horrible sound on the concrete when he moves it, and some entrails fall away. Eventually all the zombie parts will drop off, at this rate. Except that since the zombies aren't slow, so they're all crowding in on Noah now, who doesn't really get to answer to give his name, before he lashes out with a limb, tossing a few zombies but one clings on. It certainly shows how his fighting method: bash it flat, tends to get zombie parts on him. He is, though, a big target and distraction, at least at first, but then seems to suddenly collapse and curl up, zombies piling on all over him in a writhing mass.