ArchivedLogs:Date Gone Bad

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Date Gone Bad
Dramatis Personae

Daken, Anette

In Absentia


Drinking, zoos, muggings, IHOP...


<NYC> Bronx

The northernmost of New York's five boroughs, the Bronx... well. You might get shanked.

It's been a long day, and the Bronx has seen it's share of action. Mainly because Daken has arrived. He's been to (and gotten kicked out of) the zoo, visited a pub, and then made his way over to one of the all day IHOP's scattered about the borough. He's dressed rather well for the outing too, purple vest over a tailored white shirt and black slacks. The matching jacket has been thrown over his left shoulder. "I still can't believe you aren't allowed to throw food at the animals. Apparently it's not acceptable once you're older than seven." His words are accompanied by a strong smell of whiskey, though he doesn't appear drunk.

Anette walks beside Daken, holding onto his arm and only stumbling periodically. She, too, smells of alcohol but her drink of choice smells to be of rum and it seems to affect her more than him. "You're a goddamned idiot...I -told- you not to do that!" she says, half scolding and half laughing. She appears to have dressed up for the occasion also, choosing knee-length LBD trimmed with gothic lace though she does wear long coat over it, covering her wings and hiding them from sight. "I think it has less to do with you being seven and more with it being the 40's," she teases.

There's usually a reason for things. And the reason Anette and Daken are really the only people out and about this early in the morning comes out from the depths of an alley they pass. Two males, one Hispanic the other Caucasian, neither older than twenty from the look of things. There's an audible click as a revolver and handgun are pressed into the woman and male's back respectively. "Don't freak out, just give us your money and nobody gets hurt." "Now you /know/ I never went to the zoo as a kid." Daken reminds Anette, his nostrils flaring a moment before the white male speaks. His head swivels a bit, looking over towards his female companion, the expression on his face slowly turning into an unsettling grin. "It looks like it's our lucky day, Anette. These boys want to play a game."

"Whatever, you think I listen to you? Mostly just trying to get you into be-" Her words are cut off by the sensation of a gun being pressed into her back. Her eyes suddenly turn bright yellow and like Daken, she turns her head. Unlike Daken, she turns her head a full 270 degrees, facing the male behind her and looking him in the eyes. "Now, if you were capable of getting a date, you'd know that if a woman is dressed up, she isn't carrying any money."

And with the twist of Anette's head rings out the sound of muffled gun shots, two. The projectiles tear through Daken's back and the gun that was aimed at him moves up to aim at the unharmed female. "Fucking freaks!" His hissed through clenched teeth as the white male drops to one knee to pat around for his wallet. "Don't fucking move!" is threatened once more.

Anette screams as Daken is shot and crumples to the ground apparently dead. She stares momentarily in horror, his healing abilities and immortality forgotten. Instincts kick in and without thinking, she immediately drops her coat and shoots into the sky. Once she's gained some height, she immediately tucks her wings in and divebombs the attackers, knocking them to the ground with as much force as possible. Her landing is a bit rough, due to her inebriation, and she resorts to a tuck-and-roll style recover, getting a bit of Daken's blood on herself.

Only one of the attackers was able to avoid the angry owl woman, and that was the very man that shot fjrst. In the chaos, the bullet forcing it's way out Daken's back. His return to consciousness is immediate, and there's a SNK sound shortly after his assailants wrist has been grabbed, the bone claw in his inner arm tearing free and skewering the man's gun wrist. "You got blood all over my favorite shirt." He scolds, though his next works are aimed at the other male in fluent Spanish, "{You had better start running.}" And once he's found his feet again, that's exactly what he does, leaving his friend pinned to the very man he had just shot.

Anette quickly rises to her feet as she hears Daken rise, breathing an audible sigh of relief. That happiness quickly turns into a pout as he tells the hispanic one to run off. "What? You get a toy and I don't? Not fair..." Anettte quickly rises into the air once more and makes sure to kick the attacker down and then lands on his back with a bit more grace than before. "You're not really going to just let them go, are you?" she says.

"Of course not." Daken assures Anette, bringing his arm up quickly and splitting the man's hand in two. Screams and sobbing come up from the white gang member, who quickly goes into shock and loses consciousness. He collects the gun that was dropped and pushes to his feet. "Besides, you have a toy. How about we head over to the subway?" he inquires, brow raising the same time as the gun, one more shot rings out and the Hispanic male hits the ground with a bullet lodged in his back just as quickly as he started to push back up, crying out "{My legs!}" in shock. The gun is dropped next to it's rightful owner. "I need to get out of this shirt anyway. Third one this week to get ruined."

Anette grins as the gang member is sufficiently wounded and she decides to walk away. " had all the fun. I just knocked them back a bit." She bends down to pick up her coat and slips it back on over her shoulders before taking Daken's hand, suddenly frowning as she looks down at her dress, realizing it's still stained in his blood. "If you ever do that again...I'll kill you again myself."

"Have all the fun, or scare you like that?" Daken asks with a grin, lacing his fingers with Anette's. He starts them off again, cutting into the next alleyway. "We don't have a lot of time before the cops show up. We should get moving, or duck down into the tunnels." he suggests.

"Scaring me like that. And having fun without sharing. I get to draw blood first next time." Anette keeps pace with Daken, hand-in-hand. "Right, cops. I don't need more added to my record."

"They shot /me/." Daken reminds with a slight snort, reaching up to poke the hole in his shirt over his heart. "And the last thing I need is for them to discover my expired work visa. Need new paperwork written up, and a new identity. Right now I'm in the system as Chin Li." His bloody hand runs over his head as he directs Anette towards the docks. "We should hide out on the island for a night or two. Or six."