Talk:Harbor Commons

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  • General Meetings - open to all community residents, held regularly to discuss issues that affect the Commons as a whole. Since actually playing out meetings on cam would get tedious and annoying, use this section to outline agenda points your chars may have brought up or weigh in on the points already there. Please put concrete decisions in bold for easy skimming.
    • Thursday, 18 June, 2014, 19:30. Attending: B, Daiki, Dusk, Flicker, Hive, Horus, Jax, Jim, Joshua, Melinda, Micah, Rachel, Shane, Zombie
      • Finances
      • General Meeting Schedule (How often/when to have meetings)
        • Hive suggestion: every two weeks UNTIL all the setup of everything has been hammered out (rooms fully furnished, chores fully assigned, new applicant processes in place, everything running smoothly) after which, once a month.
      • Common House Furnishing
        • Nearly done, yay! Still need some things for the guest rooms and entertainment/media rooms and gym. Assign budget/people to finish acquiring Things.
      • How To Handle New Resident Applications
        • Need someone to take point on writing an application over and above the standard sort of credit check.
        • Need someone to take point on devising interview process.
        • Once these are done, need people to take point on actually BEING the ones to receive and process new applications and schedule interviews etc.
      • Community Chore Division (what needs to be done, who will do it -- anyone who wants to help, get in touch with the people responsible for making sure it is done)
        • Common house cleaning -- probably should be divided up by rooms the common house is BIG. Everyone needs to be responsible for cleaning up after THEMSELVES when using common areas, though. (Need volunteers for the various areas of the Common House)
        • Keeping track of/restocking inventory (cleaning products, bathroom needs, commonly-used nonperishable staples and spices in the kitchens, etc.) (Need volunteers for inventory management)
        • Security system -- Dusk has installed security in and around common areas. This includes cameras as well as a system to notify people of unidentified visitors; please contact Dusk if you want to be on the notification list. Dusk will maintain electronic security systems.
        • Internet infrastructure -- Dusk has wired the Commonhaus and Treehaus and Workshop for internet; additionally there is wifi access all through common areas. Dusk will maintain Commons network; additionally is handling upkeep of the website and other online community presence e.g. mailing list
        • Building Maintenance -- Not actually responsible for FIXING everything, just for coordinating any structural upkeep that needs doing and getting other people to fix it if need be. Hive will keep an eye on building maintenance.
        • Planting Gardens -- Jax and Micah have been tending to the Gardens & sunroom herb boxes re: what gets planted and when etc.
        • Grounds maintenance -- Jim has been on Groundskeeper duty.
        • Finance management -- (Need volunteers for keeping track of finances -- Hive has been doing this through construction and opening but would seriously like to not handle it anymore now that building is completed.)
      • Community Etiquette
        • Smoking in common areas -- NO indoor smoking in common houses; outdoor smoking is acceptable but NOT in the Gardens, Playground, or Gazebo. Please respect individuals' preferences with regards to smoking in their yards/near their private houses. Hive will get receptacles for cigarette butts to install in the courtyard near the trashcans and doggie-bag-dispensers already there.
        • Drugs in common areas -- though general sentiment is Nobody Really Cares, keep illegal drug usage out of common areas as it is a legal liability for every member of the Commons.
        • Nudity in common areas
          • In favor: Dusk, Hive, Shane, B, Jax, Micah, Horus, though agreed that clothing should be worn in kitchen & dining areas.
          • Opposed: Zombie, Joshua, Jim, Rachel
          • Jim is generally anti-nudity but okay with specifying which parts of the Common Areas are OK and which parts aren't.
          • Rachel is meh on the idea of overall nudity but thinks it is important that female & male toplessness are treated equally (No dissenting opinions there?)
          • Daiki and Flicker are both abstaining; not entirely comfortable with nudity but also entirely uncomfortable with regulating if and how other people need to dress.