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Science Girl

Only occasionally on fire (through no fault of her own) Kisha combines the mutant ability to build just about any gadget ever invented with the willingness to not only build it, but to use it without regard for the consequences.


Born in Detroit, MI Kisha spent most of her early years as the kid who was too smart for her own good. She fell in with her older brother and his gang for a while, until her brother almost got locked up for an armed robbery. Put off gang life she threw herself into her studies and was doing well in school until her powers manifested. Then, driven a little unstable by her newly awakened power, she built something weird for her science fair project and blew herself up. She got kicked out from school while recovering for severe burns before an invitation to study at Xavier's arrived, she jumped at the opportunity and hasn't looked back since.


Intuitive Invention.

Kisha's primary power allows her to comprehend every technological device ever invented by another Human being. In theory this lets her build, repair, use or even dismantle just about anything from a stone axe to a spaceship. In practice there are certain limitations to her ability. Firstly her abilities will only interact with a single device at a time. Secondly the greater the degree of size and complexity in a device the harder it is for Kisha to 'attune' to it. Devices can be broken down into roughly three tiers of difficulty. Devices which were invented before 1950 are relatively easy, devices created between 1950 and now are considered moderately difficult and any 'future tech' devices (like Iron Mans suit) are generally impossible (except for plot purposes of course!). Something large like a submarine will generally count as the next tier up. So a WW2 U-boat would be as tricky to recreate as a cell phone. Kisha still requires all the tools and physical effort a regular person would need. When it comes to materials Kisha requires all the raw materials a regular person would need however her ability allows her to fabricate small objects like microchips. To do this she must maintain physical contact with five times the quantity of materials for eight hours (eg five microchips will produce one different chip) and the object she is producing must be small enough to fit entirely in her closed hand. In some cases It should also be noted that while her power is active she doesn't necessarily have a conscious understanding of what she's doing. She may know she needs a part with certain properties but unless she knows from her own training and experience she'll have no idea what that part is called or what it might do.Finally while her mutation can substitute for a skill in the use of a device it is generally no match for training and experience. Gunfire for instance would be inaccurate and for something really complex like flying a plane it's barely preferable to letting it fall out of the sky!


The changes her mutation has caused in her brain mean that Kisha is no longer capable of sleep. She's fully awake and alert 24/7. She can however black out due to drugs, exhaustion or a bump on the head.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everyone in between

  • Pretty much everyone.

[[Image:|x150px]] [[Image:|x150px]] [[Image:|x150px]]

Full Name
Codename None
Birthdate 2nd January 1999
Species Mutant
Affiliation Xaviers
Alignment Chaotic
Powers Intuitive Invention & Never Sleeps
Occupation Student
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2020-11-25)
Mark V DJ, Kisha, Lily, Polaris, NegaStark, Hulk, Clint
  • (2020-11-17)
Waffling Kisha, Kitty
  • (2020-08-26)
The only limit is your imagination. Kisha, Kitty
  • (2019-07-25)
Minimally Catastrophic Bruce, Kisha
  • (2019-03-07)
Robotics Club Reunion B, Kisha
