ArchivedLogs:Emails - Chikkinz

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Emails - Chikkinz
Dramatis Personae

Dusk, Hive, Jackson, Micah, Sebastian, Shane

Jan 30 - 2 Feb




from: Hive <>
to: Harbor Commons <>
date: Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 23:31
subject: Victory

Our bid was accepted. We have a lot.

Not like PLENTY, like a patch of ground to call our own.

Now I just have to -- build shit on it.

So, everyone, now's the time to make your wishes. Because I hear Jax has a bigass bag of pixie dust.

from: Jackson Holland-Zedner <>
to: Harbor Commons <>
date: Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 23:33
subject: Victory *_*


Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh!!!

Also Hive I'm PRETTY SURE you're the one with the magic wand here!

Four walls and a roof. Preferably lighting plumbing and heat.

I know we had a longer list than that but I'm still stuck in SQUEE.

Gosh you guys there's a park right next door, too! Maybe I can start setting up Food not Bombs there on weekends also if anyone wants to help!

Also um guys did you know there's a hug bank downtown? This might be some kind of portent.

Solidarity (AND HUGS),

from: Micah Holland-Zedner <>
to: Harbor Commons <>
date: Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 23:58
subject: RE: Victory

Hey all,

I'd say "a lot" was actually accurate regardless of the clarification in this case, Hive! Thanks for all the work you've been putting into this.

I just wanted to toss up a quick summary of the common space things that people have requested so far, so that people can share ideas on them or add other things they'd like to see. This is a really comprehensive list, so it may or may not turn out to be /reasonable/ to do all of these things. But that is for later discussion.

Indoor Space:
*Entertainment/game room
*Common kitchen facilities
*Common dining facilities
*Playroom for kids (Apparently I've been volunteered on design and Jax wants to paint.)
*Art studio/craft space
*Workshop space (There is interest in a possible kiln...somewhere.)
*Some kind of sunroom or conservatory

Outdoor Space:
*Common gardens (Particular interest on food-producing gardens.)
*Small playground (Current thoughts are space themed equipment.)
*Outdoor gathering space (Picnic tables or some such)
*Pond or water feature of some sort.

General Design Thoughts: So far discussions have included a series of single family homes and town homes (duplex/triplex type, mostly) with small yards (for private use: porches, pets, personal, gardens, etc.) ringing a central shared outdoor space with the common building in the middle. This would keep the common areas inaccessible to the street, with fencing between the houses. I was also thinking that it would be a good plan to put together the common areas with an eye to ADA-compliant accessibility, considering we don't know precisely who all will be living in the space over time, and retrofitting things is always a pain.

from: Dusk <>
to: Harbor Commons <>
date: Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 02:59
subject: VICTORY planning

Lookit Micah. All on top of Jax's everything. That was a pretty excellent list. I think at some point somewhere else along the line someone mentioned it'd be neat if the common spaces also had a guest room or two for... guest. Shit.

The kitchen space needs to be divided or separated into multiple kitchens altogether for vegan&kosher and then meat&dairy. Also be REALLY REALLY REALLY good about allergy... not-mingling/labelling ingredients for shared meals and shit.

Man can we have a chicken coop in the outdoor space. I want fresh eggs. Like every day. Are you allowed to raise chickens in Manhattan?

Entertainment/gameroom totally two separate things, also. Game room like tabletop. Entertainment room like television and sound system. Why would you mingle these things Micah, you heathen.
from: Sebastian Holland-Zedner <>
to: Harbor Commons <>
date: Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 03:31
subject: re: planning

shane would v much like a music room he's prob not the only one.

i might forget and eat chickens.

also if you put the sunroom off the common kitchen(s?) you can use it to grow herbs year round. not that you can't anyway but more convenient that way.

from: Micah Holland-Zedner <>
to: Harbor Commons <>
date: Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 12:52
subject: RE: VICTORY planning

Often where I find myself, I suppose... >_> Anyhow. Yes, having some general guest space sounds like a good idea. And people can, additionally, request guest rooms in their homes if they'd like. Having two separate kitchens sounds like a good plan, though /more/ than two might be getting into hard-to-pull-off territory. Having one that is...omnivorous and the other follow stricter restrictions (vegan, kosher, etc.) might be the way to work it.

As far as animals, it will first depend on the area's zoning and what's legal to keep there. Hive? You got any better ideas on that? Otherwise I've got to ask Professor Google. Eggs are great...chickens are kind of jerks, though.

/Sorry/, Dusk, I actually forgot about TVs and whatnot. It has been forever and a day since I had one. I was literally thinking only of game things when I wrote that. /Probably/ the people asking for an entertainment room thought something more like what you were saying. I'm also hearing that as maybe you volunteering to help design these things? Pokepoke. XD

from: Jackson Holland-Zedner <>
to: Harbor Commons <>
date: Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 13:23
subject: RE: VICTORY planning

You can totally keep chickens in New York, on private property. A couple of my other friends in coops have coops. Ohgosh that looks weird. Co-ops, coops. 

We don't have to do anything special, either. Once we're zoned as residential housing they can't really do anything about keeping the chickens.

They can do anything if people file noise complaints, but actually hens aren't that bad anyway. And chickens are sweethearts Micah. At least my Orpies and Silkies were always total darlings.

Admittedly our Leghorn cock would pretty much peck your eye out as soon as look at you but.

Anyway I agree on kitchens. One super-restrictive kitchen and one omnivore kitchen makes the most sense.

Man you know I've still never owned a TV? I guess technically I still won't have, it'll be like the one in the rec room at XS. Oh GOSH this'll be like being in high school all over again Lord save me.

(Can we have a treehouse guys please.)


from: Dusk <>
to: Harbor Commons <>
date: Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 13:24
subject: Leghorn rooster

Oh, is THAT what happned to your eye? Rough, man. Forget the damn chickens.
from: Shane Holland <>
to: Harbor Commons <>
date: Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 13:25
subject: Leghorn cock

You're supposed to aim for the mouth.
from: Hive <>
to: Harbor Commons <>
date: Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 13:23
subject: Chikkinz

Actually, we can totally keep chickens in Manhattan, but we can't keep guests.

I mean, we can't have guest rooms. Not officially; if we're zoned as residential property we need to be licensed as a hotel or hostel or inn or something similar in order to have guest rooms, officially. So we CAN have guest rooms, but we will OFFICIALLY need to call them something else. Like storage. Nitpicky detail. But I will of course build us storage rooms, where we can store spare beds and dressers etc.

And a treehouse. But I might just live in that.


Jesus you guys stop sending emails I am facedesking too hard to write my own.
from: Jackson Holland-Zedner <>
to: Harbor Commons <>
date: Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 12:17
subject: Painting the World

OK guys first off I'm so sorry for colouring the entire world I'm sorry I totally didn't mean to do that I went all the way to Harlem and back for church this morning and it's painted all the way to there and back and apparently it's painted all the way to Westchester and back too and then I went down to my studio to get poked with more needles and it's close to our NewPlace and ohGOSH everything's colourful there too!

So UH I retinted everything SORRY I mean I think it's awesome but I can see how not everyone likes their world extrafrosted.

Really what I was going to say though is that our new neighborhood is SO FULL of all these horrible barren LOTS of just weedy garbage and oh my gosh it's not going to be long at ALL before we can start in on GARDENING does anyone want to help me turn all those horrible dead places a little bit brighter? (And more edible? There's so many people who could use a little extra food in their lives and yeah sometimes the cops uproot them but MOSTLY you just get to get a little bit more food to people who need it.)


from: Hive <>
to: Harbor Commons <>
date: Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 12:31
subject: Where are we living anyway

Interrupting Jax being a hippie still for just a moment just in case you're wondering WHERE the zombies are going to be crawling out of the river and eating you. Jax, you can no longer roll out of bed and wander to class. Doubt anyone else will care. Dusk doesn't even bother rolling out of bed to wander to work.

< google maps link >

Dusk, don't hit on the nuns too much.


(( OOC note: For people who get curious about these things OOCly, the Lofts ICly if anyone gets in the mood to look these things is situated somewhere between 7th and 8th streets on Avenue B, just along Tompkins Square Park: ''approximation, it's probably about where St Brigid School is IRL'' 

Their new address is going to be along South & Jackson: -- ohshit Jax you're going to live on Jackson street. HAH. Entire coincidence. --

making about a mile and a half hike between Tompkins Square and New Address. I looked in though and that park next door, while nowhere near as large as Tompkins, DOES have a dog run. But it's also in a less freak-friendly part of town so I imagine over time the visible folks are more likely to just gravitate more towards their own community enclosure because Tompkins is kind of a more laid-back vibe than most places.

Or just make the hike up to Tompkins in nice weather for the fun of it.))