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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Eloise, Rasa | summary = some advice, some helping. | gamedate = 2013-04-08 | gamedatename = 8 April 2013. Monday morning. | subtitle ...")
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| location = <XS> [[Girls' Bathroom]] - FL2
| location = <XS> [[Girls' Bathroom]] - FL2
| categories = Xavier's, Mutants, XS Bathroom, NPC-Eloise, Rasa
| categories = Xavier's, Mutants, XS Girls' Bathroom, NPC-Eloise, Rasa
| log =  
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Bright and clean, this bathroom is designed for communal use. Toilets and sinks to one side, showers on the other. The shower stalls are wide, designed with space inside for hanging clothes and changing. The sinks have, by habit, had space claimed by them with people's own personal toiletries, a small basket of goods here, a toothbrush and toothpaste there, a large overflowing basket there, name tags appended to all of them, though that does not stop the occasional friendly (or not so) pilfering of a bit of someone's face wash here and there.
Bright and clean, this bathroom is designed for communal use. Toilets and sinks to one side, showers on the other. The shower stalls are wide, designed with space inside for hanging clothes and changing. The sinks have, by habit, had space claimed by them with people's own personal toiletries, a small basket of goods here, a toothbrush and toothpaste there, a large overflowing basket there, name tags appended to all of them, though that does not stop the occasional friendly (or not so) pilfering of a bit of someone's face wash here and there.

Revision as of 17:51, 19 June 2013

Dramatis Personae

Eloise, Rasa

8 April 2013. Monday morning.

some advice, some helping.


<XS> Girls' Bathroom - FL2

Bright and clean, this bathroom is designed for communal use. Toilets and sinks to one side, showers on the other. The shower stalls are wide, designed with space inside for hanging clothes and changing. The sinks have, by habit, had space claimed by them with people's own personal toiletries, a small basket of goods here, a toothbrush and toothpaste there, a large overflowing basket there, name tags appended to all of them, though that does not stop the occasional friendly (or not so) pilfering of a bit of someone's face wash here and there.

It's not morning. Morningtime finds a /rush/ on the bathrooms, as students scramble to ready themselves in time for classes. Now, though, it is study hall, or break time for the conscientious who have already finished all their work or perhaps the nonchalant who just don't care to.

And it's shower time, for those who seek to avoid the crowded morning rush. One of the showers has just recently shut off, and it isn't long before a small blond-haired girl steps out, fluffy dark-blue towel carefully tucked and wrapped around her chest. She has on the towel and a pair of green rubber flip-flops, and the clear plastic basket she holds is still dripping occasional drops of water as she squelch-flops her way over to the sinks and their mirrors. Plucking a wide-toothed comb out of the basket, she goes about combing her wet hair down, frowning slightly at her reflection as she does. Leeeeaning closer to poke worriedly at a spot on her cheek. Wrinkling her nose at it with displeasure.

Rasa enters the bathroom as close to the end of the 'pre-morning rush' as ze can, and still allow hirself enough to actually shower and prepare hirself for the day. Ze is wearing a bathrobe that looks obviously too small on hir taller, broader shouldered frame. The legs sticking out below of the previously knee length, baby bluerobe are decorated with hair, which, while not thick, is scraggly and noticeable as never having been shaved before - green flipflops on hir feet. One hand clutches hir shower kit, which includes for the first time shaving cream and a razorblade. The other arm carries a towel. Ze is trying to keep hir long hair as best as ze can in front of hir face to hide the facial hair. This also has the unfortunate side effect of obscuring hir sight, causing hir to bump into someone on her way out of the bathroom.

"Sorry," Rasa utters quietly, hir voice deeper with the disuse of morning.

The girl in question eyes him curiously, a wrinkle appearing on her brow, before saying, "The boy's wing is across the hall."

While an innocent enough comment, it freezes Rasa in hir tracks, holding the door open until the girl vacates, then scurrying as quickly as ze can inside. Ze scans the room quietly for a moment, for other females, eyes Eloise then quickly turns hir back as ze tries to pick a shower stall.

Eloise turns, glances over Rasa with a brief flick of dark eyes; briefly puzzled but then just annoyed. She returns to her sinkpost, plucking up her toothbrush to wet it and load it with toothpaste. "People told me you'd turned into a boy," she says lightly, looking back at the mirror instead of at Rasa. "People can be kind of dumb. Do you want a door-guard? Sometimes Bastian stands there and threatens to bite people for me while I'm showering. I mean, I can't /bite/ people well or -- at /least/ it wouldn't be so effective? But I could try anyway. Like, grrrr." Grrr comes with a baring of teeth. It's not very ferocious. She sticks her toothbrush in her mouth afterwards to brushbrushbrush.

"Wait... you're offering?" Rasa's face undergoes a few quick emotional changes between the time that Eloise starts speaking and when she finishes, the unmetamorph begins with confusion, then sadness, then confusion again, and finally hopefulness. Ze picks a stall and starts putting hir towel up on a hook in preparation. "Thank you. I just... I don't know where anyone else is and I..." ze smells a bit like ze has been avoiding the shower for at least a week. "I... may not be fast. I have to figure out how to shave." Ze frowns and looks at hir shower kit. "You know, I think the school would be more friendly if I turned into awildebeestinstead of a boy." ze continues to fumble with things in hir basket, waiting on confirmation from Eloise before closing the curtain.

"If you want." Eloise shrugs a shoulder, picking up her basket and moving it down to the end of the row, nearest the door. "Sometimes it's nice to have a spotter!" She then squelchy-flops her way back to retrieve a neatly-folded stack of clothes from a shelf under the sinks. She takes up a post in front of the door, clipping her hair loosely up and back. She glances to the curtain as Rasa disappears behind it, and only once the curtain is closed does she quickly start pulling on clothes, beneath the towel first and only dropping it when it's time to tug her t-shirt on. "I don't know about shaving. It can't be that much different than legs, right?" She gives this some consideration, brushing her fingers against her chin. "I don't think a wildebeest would fit in one of those beds," she decides after a moment. "But you're not a boy either."

"Honestly, I've never shaved my legs before either." Rasa admits behind the curtain, taking off hir bathrobe and turning on the water. "No. I'm not a boy. I'm not generally a girl either. I was just... me until I ... until this happened." Ze has to raise his voice to be heard when he starts the water and sticks his head underneath to start letting the hot steamy jets start to break up the days of sleeping and stress. "I should probably save my face until I can see what I'm doing."

"Ugh good for you it's a /giant/ pain. Prooobably best to be able to see yeah I mean I cut my knees up sometimes even when I /am/ looking, ow." Eloise has shimmied her way into a pair of black skinny jeans and a tan peasant top, lightweight, embroidered at its borders in green vines. Once dressed, she drapes her towel over her shoulders to let her hair back down. "We don't have a bathroom for 'just me'. That'd be useful, don't you think?"

"Sometimes, I wish there was just a bathroom for single individuals at a time. I get that it's far more useful to have all of us in here at once but -- Yeah." Water sloshes against Rasa's face as ze begins to rinse some suds out of hir hair, the water around hir sandaled feet collecting the foam before dispersing it. "I actually don't know what to wear anymore. Most of my stuff doesn't fit - except the skirts and well, they aren't ... well, it's obvious." Ze exhales deeply, emotion rising in hir voice. "Yeah. It's all a pain." The water turns off and theres a skkkoooorrrrrrt noise as ze uses some shaving cream and smears it all over hir legs. Then there's some shaving.

"Obvious?" There is an uncertain note in Eloise's voice but then she considers cheerfully, "-- there's ways to make everything less obvious, I'll show you. I mean, some people'll still be jerks, you know? But what can you do. You stick with, like, Karrie and Tayor and Daiki and the twins and --" There's a hesitation, a sadder: "Well, I guess not the twins," before she continues on just as cheerfully, "-- then they'll be cool /and/ get all grrrr at anyone who's /not/ cool. Have you seen Taylor when he's mad, it's /scary/." Except she says this like a Good Thing.

Rasa continues the process of scraping hair from hir flesh quietly, listening to Eloise quietly. "I'm sorry I'm so new at all of this. I just... everything's weird and different and not right." Ze takes a deep breath and lets it out. "Ivan said that I'm me and he doesn't mind what I look like because he knows it's me in there, but... It /is/ annoying to shave my legs." Ze takes another deep breath. "I really appreciate the help. So much. I... am clueless."

"Sorry? You don't have to be sorry. I don't think I'm, like, an /expert/ either but -- but I mean everyone's got their things, right? That they're working on?" Eloise is shaking her hair out, combing through it again. She pulls it all back behind her head but doesn't actually style it yet. "Are -- you gonna get your mojo back? I mean I'm sorry that's gotta kind of suck. Being stuck not-right. Is Ivan nice?" Eloise sounds uncertain. "I don't think I've ever seen him speak but Dennis said he attacked Shane and got the twins kicked out. Are you and he like a -- thing?"

"Ivan is sweet. Most people can't get around the bug thing -- and he was..." Rasa takes a deep breath, continuing hir work on hir legs, but taking a moment to collect hir thoughts. "I don't know. The whole thing was weird and upsetting. He kind of came in out of his mind with a horde of bees and I don't know why and I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I was in trouble and Shane was carrying me away and I know he wasn't thinking straight and yeah, Shane and I both got stung -- but the bees weren't hurting Shane, so Sebastian didn't really /have/ to try to maul Ivan. But everything was weird and we were being attacked so I don't know." Ze hisses when ze cuts hirself, staring at the little red mark before trying to shave around it next. "Everything was bad and the twins should come back. Ivan has sent apologies with Peter, but I don't think they're talking to Peter. Maybe Shelby convinced them. I don't know. I haven't seen her yet." There's a quiet, sad pause and then, "If Shelby comes back."

"The /bug/ thing isn't bad just covering people in /bees/ is bad. I mean if they don't want to be covered in bees, you know?" Eloise shrugs a shoulder. "Some people said it was an accident and some people said it wasn't and I didn't know what to think, he's so quiet it's hard to tell. Is Shelby leaving too?" Frooooown. "Is /everyone/ leaving, is this like an evacuation? Maybe I should ragequit school /too/. If that's what the popular kids are doing. I guess I don't really know if I can call Shane and Shelby popular kids. Hm."

"Oh, I know. That was weird. And I'm not saying you shouldn't be annoyed with Ivan. He got detention for it as well. He shouldn't have had the bees sting people, even if the 'covering people with bees' is how it started. Ivan uses bugs to express himself. Maybe because he's so quiet and isn't good with people, he just wanted to hug people... but with bees."" Rasa finishes shaving and turns back on the water. Ze rinses off and soaps up some and rinses off again. "But, please don't leave, too."Ze finally turns off the water and starts to towel off. "I don't know. we all just want the twins to come back, but Shelby's dating Sebastian, so they is more of a pull there and maybe B's just never gotten into trouble before and he should just come back because getting in trouble isn't the end of the world." Ze might be frustrated.

"I don't know if I'm annoyed," Eloise admits, and is then interrupted by the door pushing open: "Sorry!" she carols, "occupied!" It receives an annoyed exclamation from the other side of the door, not really mitigated by her offer: "You can use the third or first floor!"

Maybe she bares her teeth, grrrr. Maybe not. It's hard to tell, she pretty much sounds /chipper/. The door closes again. "-- I mean I don't really know what happened well enough to be annoyed you know? But I want everyone to come back, Bastian has the greatest skirts. I think you kinda should maybe have permission before you hug people with arms /or/ with bees?" She hums thoughtfully. "Oh, I'm not /really/ going to leave, where would I go? Plus I love it here."

"I have no where else to go," Rasa admits, slipping back into hir robe. With hir hair pulled up into hir towel, twisted around hir head, ze leaves the shower stall with hir shower kit in hand. Ze heads for the sink to attempt the face shaving thing. "It is a nice place to be, so it isn't bad." More shaving cream is squirted into hir hands and then smeared around hir face, a small sigh escaping hir tense form. "I hope they come back too. Shane's really helped me a lot... and I'd miss him if he stayed away - and Bastian, well, we do art together... even if my art is broken."

"Broken? How is your art broken, art's whatever you -- oh." Eloise wrinkles her nose, head ducking slightly, "sorry. I hope they come back." She leans against the wall with a sigh. Her fingers run through her still-damp hair. "You get along with Shane?" This is curious, but comes with a smile. "Bastian's always been megasweet to me. Does Dr. Grey or Dr. McCoy have any idea how -- um. I mean. Can they help you get better?"

Rasa shakes hir head for the time being, readying hir razor and starting the process of removing unwanted facial hair. "Right now, they say things like my brain is tire and my psionic energy is depleted. They say I should just rest and wait and see what happens. If nothing comes back in a week, then they will offer me more tests to see why." It is hard to tell if Rasa is more uncomfortable with talking of hir mutation or the idea of scraping hir face with extremely sharp metal, as ze is making faces, trying to stretch the skin taut in places to make it easier to shave. "I don't know how many times I shifted. It was a lot. Being worn out sounds... right."

"Maybe you need to find someone who can boost psionic energy. Or fix brains." Eloise considers this a moment. Long moment. And then takes a half-step forward towards Rasa, holding out a hand. "Can I -- can I see? Um, you. I mean if there's something wrong in your brain maybe I can fix --" Her teeth sink down against her lip. "Oh, right, razor, sorry." She drops her hand to her side.

"Really?" There is genuine excitement in the young person's voice, the influx of male hormones causing hir voice to crack awkwardly. Rasa turns to look at Eloise and hir hand, considering quietly before her attention to hir razor catches hir attention as well, and ze stares at it as if it appeared in hir hand without hir knowing about it. "Oh. Well. Um. I guess I should finish first. I mean, I have all of this ...foam after all." Ze smiles through that shaving cream. "I would love it if you would try. I just... well, just a second." Ze turns back to the mirror and tries to shave /faster/ but /carefuller/.

"Mmhmm. I mean I don't know what I can do but I can look at least, right?" Eloise takes this opportunity to return to the mirror, combing her hair out and then just leaving it loose. She gets out makeup, next, leaning in to apply this, too. Hers is minimal; she goes through this routine quickly enough. Neutral colours. Eyeliner, a touch of eyeshadow, a hint of colour in her cheeks. Dabdabdab.

Rasa manages a somewhat decent job shaving, with minimal nicks, but when the shaving cream is fully rinsed away, there are one or two stray hairs that catch hir attention and cause hir to frown. Ze runs the dry razor against the wet cheek to remove them, but only succeeds in getting another small cut. Ze turns and runs off to the toilet stall to grab a square of toilet paper to dab at the more bloody of the cuts, looking at Eloise shyly as she does her makeup. "If it doesn't work, can you show me how to do that?"

"How do do what? This?" Eloise glances down at her makeup, and smiles bright. "Oh, yeah, sure. I don't know if my stuff would look good on you, I'm, like, /so/ pale it's kind of disgusting. There's this little store in Salem though -- you wanna go down? Maybe after school? We could pick up things that suits you."

"Yeah, that would be nice. Can we do that even if this does work?" Rasa is pleased, some of the weariness that beleaguered hir earlier no longer present in hir expression. Ze keeps dabbing at hir cheek until the tissue stops coming away with a red spot.

"Sure!" Eloise glances at her reflection, then snaps her compact closed to drop it in her basket. She turns to look at Rasa, holding out a hand again now that there is not a razor near hir face.

Rasa slips hir hand into Eloise's, slowly at first, as if needing to remind hirself that touching other people is okay right now. Ze looks up from where their hands meet to look at Eloise's face. Ze takes a couple deep breaths, calming hirself.

Ze does indeed suffer from exhaustion and depletion of any reserves of psionic energy, but there is damage beyond that. The intrusion of the hivemind in Rasa's mind ran hir so ragged that it not only sucked up everything, but /scraped/ the bottom of the barrel and came up with splinters. Certain nerve endings show signs of electrical damage, wear and tear that will eventually, like blisters will eventually heal on the bottom of well worn feet, but it is damage and it will take time.

Eloise rests her other hand against the counter. Her eyes close, hand gripping tighter, squeezy around Rasa's. She is quiet. Long and quiet, as she focuses, seeking out those frayed edges to quietly smooth them over, repairing what damage she finds in Rasa's mind. It's a long stretch of silence as she works. Eventually, though, she cracks her eye open to peek hopefully at Rasa. Peeeek. Peekpeek?

While there are no outward improvements immediately, the soothing and smoothing process takes hold and the portions of hir brain, the bits hereto undefined by modern science, that create the psionic energy in a brain /actually/ begin to create new reserves. Things begin working correctly, but ze is still exhausted mentally speaking. When Eloise opens her eyes, she will instead find a smiling Rasa, one who is starting to finally feel better, even if the recovery is intangible. Ze opens hir eyes a moment and grins at the other girl. "Thank you."

"-- Did it work?" Eloise is unsure. But she smiles bright in aswer to Rasa's smile, relaxing and opening both her eyes properly. "I mean how do you feel?" She squeezes Rasa's hand and then drops it, reaching to pick up her basket. She pats her hair drier with the towel still draped around her shoulders, then undrapes it to hang it off her arm instead.

"I feel like I had a nap," Rasa replies, thoughtful. "I went from ... days and days of insomnia to feeling like I just had a nap. It wasn't enough sleep, but sleep is no longer unattainable." Ze gives a little shrug as ze puts hir things away in hir basket and unwraps hir hair from hir towel. "It did something." Ze is quite confident. "Thank you for everything this morning."

"I hope it works!" Eloise's nose crinkles as the warning bell rings, and she takes one last glance in the mirror. "See you! After school. We'll go -- out!" One more bright smile to Rasa, and she dashes out to get to class.

Rasa needs to rush too, as ze did not bring any clothing into the bathroom and needs to change! Someone is going to be tardy today.