ArchivedLogs:Bagels and Knocks

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Bagels and Knocks
Dramatis Personae

Alkimos, Melinda, Shelby

In Absentia


Fear of mutants inspires a mutant outburst, which inspires more anti-mutant hatred and some retaliation.


<NYC> Zabar's - Upper West Side

New Yorkers are serious about their bagels and as a result, Zabar's is busy. -Busy- busy. But that doesn't stop others from opening the door and piling on in, in search of freshly baked bagels and delicious toppings. Shelby is on her Best Behavior today, which means that she stops to hold the door for Melinda before stepping inside. The teenage girl has a bruise on her cheek; it's already yellowing around the edges, making it a minor bruise at best. She also looks a little nervous, gaze darting around and making a note of the other patrons as she moves to get into line for the deli counter. "So, um. Like, thanks and stuff. For coming out to see me," she says to Melinda. "I was pretty fucked up last night, huh?"

Alkimos is busy working the cash register - along with other workers. And also talking to customers and poking around the dining room wiping down tables. He wears a different color uniform, Black uniform with black pants, and belt, and the Zabar's logo and text in Gold Script. He also wears a U.S. Army Hat with the insignia and text of Operation Iraqi Freedom written on it. He appears to be a manager of sorts. He spots the two ladies entring and walks upp tot the ladies. "Good evening ladies, let me get that for you." He takes the door for them. "Welcome to Zabar's the best Bagels and Bagel Sandwiches in New York. We got a new healthy menu as well with mostly vegetarian options." He says with a smile. "Would you ladies like a menu?" You also notice the purple heart he wears on his uniform next to the insignia of Zabars.

"Yeah. It was horrible." Melinda follows in quietly after, a touch pale, her eyes downcast, far from her usual vivacity. She gives a wince of a smile to Shelby as she moves to stand in the crowded line, waiting on the opportunity to order. "But you got out of there okay? The second bullet - I didn't see where it went. I was afraid someone else got hit." She rubs her left hand against her right biceps, lips pursed. Alkimos' greeting takes a while to sink in, given Mel's distracted state. "Oh, Um. Hi?"

"Yeah. -Hell- yeah. I didn't stop running 'til I got to East 5th," Shelby says. Her oh so dramatic shudder is partially hidden under the many layers of winter clothing she's wearing but it leaves her head turtled down towards her shoulders. That is a guilty look if there ever was one. "Do you know if the guy died or...?" She trails off at that to study Alkimos, hunching down even more and shifting her scruffy stuff a little behind Melinda. Official Attention is never a good thing in her book. "Um. What's cheapest?"

Alkimos hands the ladies a menu. He overhears some of the conversation. "Are, you two ladies all right?" He asks. "What's this about bullets and a man getting shot?" He asks. Though normal in New York these days, its not as normal in the middle of winter. Summer time is usually when more crimes occur in the city. He notices the woman who appears to be emotionally distressed. "On second thought your orders are on the house. Don't worry about it. The store is mine, so management won't care or notice." He says. "If you like meat I'd recommend the meat lovers bagel, or if you prefer healthier, perhaps the Avocado Turkey with basil and swiss cheese, or the Cucumber delight bagel with Tomato , Pickles, and cheese and of course cucumbers. Then of course you got your chocolate spread bagel with peanut butter, and the Moon Pie Bagel." He says with a smile. "For dessert. Just name it and its on the house. Seems like you two have had quite a day?"

"I don't know. He must have had something to hide. He dragged himself out of there before the police came, no matter how much anyone tried to get him to a hospital." Melinda conveniently leaves out who might have helped him get away. She mutters the words, not entirely keen on Alkimos' proximity and cheerful service at the moment. She blinks at him blankly and wets her lips. "Oh, okay. Um, thanks. Um, do we have to order at the register or is this ... well, I don't know what this is. Not use to delis having a menu... and hands on service."

Like Melinda, Shelby seems a little taken aback. Unlike Melinda, she is not one to shy away at the chance to score free food. Her eyes get a little rounder and a lot more pathetic, an expression helped by feeling a pang of serious guilt over the aforementioned injured dude. "Geez, Mister, that's awful nice of you. Could It's's been a coupla days since I had much to eat, could we get like...a couple of things?" she asks, oh so earnest. "Melinda's...she's real nice but she's stretched pretty thin right now, you know? It's hard times."

Alkimos smiles. "We thought people might like to take the menu home so they could get an idea what they wanted before they came in. We have lines out the door sometimes in the summer tourist season. Name's Alkimos...That's just the take out menu. Sure, why not. We're all under hard. Times. I just got back from the front lines overseas, and was lucky to find a job here. But to make ends meet I have to bartend late nights on the weekends. Its tough out there for everyone. And well, with all those mutants messing things up in the city you know, I'm afraid its only going to get worse. Well unless the authorities start doing something about it." He nods "Feel free to order from the main menu by the register if you like. Would you guys like anything to drink?" He asks. "coffee, tea, soda, water hot cocoa?" He asks. He goes back to the register to assist other customers allowing the two to talk and make up their minds. He does pay attention to their conversation. The small seating area of the cafe style deli makes it easy for conversations to carry unknown to the customers.

Melinda's gaze flickers to Alkimos face when he starts to lay blame for the economy. Her eyebrows rise as she accepts one of the take out menus. "Cocoa would be nice." She wets her lips and glances back to Shelby. She draws in a deep breath and moves toward the line. "So, what did you want to get? I'm not entirely against pizza bagels. Just pepperoni, though."

Bam. Like that, Shelby's expression goes completely blank. She accepts a menu only through instinct and doesn't appear to be seeing it even when she looks down at it. "Hot cocoa," she echoes, though it's not a sure thing that she's heard and isn't just parroting Melinda. "...pepperoni? Oh. Yeah. Sure. Sure, that'd be good. And some of those dessert ones too. I like chocolate and peanut butter." The girl sounds distracted, staring as she is at the menu.

Coincidentally, it's around this time that the pictures hung on the wall--old snapshots of previous owners or dignitaries who've visited smiling at the camera--begin to move. Hands are shook, waves are given to the real people sitting before them. It's a subtle effect; not everyone notices. At first. Then a woman gives a squawk when a jolly black and white fellow in a top hat blows her a kiss from behind the glass enclosing his frame.

"Maybe we should get it to go." Melinda admits, turning toward Shelby, a little more fully. "Or, we can go elsewhere. Sure, sweet talking the guy for free food is good, but I can pay for something elsewhere." She folds the menu back up and holds it awkwardly with just her fingertips. "Hell, I can get you a whole pizza, no problem."

Alkimos nods. He looks to the woman behind the counter. An older woman about 55 with greying to whitish hair. "Esther, would you mind pouring the woman here, a cup of hot cocoa." Esther nods. The woman gazes over at Melinda. "Would you like whipped cream in the cocoa? Miss?" Alkimos takes the rest of their orders, and goes to work whipping up a fantastic array of mini pizza bagel sandwiches pepperoni pizza mini bagels. There's about Ten of them total. Enough for a fantastically tasty meal, and still enough room for dessert. He would include a whoppi pie bagel and peanut butter chocolate bagel as well. He cuts them in half creating the sandwich. "Here ya go...Enjoy." He doesn't seem to notice the picture, except for one the one with the top hat. He does a double take for a moment and glances at Shelby for a moment, but shakes it off. Must be tired tonight! He thinks. He smiles. "Hope you guys like it, Esther is the best. She's been around this place for years."

"To go is fine. I mean, it's free, right?" Shelby is also seemingly oblivious of picture hijinks. Her focus has shifted from the menu to the hot cocoa and there is rampant greed in her eyes at the mention of whipped cream. She nods a yes to the old woman and waits patiently--not at all noticing when the figures begin to escape their frames, slipping out, dusting themselves off and going for jaunty little strolls along the walls. More patrons -do- notice, however. There's a murmur here, a shriek there, and several people stand up to walk out in a hurry, glancing over their shoulders. "It smells real good," the teenager says, her expression the very picture of earnest innocence.

"Um, Yes. Whipped cream. Sorry about all this," Melinda apologizes for no reason. Her attention, for the most part, is on Shelby, so does not notice the pictures immediately. She inhales sharply when someone shrieks. She stiffens and stares in the corner, hyper aware. "Thank you so much," she turns back to Alkimos, "Is it possible to wrap them up to go? I'd really appreciate it."

Alkimos blinks noticing some patrons leaving, then notcing *WHY* they are leaving. "What the hell is going on in here?" He asks. Looking around. Esther notices too and nearly faints, but scans the crowd, picking out Shelby almost with a witch like stare, she seems to have a knack for mutant hunting. Esther whispers to Alkimos. "I think there be mutants afoot! In this establishment." He says. Alkmios says a bit too loudly to Esther. "Mutants? Didn't they see the sign. 'No Mutants allowed?'" Esther. "Mutants are sneaky....and well...unfortunately like the rat population of New York, are hard to exterminate. Though there *ARE* ways." Alkimos hmms. "Mutants in this shop. Right here and now? That's ridiculous." He lowers his voice so that only Esther can hear him. "Although how do you explain those pictures moving and leaving their frames. And people running out of my store! This didn't start happening until those two ladies came in." He glances at Shelby and Melinda for a moment, still unsure. But pays more attention to them. "Sure ladies, to go would be fine. Hope you like the food."

Shelby's eyes get just a little wider when she's stared at by both Melinda and the old lady. She could win an Oscar for the way she glances around, seeming to take notice of the antics of the picture people. "Holy shit!" she exclaims. Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. "Would ya look at that, Melinda? Damn, it's better than Saturday morning cartoons!" Having played her role and made her bid for the little golden statue, she leans forward to grab at the food and cups that have been set out before them. Bagels, wrapped or not, disappear into the pockets of her oversized coat. "Guess not everyone likes cartoons," she comments on the customers streaming out. Then the girl turns and begins towards the exit, carrying her capped cup of cocoa with her. Mm, whipped cream.

Melinda stiffens and straightens, attention fixing on the pair behind the counter and sidling ever so slightly in front of Shelby. "Shelby, honey..." she attempts to hush the girl, grabbing her cup as well. She gives a little bit of a smile and steps back, keeping an eye on things as she leaves. "Thanks again for the food. You're right. It's been a crazy day." There's a smile on her lips now, a pleasant one, but her eyes still express wariness.

As the two make their way to the exit, thinking they've made it scot-free, Esther leaps over the counter, surprisingly fit for a mid 50 year old woman. She has a broom with her and is heading right for Shelby pointing. "MUTANT MUTANT! I know it. Can't you Read the signs! This is a NO MUTANT ESTABLISHMENT!" "Out Out out!" She swipes the broom at Shelby as they make their way toward the exits. Alkimos just stares in disbelief at what just happened. Esther swings the broom again. "Don't come back you filthy mutant scum!" By this time customers have long since cleared the establishment leaving an empty bagel shop, and Shelby and Melinda with free food they just siphoned from the manager of a premier bagel sandwich company!

Melinda moves between the old woman and Shelby, arm raised to protect herself. "Hit me and I'll bring you up on assault charges." She covers the girl's retreat, before letting herself out as well. She stares down the little old woman the entire way out the door.

Shelby is not inclined to stick around and stare. She takes advantage of the covered retreat by, well...retreating. With head ducked down and shoulders bowed, she scurries through the door and darts to the left down the sidewalk. -Something- is muttered under her breath as they leave but there's no telling what it was.