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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = [[Ghost]], [[Kelly]]
| cast = [[Ghost]], [[Kelly]]
| summary =  
| summary = Ghost and Kelly try to make it through an introductory DR Scenario.
| gamedate = 2013-12-03
| gamedate = 2013-12-03
| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =  
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = <XS> Danger Room
| location = <XS> [[Danger Room]]
| categories = XS Danger Room, Kelly, Ghost, Mutants, Xavier's
| categories = XS Danger Room, Kelly, Ghost, Mutants, Xavier's
| log = Inside the Danger Room's control panel lies a large, blue furred man. Presiding over the current session, is Doctor Hank McCoy, supervising as two students prepare for training in the Danger Room itself. One of these students is Ghost, barefoot, hair pulled back, clad in a pair of jeans and t-shirt. The teenaged girl chews on her nails as Doctor McCoy speaks over the intercom. "Hello Mr. Walsh, Ms. Shafir. I am aware that this is your first time in the Danger Room, Mr. Walsh, so I'll go with a more simple simulation for this. If at any time, even accidentally, you say 'STOP', the Danger Room's safety protocols will automatically kick in. Now, let me just set this up..".
| log = Inside the Danger Room's control panel lies a large, blue furred man. Presiding over the current session, is Doctor Hank McCoy, supervising as two students prepare for training in the Danger Room itself. One of these students is Ghost, barefoot, hair pulled back, clad in a pair of jeans and t-shirt. The teenaged girl chews on her nails as Doctor McCoy speaks over the intercom. "Hello Mr. Walsh, Ms. Shafir. I am aware that this is your first time in the Danger Room, Mr. Walsh, so I'll go with a more simple simulation for this. If at any time, even accidentally, you say 'STOP', the Danger Room's safety protocols will automatically kick in. Now, let me just set this up..".

Latest revision as of 05:11, 5 December 2013

Danger Room Run
Dramatis Personae

Ghost, Kelly


Ghost and Kelly try to make it through an introductory DR Scenario.


<XS> Danger Room

Inside the Danger Room's control panel lies a large, blue furred man. Presiding over the current session, is Doctor Hank McCoy, supervising as two students prepare for training in the Danger Room itself. One of these students is Ghost, barefoot, hair pulled back, clad in a pair of jeans and t-shirt. The teenaged girl chews on her nails as Doctor McCoy speaks over the intercom. "Hello Mr. Walsh, Ms. Shafir. I am aware that this is your first time in the Danger Room, Mr. Walsh, so I'll go with a more simple simulation for this. If at any time, even accidentally, you say 'STOP', the Danger Room's safety protocols will automatically kick in. Now, let me just set this up..".

Kelly is also sporting one of his new... very very used thrift store purchased... jeans for this exercise, as well as one of the Xavier shirts that had been modified for the extra wide collar, letting more of his bark plates show on his shoulder and back, as well as give his plants some literal breathing room. "I kina wish it wasn't named that..." he mumbles to himself as he shuffles next to Ghost. "You've done this before?"

"Once or twice. It's no big deal, really, Doctor McCoy has it all handled.". Ghost says, jogging in place for preparation. As she jogs in place, the room around them begins to change, taking on the appearance of an alley in NYC. The alley seems to be long and narrow, but perpetually abandoned except for two men standing near a wall, drinking beers. One of the men is large and stout, whilst the other is thin and lanky. Ghost takes in the senses of the illusion, before turning to Kelly. "See? What did I tell you? No big deal.". As Ghost speaks, the two men look over, spotting them. One of them, the larger, shouts over, moving away from his position. "Ey, what you freaks think you doing around here, huh? Showing your ugly faces around us?".

"Whoa..." is the most elegant phrase that the pudgy floral teenager can come up with when he sees the world around them change. So distracted he becomes that he actually backs up a few steps TOWARDS the imaginary jerks before he turns around and notices them. "Oh, wow, uhm, sor- er... apologies" even in the virtual New York, he can't seem to say the naughty list at the moment. "We're going, right, Ghost? We're going..." he says and attempts to back away from the over intimidating men.

"Yeah..we didn't mean to cause any trouble..". Ghost shouts over to the thugs, trying to prevent anything from happening. This proves to be futile, however, as when Kelly backs up towards them, the other thug leans away from the wall as well, speaking. "Hey, mutie, who said you could come near us? You need to learn your place! Why don't we teach these mutie freaks a lesson, eh, Lonnie?". Lonnie, the bigger of the two imaginary thugs, cracks his knuckles, replying. "Sounds good to me.". The two thugs approach them, as Ghost shouts over to Kelly, starting a sprint the other direction, towards a side alley. "Run!".

Kelly kinda chokes for a moment as the thugs begin to head his way, some genuine fear in his eyes as his brain temporarily checks out, though his bark plates begin to expand on their own, covering up his throat and other vital spots and giving the kid a very good impression of a bush. The sound to RUN, from Ghost is the only thing that snaps him out of the choke, and he turns quickly to run right after! His steps are clumsy, and he wobbles quite a bit, but he is moving it!

Ghost is making good speed, but once she gets a bit farther down the side alley, she notices that it is a dead end, stopping her in her tracks. The two thugs are chasing after Kelly, not exactly running, being more threatening than anything, but faster than before. The end of the alley is a brick wall, leaving no way out, the wall having a pipe hanging on it and moss near the bottom of it. Ghost presses against the wall, no way out. "Shit..".

"Crap crap crap..." Kelly says in the starts of a sweat, and looks over his options. The wall in front of him receives a good punching with the side of his fist, but when it doesn't magically part like a Harry Potter prop, he looks left, right... and then... up? "Ok, its not impossible, right? Just... think outside the box... like... the box we're in... and we want out side it... Climb?" He rambles out in nothing close to a calm tone.

"Maybe.., I'll check over the wall..". Ghost is leaping full stride onto the wall, the telekinetics kicking in, as she climbs over, taking a look. On the other side of the wall is a pile of trash, broken bottles, the like, presumably from the imaginary zombie apocalypse. She slides back down, dejected looking. "Doesn't look too safe dropping down there, and I don't think I could lift you up..we could try fighting them? I mean, I know some stuff from self defense lessons, and, well, there's some moss here, I think even if it's imaginary you'd be able to use it? This is a simulation, after all, and I just climbed an imaginary wall.". Ghost chirps out, before the thugs begin shouting over. "Hah, fight us? You're just a couple of teenaged brats! We're going to beat your sorry asses!". The thugs approach closer, getting ready to attack, having cornered us. Ghost is leaping back on the wall, nervous. "This doesn't look good..".

Kelly looks down at the moss and shakes his head. "Fighting? I don't know if I'm up for that." He insists, but still bends down to put his hand on the moss. Moss... isn't exactly the best thing for a dangerous situation, but that was likely the point. So as his skin begins to visibly fade in color, he pushes the moss out in front of them in a tangled wave of thick green carpet, which should hopefully make getting to them a lot more difficult.

The thugs, still advancing, stop in their tracks as the moss launches forward, Lonnie screaming out. "What the hell?". They trie to get through the moss, but have plenty of trouble, giving Ghost a distraction. After a few moments of trying to pull the pipe off the wall, she is able to loosen the ficticious weapon, holding it as she climbs the wall and moving behind the two, leaping down quietly, and sneaking behind them. Thunk! She smashes the pipe into the skinny thug, knocking him down into the moss. She goes to strike Lonnie, but he turns, just barely catching the pipe in his hand. Ghost, panicking, shouts out. "Oh..shit..".

When the one goes down, Kelly wraps him up nice and tight in the green wiggling carpet, but he yanks his hands free of the moss when he sees the larger man take charge of the pipe. He thrusts out his arm, the vines rushing out of them to wrap around the pipe with those razor sharp thorns of his. As he starts to try and pull the pipe away with them, both his vines and his arm begins to swell in size, his blood veins bulging green in place and tinting his skin a similar shade... all resulting in a spike in his arm strength as he attempts to wrest the weapon free from dangerous situation.

The pipe goes flying from Lonnie's hands as Kelly wrests it out from him easily, distracting Lonnie. Taking advantage of this, Ghost smashes him in the back with her elbow, causing him to groan in pain. She hits him again, causing him to stumble to the wall, apparently having taken enough. "Stop..stop it, you freaks, you win.". As he says this, he begins to fade, as does the imaginary world, Hank's voice calling out from the intercom above. "Good job, that was some excellent work! Very nice use of your abilities, and teamwork!". As the room reverts to it's default settings, Ghost turns to Kelly, brushing her hand through her hair, smiling. "Wow, that was awesome. You're good at this, Kelly.".

Kelly's breath is rapid when the simulation ends and he cradles his oversized arm. His eyes are wide in something close to shock and he only mumbles out a "Thanks..." to Ghost, and another one up to the good blue furry doctor. Slowly, very slowly, his arm begins to shrink back down to 'normal' size... but it keeps it's green pallor. "Thanks for... you know, getting' us out of that." He offers Ghost, "I'm... not sure I really like this class."

"You get used to it. And if you truly decide you don't want to do it, it's optional, so, eh!". Ghost smiles, catching her own breath as well, also waving up to Doctor McCoy. The intercom buzzes again, Hank speaking some more. "I apologize if that was too much for you, Mr. Walsh. I chose the scenario based on the abilities and personalites of both you and Ms. Shafir.". His voice is friendly, reassuring. "As Ms. Shafir said, if you do not wish to partake in Danger Room again, that is your choice."

"Sorry." Kelly said, forcing a smile on his face faker than a three dollar bill. "Don't mean ta ruin the moment. You did good, and stuff, and... Thank you for your help, Mr. McCoy." With that, though, he turns to the door, still a little shaken. "Remind me not to make you mad, though... that looks like it hurt, whatever you did to 'em!"

"You are welcome, Mr. Walsh, Ms. Shafir.". Hank's voice bellows from the intercom once more, as Ghost laughs, turning towards Kelly and approaching to follow him out the door. "All I did to them was hit them, what you did was actually pretty cool!". She waves once more to Hank, speaking. "Next time, I'm crossing my fingers for pirates. Or noir. Or Indiana Jones!".