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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Ducky, Ghost, Jeremy | summary = An exciting Friday night in the Art room. Not really. Just arting. | gamedate = 2013-11-29 | gamedatename = | ...")
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| location = <XS> [[Art Room]]
| location = <XS> [[Art Room]]
| categories = XS Art Room, Jeremy, Ghost, Ducky, Mutants, Xavier's
| categories = XS Art Room, Jeremy, Ghost, Ducky, Mutants, Xavier's
| log = The day after Thanksgiving has been a relatively quiet one, despite the large number of students milling around the school. The quarantine may technically have been lifted for the area, but with class schedules interrupted and break all but halted by the recovery from chaos, students are still in search of things to pass the time in the evening. Outside it is quite cold, but the rooms within the mansion are comfortable and toasty, including the art room, in this case.
| log = Smells of paints and chalks and turpentine mingle freely in this room, well-used, well-stocked. Natural light flows in, plentiful through the large windows. The long counter-like tables are speckled with spots of color, and half finished projects often stand on easels or propped in corners. The many cupboards lining the walls are crammed full of art supplies.
The day after Thanksgiving has been a relatively quiet one, despite the large number of students milling around the school. The quarantine may technically have been lifted for the area, but with class schedules interrupted and break all but halted by the recovery from chaos, students are still in search of things to pass the time in the evening. Outside it is quite cold, but the rooms within the mansion are comfortable and toasty, including the art room, in this case.

Ducky has wandered her way into the art room this evening, having no where else to go even with being allowed off campus, and is currently rummaging through one of the cabinets filled with art supplies. She's dressed in a pair of black yoga pants with the XS logo on the hip, paired with a long red long-sleeve t-shirt under a bright yellow hooded vest. The dappled gray and white pigeon that is her constant companion is nestled into the hood of the vest, gaze locked towards the door of the room as though to provide a lookout in case of trouble. Ducky is muttering quietly to herself as she occasionally looks up and around, "No. You really don't need to keep looking out. Though I 'preciate it, and all, it's kinda a bit excessive. They got ridda the dead people earlier in the week. S'ok, now, I think." She seems to be talking to herself - but the pauses in her speech seem to indicate that she is in a conversation with someone unseen in the room.
Ducky has wandered her way into the art room this evening, having no where else to go even with being allowed off campus, and is currently rummaging through one of the cabinets filled with art supplies. She's dressed in a pair of black yoga pants with the XS logo on the hip, paired with a long red long-sleeve t-shirt under a bright yellow hooded vest. The dappled gray and white pigeon that is her constant companion is nestled into the hood of the vest, gaze locked towards the door of the room as though to provide a lookout in case of trouble. Ducky is muttering quietly to herself as she occasionally looks up and around, "No. You really don't need to keep looking out. Though I 'preciate it, and all, it's kinda a bit excessive. They got ridda the dead people earlier in the week. S'ok, now, I think." She seems to be talking to herself - but the pauses in her speech seem to indicate that she is in a conversation with someone unseen in the room.

Latest revision as of 18:44, 2 December 2013

Artfully Avian
Dramatis Personae

Ducky, Ghost, Jeremy


An exciting Friday night in the Art room. Not really. Just arting.


<XS> Art Room

Smells of paints and chalks and turpentine mingle freely in this room, well-used, well-stocked. Natural light flows in, plentiful through the large windows. The long counter-like tables are speckled with spots of color, and half finished projects often stand on easels or propped in corners. The many cupboards lining the walls are crammed full of art supplies.

The day after Thanksgiving has been a relatively quiet one, despite the large number of students milling around the school. The quarantine may technically have been lifted for the area, but with class schedules interrupted and break all but halted by the recovery from chaos, students are still in search of things to pass the time in the evening. Outside it is quite cold, but the rooms within the mansion are comfortable and toasty, including the art room, in this case.

Ducky has wandered her way into the art room this evening, having no where else to go even with being allowed off campus, and is currently rummaging through one of the cabinets filled with art supplies. She's dressed in a pair of black yoga pants with the XS logo on the hip, paired with a long red long-sleeve t-shirt under a bright yellow hooded vest. The dappled gray and white pigeon that is her constant companion is nestled into the hood of the vest, gaze locked towards the door of the room as though to provide a lookout in case of trouble. Ducky is muttering quietly to herself as she occasionally looks up and around, "No. You really don't need to keep looking out. Though I 'preciate it, and all, it's kinda a bit excessive. They got ridda the dead people earlier in the week. S'ok, now, I think." She seems to be talking to herself - but the pauses in her speech seem to indicate that she is in a conversation with someone unseen in the room.

Making his way into the art room with a notepad under his arm already, Jeremy glances around the room as he looks about. He wears a simple long sleeved grey t shirt with a few holes in it and it is tucked into a pair of black jeans that are worn at the knees and the hem. The lifting of the quarantine has gotten him back on the road towards not being completely scrawny, but he still has a ways to go. Offering a little finger wave to the occupants already present, he walks around the perimeter of the art room for what is available to use as materials to occupy himself.

Ghost wanders into the room, a small notebook in her hands and a bag slung around her shoulder, approaching the cupboards without looking towards the other occupants. The teenager is dressed in a green t-shirt and a pair of jeans, barefoot. It's not until she's gotten some colored pencils out that she notices the others, waving. "Oh, uh, hey. What's up?"

"Hello!" Ducky chirps happily, not looking up from her quest in the cabinet, though it is in response to Jeremy's initial wave. After a few more minutes, the mousy haired girl has collected a small number of chalk pastels and a decent sized sketch pad into her arms when she turns around, her fingers already coated in the rainbow of residue from the messy medium as she offers a wave of greeting. She takes her collection of supplies to one of the long tables and perches on a seat, tucking her legs under her to arrange things into some sort of workable area. "Whatcha working on?" she asks as she glances between Ghost and Jeremy, directing the question at both students.

Giving a shrug at the questions, Jeremy signs back to the others while they are looking 'Bored, looking for something to play with. Rec room playing horrible movie. Something with bad singing.' He offers another shrug at that before he finds a block of grey clay like stuff and smiles. 'Used to this. Should tell Lia, no restrictions here like at the lab.' Nodding at that he puts the lump onto his notepad and carries it over a table to work on it.

"Oh god, are they playing High School Musical?" Ghost snorts, as she looks over, surveying the other two. "I'm doing some sketching. Takes my mind off things. What about you?". She then looks over to Jeremy. "The lab? Huh, guess there is a lot of us here, if you're speaking of Prometheus." Taking her colored pencils and notebook, she heads over to one of the tables, setting up for her sketching. She then looks back to Ducky. "Wait, who were you talking to earlier?"

Ducky tilts her head curiously, the bird on her shoulder, having shifted around in her hood to face the others as well, mimicking her movement towards the others. Ducky parrots the sign, frowning slightly in confusion, "The labs?" she turns her attention again to Ghost, when the other girl provides further information, fingerspelling out the name given in reference to the labs. Her expression turns to concern, as though she's trying to muddle through something, but she shakes her head. The pigeon that has been nestled in her hood waddles out from there, and then down one arm to rest on the table, nudging the chalk pastels into neat rows while the others talk. "Hm?" she asks, now signing her words as well as speaking, "Oh, um. Right. Him." She points at the pigeon now sitting on the table, as though that provides all the explanation necessary.

Nodding at the name, Jeremy confirms that was where he was. As Ducky signs and talks, he shakes his head and signs back 'I can hear fine, just not talk.' He offers a slight smile at that so as not to offer an inconvenience to her, and looks to the pigeon with amusement. 'Guess Norwegian blue jokes are bad.' He rips off a little hunk of the clay as he starts to shape it, though mainly its just balling and pulling bits to figure out what to make.

"Mutant research labs. Bad shit. Much better here.". Ghost provides clarification, with a grim sort of attitude about it. She begins drawing something, using a mixture of blue and pink colors, before looking other at the pigeon. "Uh..okay. What's his name? Hello, pigeon. I am Ghost.". Ghost's tone is completely non-mocking, as she tilts her head. "Wait, can he understand me..? I don't think I've ever tried speaking to a pigeon before.".

Ducky seems to stutter in her signing for a moment, when Jeremy explains that he doesn't actually need it, and nods, although she keeps signing, halfway practiced at it, "Oh, apologies about that. I... my room mate is deaf - it's sort of force of habit to keep signing when half the conversation is in sign, if that's ok? And it means I can practice for my class and stuff, anyway." She snickers, and shakes her head, petting the pigeon and leaving a tiny trace of dusty blue color on the bird's back, "Nah. I've never had a Norwegian Blue. But Kushi is also not pining for the fjords." The bird ruffles up indignantly in response to the question about understanding, bobbing its head in response, "Hi, Ghost. This is Kushi. And I'm Ducky. And he can understand, mostly. It's better when he's around me, but normally, yeah, he understands English." The further description of the labs gets a somber nod, "I have a couple of friends who came out of there. S'alotta people who were in there, it sounds like."

The little grey blob starts to shape to have tiny little legs and a beak, but looks more like a squat fat penguin than anything else. Jeremy nods at her explanation though and offers a smile. 'Okay. Its good you can then. Also, no zombie problem so yay.' He glances at Ghost and raises a brow, then tilts his head before he signs 'You do not look dead. Too solid.' Squish, squish, pinch the thing to make it more penguin like.

Ghost nods back at Kushi as he bobs his head. "Well then, nice to meet you both.". Her drawing slowly begins to form also into that of a bird, looking a bit like Kushi. She then turns to Jeremy, laughing. "I'm only called Ghost because I once slipped out of my cell for about 5-10 minutes, give or take. Hiding on the ceiling helped with that. Though, I then learned it was a terrible choice to make.".

The pigeon continues to nudge at the pastels, coating his beak in the colors a little bit at a time, sneezing a bit. Ducky finally picks up one of the chalks and starts sketching idly, also working on a likeness of the bird, it becomes evident after a few moments of sketching. Her head tilts again in confusion when Jeremy comments on Ghost's name, quirking her lips to the side in a puzzled look, "Well, she doesn't look like a ghost, but I also don't look like an aquatic bird, either. Names aren't always /that/ descriptive. Sometimes they are though, I guess." She shrugs and grins, going to work on her pastel drawing again, her tongue peaking out of the corner of her lips as she looks between Kushi and the page.

'They hurt you less if you did what they told you.' Jeremy nods and sets his misshapen penguin down on the table in front of him before grabbing another hunk of clay. 'Being called drain sounds like I'm a sink. I don't want to be a sequence of numbers either'. He lets out a soft sigh and shakes his head, then squishes out a small dome like thing he holds up next to the penguin before taking it back and enlarging it.

"Yeah, I learned that eventually.". Ghost sighs, filling in the colors of the drawing with yellow. "Drain? Yeah, that doesn't sound too pleasant.". She ends up finishing her drawing, looking towards the others. "Welp, I'm finished.". She shows the drawing, before putting it in her bag, getting up. "See you, nice meeting you both.". Ghost then heads for the door. "Oh, you too, Kushi.".

Ducky listens in horror at the vague references to the labs and whatever was done to people there, her eyes going wide before she turns her attention back to the paper in front of her, continuing her sketch messily, with much smudging of chalk. The young woman bobs her head in farewell, grinning at the drawing. "Later, Ghost. It was nice to meet you," Ducky offers with a cheery smile, turning her attention back to her artwork, continuing in relative silence to toil away at the project. She seems happy for the company, but not overly intent on carrying on a conversation.

Jeremy offers Ghost a little wave as she makes her way off, and glancing toward's Ducky's art, he goes back to playing with the clay things. Taking a pencil from his note pad, he scrapes off little bits of the dome and adds a half cylinder to the front until his penguin has an igloo to call its own.