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xxxxxSurburbanite turned streetrat, Victor's not particularly used to the life he's living. He's adaptable, though. He's adapting. Slowly. It's tricky navigating the boundaries between survival in a rather rougher world than he grew up in and and holding tight to the values his parents instilled in him.


xxxxxBorn in a small town in Illinois, Victor's early life was happy and unremarkable. His parents were comfortably middle-class, his siblings (all older) were close-knit. He excelled in school, excelled in sports, enjoyed basketball with his friends and roughhousing with his siblings and rambling explorations of the surrounding areas with the family dog.

This changed when he was thirteen, and his mutation began developing. His hair was the first thing to go, which prompted the family to bring him to a number of doctors -- dermatologists, more and more, once his skin began hardening atop his head as well. Once it started turning /green/ they realized they were not dealing with an ordinary illness. The more reptilian Victor grew in appearance, the more he encountered difficulty; in school, in town, in everywhere he went. Though his family was supportive, it became more and more a strain as mutant issues became more prominent in the news and the community shunned them. It culminated in an attack, one night, a fire started in their garage that spread to the rest of the house and landed his sister in the hospital. Though there were many witnesses to the arsonists, nobody ever stepped forward and there was no case brought against them. Fearing that the hostility would only escalate, Victor thought that the best thing for his family's safety would be to remove himself from the equation; one night he packed a bag, wrote them a note, and left, hopping on a bus to Chicago. From there he's been hitchhiking east, recently landed up in NYC at the word of a young purple-skinned woman who told him the city had a community for people like him and let him know how to find the Morlocks. He hasn't spoken to his family since leaving four months ago. He's worried about them. They're probably worried about him, too.


xxxxxVictor's mutation is a physical one; he has many features of physicality and physiology that are more reptilian than human. Most noticeable is his appearance, green and scaled and with a hard carapace (and very sharp spikes) atop his head, which makes it somewhat impossible for him to blend in among normal people. Ironic, since his mutation also allows him to blend in with his environment, letting his skin and clothes -- and anything he chooses that is in direct contact with him -- camouflage in perfectly with whatever is around him.

Additionally, in physical attributes he is somewhat more adept than a normal human's; not to any enormously overt levels, but his agility, speed, stamina, reflexes and balance are better-honed than they would be as a human. He is capable of clinging to solid surfaces, allowing him to crawl walls and ceilings with ease. Additionally, he has a sticky-tipped, strong prehensile tongue that can extend twice again his own body length to reach things he'd never be able to otherwise.

Though in normal circumstances his healing is not advanced, Victor has a rather extreme regenerative ability that only kicks in under extreme duress; if he gets cut it'll heal as well or badly as anyone else, but the loss of significant body parts can be regenerated; however, when regrown they grow in significantly more reptilian than before, bulkier and much stronger and much more scaled and spiked. He has, thankfully, never yet had reason to /discover/ this aspect of his mutation.

There are downsides to being reptilian, too. Victor is terrible at thermoregulation, which makes life difficult on the streets in either cold OR hot weather. He needs to be careful about regulating his temperature. Cold makes him more sluggish. Too much hot makes him dead. OK, too much cold will make him dead, too.


New York Below

  • Nox - Morlock den mother. First time in months he'd felt like home.


  • Coming soon.

Unknown Entities

  • Iolaus - Pickpocketed the guy. Then Iolaus helped him? Confusing. Maybe crazy? Maybe creep? Maybe... just nice?


Victor Borkowski
Codename Anole
Birthdate December 24, 1998
Species Mutant
Affiliation Morlocks
Alignment Skittish
Powers Pretty lizardy
Occupation Urchin
RP Hooks
Underground - Morlocky. Not quite plugged in to street life, but... plugging.
Sporty - Plays a mean game of basketball. Ultimate Frisbee, too. Is generally up for a pickup game of most anything with people who want to play.
Geek Squad - He doesn't have computer access often anymore, alas. He was getting pretty handy with them when he WAS in school, though.
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