ArchivedLogs:New in Town

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New in Town
Dramatis Personae

Dorian, Jeremy, Kaori

In Absentia


"Talk" on the rooftop


<NYC> Village Lofts - Rooftop - East Village

The fall weather of New York is fairly pleasant, if for no other reason than the heat island of the city trapping in the reflecting rays of sunlight onto concrete and asphalt. The rising hot air causes birds to circle lazily about around the rooftops, and some of the rooftops seem occupied by more mammalian individuals, most even pretty human looking. Some of the freed labrats are up on the rooftops getting a chance to experience nice 'fresh' city air and sunlight, perhaps the first time in years, and to get the chance to see more of the world while they recover mentally and physically.

Jeremy is one such labrat, and he sits near the edge of the rooftop ledge, looking out over the city. Wearing the clothing he had been lent, it seems an odd mix of tight pants with very loose shirt and jacket, but at least it isn't the scrubs that had been their default for so long. While some of the others chatter and make small talk, speaking of things they want to do now that they are free and things they remember from before, he avoids talking so he wont cause trouble. He sits with a can of coke as he watches the world go by, and occasionally he brings the can up to his lips first, a small inhalation from him causing the beverage to bead up with condensation even in the fall like weather, before he takes a careful sip of the cold beverage through a straw.

It has only been a few days since their decidedly unexpected rescue, but Dorian has been making the most of it. Meaning the young man has been spending as much time outside on the relatively safe rooftop of the Lofts under the watchful eye of a chaperone. Dressed in mismatched, loaned clothing - a baggy neon green tanktop and faded blue jeans modified to let his dark brown tail have freedom of movement - the fuzzy young man is bouncing about between groups of people on the rooftop, doing his best impression of a hyperactive social butterfly.

Having greeted and chattered at or with all of the groups first, Dorian makes his way over towards Jeremy's position on the roof's edge, slowing down his approach a bit cautiously, not wanting to spook him or anything. "Hi," Dorian chirrups, offering an enthusiastic wave to his friend as he approaches to lean against the colorful wall.

Kaori jogs up the stairs and pauses when she sees the chaperone, someone she met on Game Night. "Oh hi," she says, blinking and glancing around at the people gathered. She looks a little confused at first, but then shrugs without asking the obvious question. "Hey, have you seen Shane?" The chaperone headshakes, but doesn't seem concerned about Kaori flouncing onto the scene. She smiles and shrugs, and strolls through the rooftop garden until she spies the smallest group, just the pair of Jeremy and Dorian. She approaches with a shy smile and a wave.

Kaori is wearing a Tank Girl t-shirt (white, with a blue and red bullseye), fitted green cargo pants, and brown vans. She's also wearing a backpack that looks like Yoda riding on her back, and carries a longboard skate that looks nearly as tall as she is. Her hair is still super-bright, neon green, but is put up in what would be a severe-looking bun punched through with two yellow pencils. It's severity is tempered some by the bright colors. "Uh, hey. Hi. Whats up?"

Blinking at the waving and hello, Jeremy waggles his fingers back in greeting. Jeremy points to his soda, then gestures with it out to the city, then shrugs and goes back to sipping the soda. He did have a small notepad sticking out of his back pocket awkwardly with a pencil slid through the notepad's metal rings, but he hasn't pulled it out yet. He hasn't done too much writing since they've been at the lofts aside from directed questions it seems.

Glancing to the brightly colored girl, Jeremy bites his lip as he looks her over as if trying to decide on recognition. Not recalling her at least, he taps Dorians hand, then tilts his head and draws a small question mark in the air to him, perhaps in query if he knew her. He does watch her a bit, and runs a hand through his hair experimentally, not being used to having the complete freedom of motion and it lacks the fluidity of a habitual effect.

Dorian grins brightly at Jeremy for a moment, before glancing back over his shoulder to see who else was coming up onto the bustling rooftop. He tilts his head in confusion, making a face as he tries to go over the people he'd seen in the lab over the years, before slowly shaking his head. "I... don't think so? I mean, I saw a lotta people there, but they didn't put me with everyone who was there, 'cause I know there were some people who were sorta really dangerous and they usually kept me not with those people, normally, anyway," he babbles, perhaps needing to make up for the silence from Jeremy, unconsciously tracing a fingernail along the faded scars on his arms. He falls quiet and watches the green haired girl, still slightly uncertain about how much they were supposed to talk to people.

Kaori slides over to lean her board against the low wall of the rooftop, and regards the pair's exchange curiously. She bites her lip as Dorian explains for Jeremy, and adds, "Oh, I don't think we've met. I just know a couple guys in the building. And I didn't see you at Game Night. But do you know, Shane? Or Doug, or Dusk? And... I forget some of the other names. Oh, Sebastian, too! Sort of blanking, otherwise, sorry." She shrugs and smiles. "Anyway, I'm Kaori. Hi." She offers her hand to each boy in turn.

Nodding slightly at Dorian's explanation, Jeremy glances back at Koari and her board. So much had gone on the past few days, he recognized faces more than names yet, so he shakes his head at her questions of knowing people mentioned. Taking the pad of paper out of his back pocket, he scrawls on the page since it was easier than trying to gesture it out or try to finger spell it. Turning the page to her so she can read it, it says ~We are new here sorry. I don't know names well yet. Don't think people want to be called rock guy and stompy lady or blinky dude.~ He offers a shrug after holding it long enough to be read, he lets out a slight sigh, the motion being more in shoulders and the exhale coming out from his nose, his mouth staying clamped shut.

Dorian, once Kaori takes the initiative and approaches them, greets with a cheery wave and smile, "Oh, um. No, not really. I... I think I've only picked up one person's name. Rock dude - actually called Ash, He's nice. Gives skritches. Sleepy. And I don't know any of those people, no, we kinda, um, just got here, just kinda, visiting, sorta. I guess you can call it that?" He seems exuberant, if a bit uncertain about a lot of things. The offered hand gets a confused look, and he blinks for a moment, before tentatively accepting the hand shake, "Hi! I'm Dorian. This is Jeremy," he says glancing towards the silent young man on the wall, bouncing slightly on the balls of his bare feet, "Nice to meet you!"

Kaori lingers just a moment when she's show a pad of paper instead of a handshake, and then peers at the paper a moment, definitely taking a little longer to read than average. Her face makes odd scrunchy expressions while she reads, puzzling out different bits and then nodding. "Ooohh, ok," she says, standing straight again. It was a success just reading all of it, and then her brow furrows when she considers the meaning of what she just read. "Huh, ok..." Then her expression blossoms into a broad smile at Dorian's bright greeting. "Well that's neat," Kaori says. "So, what brings you to New York?" She glances out across the skyline, just in case her meaning wasn't clear.

Taking the question literally, Jeremy scribbles on the page again, though just two words this time. ~A bus.~ He nods at that, the answer apparently not meant in sarcasm at least by his facial mannerisms. As she looked out at the skyline, Jeremy turned again to look back out at it to see if something else had changed since he had looked away, tilting his head, then shrugging. He looks back to her and offers a tentative close lipped smile, as if he its another motion that is out of practice.

"A bus," Dorian answers with a head tilt, a little confused at the question, but giggling as he realizes that Jeremy had written the same answer. "Yeah, we kinda just got here, and haven't really be able to get to meet many people who didn't arrive on the same bus as we did. And even before then, couldn't really get out and meet people and all, since well, yeah, not really allowed out ever or anything. Kinda just inside a lot. A lot a lot. Still don't know if "allowed" is actually a word for it, but we're out now, so /that's/ cool. At least I think it is. But the city is so so /big/ - I've never been to a city like this before. Not that I remember anyway. It's just... wow," Dorian somehow manages to get this stream of consciousness babble out in one breath, without really straining himself, it would seem. He finishes up with a smile, and looks curiously at Kaori, glancing to her skateboard, "Were you planning on skateboarding up here? That seems kinda... dangerous. Sortaish."

Kaori giggles at the written and spoken jinx. "Well, I guess that makes sense!" Kaori's grin fades a little when Dorian scoots through describing what they were and were not 'allowed' to do. She blinks at the boy's longwinded way of speaking though, and may not actually have followed the quick words one hundred percent. When she's asked about skating though, she smiles and shakes her head. "Oh no, not up here. This is just a longboard anyway. More for just getting around. I live across town a little ways." Kaori is helpful explainer as well. "But uh, I kinda have to go see if Shane is around. But, maybe I'll see you later! Take care!" Kaori scoops up her board and waves as she ambles back toward the stairs down.

Jeremy offers the girl a little wave as she departs, then looks to Dorian with a shrug. He frowns at his coke though that has warmed up from all the not drinking of it, and pressing it to his lips again, he drains the heat out of it enough for another chilled sip as he sits back down to watch the city.

Dorian offers a cheery wave, again, as Kaori departs, likely missing the confusion at his long winded babble. "Bye! Have a nice day!" he chirrups, fairly certain that for the first time in a long time... he can actually tell someone to have a nice day, and they might have a shot at actually having a nice day.