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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Lia, Hailey | summary = The new roommate meeting goes a little roughly. | gamedate = 2014-03-23 | gamedatename = 23 March 2014 | subtitle = Or...Hallo...")
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| subtitle = Or...Halloween Dorm, really.
| subtitle = Or...Halloween Dorm, really.
| location = <XS> [[Dorms]] – Hailey and Lia's Dorm – FL2
| location = <XS> [[Dorms]] – Hailey and Lia's Dorm – FL2
| categories = Xavier's, Mutants, XS Dorms, Lia, Hailey
| categories = Xavier's, Mutants, XS Dorm, Lia, Hailey
| log = As is standard, everything in this dorm room is twinned, each side containing a bed, desk, and dresser complement with a closet in one wall. A window spills light into the room during all daylight hours through gauzy-sheer curtains that are, more often than not, pulled back with said window open except in the most extreme of weather.
| log = As is standard, everything in this dorm room is twinned, each side containing a bed, desk, and dresser complement with a closet in one wall. A window spills light into the room during all daylight hours through gauzy-sheer curtains that are, more often than not, pulled back with said window open except in the most extreme of weather.

Latest revision as of 03:41, 24 March 2014

Halloween Town

Or...Halloween Dorm, really.

Dramatis Personae

Lia, Hailey

23 March 2014

The new roommate meeting goes a little roughly.


<XS> Dorms – Hailey and Lia's Dorm – FL2

As is standard, everything in this dorm room is twinned, each side containing a bed, desk, and dresser complement with a closet in one wall. A window spills light into the room during all daylight hours through gauzy-sheer curtains that are, more often than not, pulled back with said window open except in the most extreme of weather.

Lia's half of the room is easily recognised from the fact that it looks like an art experiment exploded on it. The vast majority of her walls are covered in /things/ held up with poster tack: newspaper clippings and pictures from magazines and handouts from classes and photos and dried leaves and flowers. Her desk and dresser tops are cluttered in dolls of every imaginable variety, as well as clay figures, mostly humanoid in shape with many bearing wings. A laptop is frequently hidden in amongst them. In stark juxtaposition stands a meticulously kept bookshelf mostly full of textbooks, fairytales, young adult fantasy novels, collections of poetry, and a particularly massive tome declaring itself /The Complete Works of William Shakespeare/.

Lia's lofted bed is likewise smartly made, the comforter in black with a riot of purple, pink, and blue flowers spilled over a backdrop of teal-green leafy vines. A collection of pillows in matching blues and greens and purples adorns the head of the bed, upon which Coppelia (Lia's look-alike doll) can often be found reclining when she is not in the girl's more immediate company. A spare bedsheet in navy blue with teal diamonds marching along it hangs like a curtain covering the under-bed area, which contains a violet corduroy beanbag chair and a nest of assorted blankets, cushions, and stuffed animals. The entire wall under the bed is taken up by a large whiteboard with a full rainbow of dry erase markers and an eraser mounted beside it.

The window is closed, for now, against the chill of the day only growing chillier as the day presses into evening. A soft gloaming-light fills the room yet in slightly blue-tinted illumination. Lia's under-bed area, obscured as it is on two sides by walls, on its broad side by a blanket, and at the foot of the bed by an assortment of colourful scarves hanging from one of the frame's wooden slats, is hardly visible. There is soft classical music coming from unimpressive laptop speakers from that general direction, however. The soft light of a reading lamp also brightens the more sheer scarves and creeps out around the hanging cloths. Otherwise the room is quiet and still.

Coming back from the lake, Hailey enters the school. She makes her way to the dorms and walks the hall slowly. "Let's see..... Lia.....Lia...Oh here we are." She grins a bit and stops in front of the door. She has her pile of bags sitting outside the door. "Wow, nobody ganked my junk, sweet." She smirks before knocking on the door, not unlike an officer would do to a drug dealer's house, seems door manners aren't something she knows.

Lia's Pre-Algebra textbook slides out of her lap with a...relatively soft /thud/, actually, as it lands in a pile of pillows and stuffed animals. Her first reaction is to curl up into a tight ball in the corner, perched atop her beanbag, breathing quickened. When no further sounds come, she does creep out. Not to the door, but to climb up onto her lofted bed and retrieve Coppelia. The doll held in the crook of her arm like a warding object, she inches toward the door, staring down the knob as if it might /bite/. Finally, she grabs the knob, pulling the door open a mere crack, one eye peeking out.

Hailey does rapture the door with another few poundings, a rolled first resounds against the solid wood. She sees the door open and grins a little bit. Dark black hoodie, flannel skirt, long striped socks all kinda shrouded. Her face shaded dark as she looks at the crack in the door. "Yo, sup? Think this is my room." she looks at the door a little bit then down to her assignment papers.

The girl on the other side of the door doesn't /look/ like a guard. Or a scientist. Or a monster. That's probably a good start. Lia stares a moment longer before responding simply, "Oh." She opens the door a little further before stepping back, putting her back to the foot of her bed. The petite, dancer-lithe girl is dressed in a violet corduroy jacket over a lilac baby doll T-shirt and black skinny jeans. Her feet peek out in grey-and-purple striped socks. Her ash-brown hair is worn half down in loose waves, half up in a series of tiny braids attached to various places on her head with glittery butterfly clips. "There is another bed in this room and it is empty. Usually the rooms had more than one person in them. That makes sense." The startled look isn't quite gone yet from Lia's wide brown eyes, forgetting simple things like introductions.

Hailey nods a little bit. "" She steps in and blinks.....then blinks again. She's about to talk, but then just blinks. She steps out to grab her bags before looking. " um...light...How old are you?" She blurts out, not in an asinine tone but more of a what the heck? tone. She starts bringing her stuff in, just sort of piling it up, her heavy boots making a clomp sound as she tosses her luggage in the general vicinity of her bed. She closes the door and sits down on said bed, starting to unlace the large combat supremes to reveal her dainty black and white striped thigh high socks.

“Sixteen.” Lia answers simply, keeping her back to the bed and watching the rather clompy-loud process of Hailey bringing in her bags like an uncertain cat. “Oh. Um. Hello. My name is Lia.” Better late than never, right? “Did you come from the rooms? Uh...the labs? You...are new. Many times when they bring new people here it has been from the rooms. The labs.” Her fingers fidget at the yellowed hem of her doll's once-white dress.

Hailey looks at her with a little blink, her hoody draped rather unceremoniously about her. She looks around the room. "Mind cutting a few lights out? Thanks." She stretches her legs out and yawns. "Ahh cool, I'm 16 too. Hailey Star, and I'm from all over the place. Most recently Brooklyn." She chuckles. "I helped save some people from a building, got burned and got told to come here. Then had some weird mind junk done got some papers and got signed up here." She gestures. "Pretty cool though that I can use my powers whenever I want. Never had a room mate before either. And it will be nice to not see drug dealers and pimps outside every day." She gestures around. "Though the dolls.....uh... last doll I had got lit on fire when I was like...four."

Lia looks a little confused at the question, but disappears for a moment to turn off the only light she /can/ turn off in the room: the little reading light under the bed. It doesn't change the brightness of the room much, considering. "Brooklyn is a here-place," she observes when she returns from behind the hanging sheet, again keeping her back to her bed. "I was in many rooms all over. They said the one they took us from was in Virginia. I had not been at that one a very long time, I don't think." She hugs the doll a little closer at Hailey's comments, eyes going deer-wide again. 'I am sorry,' she signs with a closed fist moving in a circle over her heart before shifting back to spoken words, "about your doll. That is a terrible thing to have happen. Someone burned up a building where I stayed before I came here. Many of my friends were hurt and people died and their home is gone. If they had any dolls, they probably burned up, too." A little nod answers the mention of powers. "It is nice that they do not get mad here. So long as you do not do anything that is harmful or bad with them. The keepers at the labs used to get /very/ mad if I used my magic."

Hailey hmms. "I think the kid did it because I took his cookies at nap time or somethin, anyways I beat the snot out of him and got yanked from that school." She smirks a bit, boasting her prowess for the girl who pretty obviously wouldn't care. "Anyways I like that I can use my power, nice and fun to not only use it on idiots, or to end up in someone's living room." She smirks a little bit before touching the bed. She focuses herself a bit and soon a shadow creeps slowly across the floor, sliding along the wall and onto the bed behind the girl, reaching up from the surface like some sort of unholy ghost before tapping the girl on the shoulder. "So...what's with all the dolls? And the lab junk?"

"That is not very nice. But people do Bad Things," Lia concedes with a sigh. "It is good to be able to do more things that you want. You can choose many things to do here. And they let you learn things and have a lot of books." Her eyes stay alert-locked on the girl across the room, still uncomfortably much unknown factor there. "I make the dolls dance. Sometimes I am in them instead of my body. It is helpful. I was able to save Mr. Fairyjax's puppy and some people from the burny-building. I had to use an angel. Statues are stronger than most other dolls." Her eyebrows crinkle a bit at the question of the lab. "There are labs where they keep people with magic. They said that the people /without/ magic are trying to steal it from us. They study us and make us fight and they cut--" At the sudden tap from /behind/ her, Lia /shrieks/, flailing her arms at...nothing really, just a method to get things /away/ from her and buy time to disappear under the bed. She backs into the corner, breathing heavy and audible, as is the click that turns the little light back on.

Hailey blinks a little bit as she tilts her head. "Whoa whoa, chill. I was just showing you what I do." She says with a small roll of her eyes. She watches the shadow and forms it into a crude hand, making it wave back and forth before making it dissipate. "I wasn't trying to rape or rob you." She chuckles and nods. "Yeah, I didn't wanna go to one of those places. Hell I thought I'd end up at one if I came here." She gestures, sprawling on the bed, not seeming to be in any hurry to deal with the pile of junk set at the foot of her bed.

Lia does not respond. Or move. Or even make a sound. Things remain quiet on her half of the room for several minutes. When motion does occur, it is not from the bed. Rather, on her desk, an auburn-haired American Girl doll (Felicity, the colonial-era Virginian girl, to be precise) turns her head to fix green glass eyes on the new girl. Her little fringe of red lashes blink, however unnecessarily, regarding the other girl warily.

Hailey blinks a little and looks around a bit, seeming confused she just looks around. "Hey look, I wasn't trying to....whoa that is super creepy! You and I need to do some Halloween shit." She snickers a little bit. "Tape a knife to one of their hands and have 'em follow you around the room and you could flatline half the city." She laughs loudly before slowly shrugging her hoody off to reveal the baggy tee shirt and oddly black and blue hair.

The painted-on eyebrows on the little porcelain face draw together. "It is not nice to sneak up behind people, you know," the little cupid's bow lips inform in Lia's voice. "Why would you tape a knife to a doll? Sticky things can leave goo on them and knives are dangerous." The Lia-doll seems to relax...slightly. The porcelain hands fold in her lap, resting atop the rich red fabric of her skirt, at least. The glass eyes remain watchful, however.

Hailey grins and stretches out a little bit, rolling her neck slowly. "Never seen those horror movies? There's an evil possessed doll that runs around with a knife and kills people. It's scary as hell." She smirks a little bit. "You could make bank using that trick of yours to scare people like that, just kinda make the doll run around with its eyes staring though the people. Those porcelain ones are scary as hell in the dark.”

"I don't think they had those kinds of movies in the common rooms at the labs," The Lia-doll observes thoughtfully. "I think...probably I would not want to watch anything /horrible/ for a movie. You know most dolls are very small?" Felicity stands, showing off her full...eighteen inches in height. "Even if I had a knife, I am pretty sure people I chased with it could just run away. My legs are very short. Also, I do not weigh much. I do not like it when people pick me up." She glances down at her doll-body before returning her gaze to Hailey. "Some people have been a little scared before, but I think it is because they do not expect to see dolls moving."

Hailey nods a little. "Yeah, mainly the people in the movie are snuck up on not chased. Ya know the doll goes to the other room and they're all like, 'Wow, I wonder who the killer is! At least we're safe here in Sarah's room.' Then BAM! Stab stab stab stab!" She chuckles and rolls around a bit. "Scary as hell man the doll just hacks them to pieces with the porcelain smile before saying something cutesy-creepy. Anyways, yeah, both our powers work cool." She grins and scoots back to carefully focus again a tendril of shadow wrapping around the doll to lift it up a little from behind.

"Dolls are good for being sneaky, sometimes. We are very small. It is hard to do things like opening doors unless you get something to stand on. The round doorknobs can be hard with small hands, though." The Lia-doll holds up one tiny porcelain hand to illustrate. "It is easier to be a big statue. When I went out to the burned house, I used an angel. That way I could carry people and Obie. But most of the people were bodies by the time I got there." Her expression is a little sad-thoughtful. Then the green glass eyes shoot wide-open again, small fists smacking against the sudden shadow tendril. "Stop it! I do not like to be picked up!"

Hailey chuckles a little bit as she shakes her head. "Okay go back to being a chick, the doll is creepin' me out." She says with a little yawn as she nods. "Yeah I was in the fire, I got 4 people out." She lifts her shirt to show her bandaged side. "Fuckin' place burned like hellfire." She snickers a bit before looking around. "So...any room rules? Oh and I'm re-decorating. It's too bright in here, it fuckin' hurts when light's on me, something about my powers I'm betting."

The Lia-doll straightens her red skirts out rather /huffily/ once she is set back down. "They said we could decorate however we wanted. I did not put anything on the other half of the room, only mine. So it is open for you to put things on. Um...I don't know if there is anything we aren't supposed to do. Probably you should ask a staff person or teacher." She glances over at the bed. "You can loft the bed and make a space underneath where there is hardly any light. It makes...a" The Lia-doll glances over at her own under-bed safe space nest. "I think. I'm going to go back to mine. I have homework." With that the doll sits and goes still.

Hailey blinks a little bit and tilts her head."Uh...not sure I wanna hang out under my bed." She chuckles a little and nods. "I'll see what I can do about my room." She smiles a bit and fluffs up the mattress with a grin. "So I guess I'll try to sleep." Without even messing with the pile of bags on the ground.