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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Blink, Kyinha | summary = "I'm...pretty good at staying out of the elements." | gamedate = 2016-10-22 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <NY...")
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| location = <NYC> [[NY Public Library]] - Midtown East
| location = <NYC> [[NY Public Library]] - Midtown East
| categories = Blink, Citizens, Kyinha, Mutants, NY Public Library, Xavier's
| categories = 8, Blink, Citizens, Kyinha, Mutants, NY Public Library, Xavier's
| log =  
| log =  
Guarded by two lions nicknamed Patience and Fortitude, the main branch of New York's public library system provides a space for New York residents to do more than just check out books. The reference library holds thousands of works, and the reading room is a majestic work of architecture in its own right. The computer lab and free internet access is available to all who need it.
Guarded by two lions nicknamed Patience and Fortitude, the main branch of New York's public library system provides a space for New York residents to do more than just check out books. The reference library holds thousands of works, and the reading room is a majestic work of architecture in its own right. The computer lab and free internet access is available to all who need it.

Latest revision as of 01:22, 24 October 2016

Dramatis Personae

Blink, Kyinha

In Absentia


"I'm...pretty good at staying out of the elements."


<NYC> NY Public Library - Midtown East

Guarded by two lions nicknamed Patience and Fortitude, the main branch of New York's public library system provides a space for New York residents to do more than just check out books. The reference library holds thousands of works, and the reading room is a majestic work of architecture in its own right. The computer lab and free internet access is available to all who need it.

On a chilly, rainy Saturday, the library is a popular place to be. The expansive reading room is nearly, its long dark wood tables occupied by people and literature alike. Kyinha is just leaving, his arms laden with a tall stack of books and journals, a wide grin plastered on his inky black face, a fiery glow coming from behind his teeth and eyes. Despite the weather, he's wearing a short-sleeve button-up shirt covered in a blue wave motif, a khaki Utilikilt, and brown sandals, a black messenger bag hanging across his back.

Dressed in a bell-sleeved fuchsia top, a royal purple cloak, matching calf-length skirt and slouchy brown boots, Blink is walking briskly across Kyinha's path. She has her eyes on a yellow carbon copy slip in her hand rather than the man she is about to slam into. She looks up, yips her surprise and tries to twist out of the way, a purple light enveloping her briefly, but it's not quite in time to avoid him.

The yip alerts Kyinha, though also too late to avert the collision. Books go flying every which way -- a bright red copy of /Todos los fuegos el fuego/ and an ancient, dusty blue hardback /The Sea of Cortez/ prominent among them -- and the man himself staggers though he does not fall, reaching out to steady the young woman who just walked into him. His skin is not /quite/ hot enough to scald, but certainly does not feel pleasant to the touch, even through fabric.

Blink keeps her feet, though she jumps back, startled, at the glancing contact with Kyinha's hand. "Oh no! {I'm sorry!}" The apology comes out in hushed Spanish. Her cheeks flush. "I should have been watching where I was going." She sinks to her knees to pick up the scattered books. "Especially when it's so crowded in here."

"It's quite alright." Kyinha's smile only lapsed for a moment in his surprise, and he falls easily back into it. "Everyone gets distracted sometimes." He stoops down as well, gathering up his haul. "Surely you were anxious to get to the books?"

Blink blushes and dips her head. "I do love a good book, but I'm here because of work today." She hands the stack of books she's collected back to the stranger with a shallow bow that looks more formal because she is still on her knees. "I'm a courier."

Kyinha accepts the books, smiling even brighter. The halo of light around him, faint before now, flares. "Gracias! And I am impressed that you are so dry, if you have been making deliveries out in this weather -- I love your outfit, by the way." He stands up and shifts his books into a more comfortable hold. "But I shouldn't keep you, if you are still working. My name is Kyinha, by the way."

"Oh! I'm...pretty good at staying out of the elements." Blink hops to her feet, swinging the hem of her cloak to straighten it. "{Thank you!} I made the cloak and skirt myself, actually." She pulls a phone out of her purse and activates the screen for just a moment, and sucks in a sharp breath. "Oh, yes, I really must get going! But it was nice meeting you, Kyinha. I'm Blink." She bows, more deeply this time, her pink-and-black fishtail braid flopping forward over her shoulder. "{Goodbye!}" An ethereal purple glow envelopes her and then she is gone.