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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Eric, Peter, Sebastian, Shane, Shelby | summary = YOLO aftermath. | gamedate = 2013.02.16 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | ...")
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| cast = [[Eric]], [[Peter]], [[Sebastian]], [[Shane]], [[Shelby]]
| cast = [[Eric]], [[Peter]], [[Sebastian]], [[Shane]], [[Shelby]]
| summary = [[Logs:YOLO|YOLO]] aftermath.
| summary = [[Logs:YOLO|YOLO]] aftermath.
| gamedate = 2013.02.16
| gamedate = 2013-02-16
| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =  
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = <NYC> 303 {Holland} - Village Lofts- East Village
| location = <NYC> 303 {Holland} - Village Lofts - East Village
| categories = Citizens, Mutants, Xavier's School
| categories = Citizens, Mutants, Xavier's, Peter, Eric, Shane, Sebastian, Shelby, Private Residence
| log =  
| log =  
This apartment is cheerful, in its way -- bright and airy, its floor plan open and a plethora of windows providing it with an abundance of light. The tiny entrance hall opens into a living room, small, though its sparse furniture and lack of clutter give it a more open feel. The decor is subdued and minimalist; black and white is the dominant theme, with occasional splashes of deep crimson to offset the monochrome, though of late bright coloured sealife has made its way into being painted on the wall. The couch and armchair are upholstered in black corduroy, the low wide coffee table central is black wood and glass-topped, and a few large pillowy beanbags provide additional seating by the large windows that dominate the back wall. Towards the back, a couple of doors lead off into bedrooms and bathroom, and to the right, the kitchen's tile is separated from the living room's dark hardwood floors by black countertops. Above the bedroom to one side, there is higher space; a ladder climbs up to a lofted area looking down on the living room. Standing in front of the partition between living and cooking area is a large fish tank: one lone Betta, blood-red, swims regally among several species of black and silver fish. A hallway beyond the kitchen leads further into the apartment. Another bathroom stands just into the hall and the farthest door leads to the apartment's final bedroom, the door usually kept shut to hold in the acrid fumes of turpentine and paints from within.
This apartment is cheerful, in its way -- bright and airy, its floor plan open and a plethora of windows providing it with an abundance of light. The tiny entrance hall opens into a living room, small, though its sparse furniture and lack of clutter give it a more open feel. The decor is subdued and minimalist; black and white is the dominant theme, with occasional splashes of deep crimson to offset the monochrome, though of late bright coloured sealife has made its way into being painted on the wall. The couch and armchair are upholstered in black corduroy, the low wide coffee table central is black wood and glass-topped, and a few large pillowy beanbags provide additional seating by the large windows that dominate the back wall. Towards the back, a couple of doors lead off into bedrooms and bathroom, and to the right, the kitchen's tile is separated from the living room's dark hardwood floors by black countertops. Above the bedroom to one side, there is higher space; a ladder climbs up to a lofted area looking down on the living room. Standing in front of the partition between living and cooking area is a large fish tank: one lone Betta, blood-red, swims regally among several species of black and silver fish. A hallway beyond the kitchen leads further into the apartment. Another bathroom stands just into the hall and the farthest door leads to the apartment's final bedroom, the door usually kept shut to hold in the acrid fumes of turpentine and paints from within.

Revision as of 00:05, 5 March 2013

Cuddlepiles and Ultraterrorists
Dramatis Personae

Eric, Peter, Sebastian, Shane, Shelby

In Absentia


YOLO aftermath.


<NYC> 303 {Holland} - Village Lofts - East Village

This apartment is cheerful, in its way -- bright and airy, its floor plan open and a plethora of windows providing it with an abundance of light. The tiny entrance hall opens into a living room, small, though its sparse furniture and lack of clutter give it a more open feel. The decor is subdued and minimalist; black and white is the dominant theme, with occasional splashes of deep crimson to offset the monochrome, though of late bright coloured sealife has made its way into being painted on the wall. The couch and armchair are upholstered in black corduroy, the low wide coffee table central is black wood and glass-topped, and a few large pillowy beanbags provide additional seating by the large windows that dominate the back wall. Towards the back, a couple of doors lead off into bedrooms and bathroom, and to the right, the kitchen's tile is separated from the living room's dark hardwood floors by black countertops. Above the bedroom to one side, there is higher space; a ladder climbs up to a lofted area looking down on the living room. Standing in front of the partition between living and cooking area is a large fish tank: one lone Betta, blood-red, swims regally among several species of black and silver fish. A hallway beyond the kitchen leads further into the apartment. Another bathroom stands just into the hall and the farthest door leads to the apartment's final bedroom, the door usually kept shut to hold in the acrid fumes of turpentine and paints from within.

It's quite late when the door to the apartment opens again. There's ample forwarning, given that Shane is fumbling ineffectively at the keys for a minute before he manages to actually get one /into/ the lock. This is less because of his current state of intoxication and more because he is continually distracted by Princess Muscle Pony Thor McNoshirt, Esquire's /muscles/, which are /clearly/ calling for fishhands to be rubbed over them. /Have/ clearly been calling for this the whole cab ride back, if Shane's handsiness (and mouthiness) is any indication.

The giggling from outside the door is probably a giveaway, too. But eventually he pries himself away from Eric's muscles long enough to get the door open, /tugging/ the others along with him into the apartment. "Oh god shoes," he's fumbling at those too, tugging them off, "Pa'll flip if we track in slush." Cuz he /so/ won't flip about bringing Eric home. Again.

The giggling is doubled, because Shelby is finding Shane's attempts to fumble both man and key utterly hilarious. /She/ is conveniently draped against Eric's side, shamelessly using him for balance and a teddy bear. She's a pink-and-yellow gauzy mess--her makeup is running, thanks to sweating--but the look is instantly improved when she toes her battered sneakers off.

Eric does not seem to have been particularly bothered by the hands all over him, nor the claws and, occasionally, teeth, though he does look a little bit tired around the eyes. It does not make it to his smile, though, which is still firmly affixed on his face. He pushes his shoes off with one foot and then the other and gently ushers / pushes the two younger mutants into the room. "Jackson?" he calls out into the room, a single note of hesitance in his voice.

No Jackson. But there *is* a Peter. Sleeping, currently, on the couch. Mask half-upturned, exposing just his mouth--and a tiny little glistening dollop of drool. Along with an empty bowl what was once chickpeas balanced precariously on his chest, a K'Nex-built Dalek under one of his arms, and a sign that says 'TARDIS' taped to one of the cushions above him. At the sound of that voice, and shuffling, he makes a rather loud, obnoxious *SNKRRRT* sound, followed by a half-mumble:

"MmIma... BATMAN..."

Sebastian actually gets out of bed at the noises from the door, the door to his bedroom swinging open so that he can peer out somewhat blearily. He's half-dressed, no shirt but purple yoga pants for sleeping in. He's rubbing knuckles against his eyes when he looks towards the others. "Shane, you can't bring -- Oh, Shelby. That's ok -- wait. /You/?" Suddenly he's not looking so bleary anymore. His eyes are narrowing on Eric. The tiny black pinpricks of claws at the ends of his webbed fingers are quietly, slowly, lengthening into something more akin to knives.

"Shhshhshh," Shane is saying -- while laughing -- shushing the /other/ laughing like, "-- Spencer's probably sleeping, and Bastian too --" Though Bastian's appearance sends him into another fit of laughter. "Shhh no it's okay I brought home a /musclepony/." Which he demonstrates, by squeezing one of Eric's pecs. He sniffs at the air, apparently identifying Peter more by /smell/ than sight because he's not even looking over towards the couch before he says, "Holy shit did that kid break in /again/, Eric /arrest him/." Which makes him laugh. More.

"What's /he/ doing here?" Shelby zeroes in on the snoring, spies the costume and promptly makes a face--that is lost when Shane's laughter inspires more in her. "Oh my fucking god, Shane, /stop it/, my stomach hurts...B!" She straightens up under the circle of Eric's arm, smile gone sunny bright. If she's noticed the daggers emerging from his fingers, she gives no sign because she is pushing off of the cop to stroll--with plenty of hip-action--towards the other blue boy. "I got this...check it out, hey, we found him at a club, why didn't you come out with us? I /missed/ you and why is the Spider sleeping on your couch?"

Eric's smile gets just a tad bit more fixed as the two teenagers bursts into laughter. He gently ushers Shane into the room and closes the door behind him with a foot. "Come on, Shane," he murmurs to the younger man. "Why don't you go over and see your brother? Look, Shelby is." he says, giving him a little forceless push over towards Sebastian, who he is watching warily. His eyes flick to the man on the couch and his eyes widen. One hand snaps to his side where... there is only his hip. Damn. "What is /he/ doing here?" he demands. Then he almost instantly rubs his palm into his forehead. "Christ, I need some coffee. And they need some ice." he says, turning to walk into the kitchen and make himself immediately at home, putting up some water to boil and rummaging through the freezer for ice.

"Whodoyuh... thinkiam... gorram... *BATMAN*," Peter repeats with a snoozy snort. Right up to the moment that there's the sound of people in the room--people in the room talking. About *him*. And then... then, the aforementioned 'Spider' snaps one eye open--and proceeds to FLIP. THE. FUCK. OUT.

We're talking so much flailing that for at least half a second, he looks like he's a Hindu Goddess. Arms blurring every-which way, Dalek flying into mid-air, the bowl of near-finished chick-peas flipping. And in the next instant, he *snaps* back into control--the Dalek and bowl are caught and deposited upon the table, the ski-mask is *YOINKED* down over his face, and he's backflipping off the couch all the way to the back-end of the room. /Well/ behind Sebastian.

"What are *THEY* doing here?!" he asks, his voice rising up behind Sebastian, pointing *both* hands--one at Shelby, the other at Eric.

When Eric goes for the kitchen--that brings him within proximity of Peter. Not grabbing distance, but a bit closer. Peter doesn't move, but he crouches lower, pointy finger continuing to point at Eric the whole long way. "And--and--and WHY are you wearing those clothes?! WHAT KIND OF COP ARE YOU?!"

"The kind of cop that screws underage kids," Sebastian answers Peter through what is abruptly a /large/ expanse of teeth, gritted grimly and bared in a fashion that he has not done all night. "Jeez, wasn't once enough?" The claws are still very much /out/ as Shelby nears, and his answer, "-- I had to watch Spence," is a little distracted. So is the quick hug he offers her, more a one-armed pat on the back. He's watching Eric like a hawk, muscles tense-coiled.

"Shhh," Shane is telling Sebastian, now, following after Shelby to sidle /behind/ his brother and drape both arms around Sebastian's shoulders. Leaning against him like a giggling blue stole. "It's okay, I brought him. Because muscles oh my god /muscles/, Shelby and I are gonna share, k?" He's squeezing, too, tighter and for a moment possibly strangling but then he's moving away again because Eric is in the kitchen and that's clearly where he needs to be now. "/Eric/," he's /demanding/, "this kid broke into my house! Twice! He needs arresting!"

Cue another fit of giggling. "Did you bring handcuffs, because we're going to /need/ handcuffs." Given that he's now looking between Eric and /Shelby/, it's possible he's no longer talking about arresting Peter.

Hugs are a dangerous prospect when E is involved. It means that Shelby doesn't back away after the awkward pat-pat. She just slides her arms around Sebastian's waist and bam, with the help of Shane, he is trapped. Peter's flailing and leaping are watched with the sort of dreamy fascination only the truly high can achieve. "It's okay," she reassures Sebastian by whispering into his ear, "he was just taking us home right now." Whatever plans she may have had with Bondage-Cop and Shark-boy appear to have been forgotten--but there's so much happening, that's only natural, right? "...I think you're gonna get arrested, dude," she adds with some sympathy for Peter.

Eric seems completely unbothered by Sebastian's anger, giving Peter a /look/ as he takes out a few cubes of ice. He removes two bowls from the cabinets after a brief searching, and then shakes the ice cubes in the bowls to make them shatter. It does make a rather annoying clicking/clacking noise, but it is brief, thankfully. One of the bowls goes in the sink and the other, Eric extends to Shane. "Suck on some of these," he says, eyes flicking to Peter once more. "You picked the right fucking couch to crash on," he says, annoyance in his tone. "And the right night to do it, or I /would/ have you in handcuffs."

Peter attempts to take the current situation and analyze it using previous life experiences. All he gets is a succession of 'FILE NOT FOUND' errors. He settles for hopping back besides Sebastian, now wedged between Shelby and Shane: "Dude, I think... I think your brother and that girl might be... uh, *stoned*."

Then, right back to Eric, head continuing to spin. And then he suddenly straightens--as if with realization. "Oh... oh! HA! You're--you're breaking the law!" Peter says, pointing a finger at Eric. "Aren't you?! Which means--you can't turn me in, because that'll mean *you'll* get arrested, and... and wait, he's sleeping with *teenagers*?" Peter suddenly asks, his attention darting right back to Sebastian. "That's... kinda creepy."

"Slept with. It's totally creepy, he's like thirty. It's a /felony/." Sebastian tenses at the noise, further, still. He is still grimacing, and his arm curls slowly around Shelby's waist with a slight sense of bemusement. He is ginger in his further back-patting. Pat. Patpat. Pat. "My dad's going to kill you," he tells Eric, although the hard edge in his voice suggests, perhaps, if he doesn't first. "Shane, you should -- /Shelby/," he's slowly disentangling himself from the hug with a log of wriggling and squirming, "you should both -- go --" He's waving towards the bedroom. And following after Shane towards the kitchen, though he's mostly just looking at Eric.

"We could commit a felony," Shane says, laughing, and opening his mouth to /nip/ the ice cube out of Eric's fingers. Maybe nip Eric's fingers a bit in the process. "I'm not /stoned/ I'm /rolling/ jeez." And draping himself around Eric, now, just as he had around Sebastian a moment before. Except with more groping. "You should arrest all of us. And yourself. /Oh/, god, you're /so/ right, Bastian, we /should/ be going --" He's tugging Eric, now, with a rather startling amount of strength. Towards the bedroom.

"It's ecstasy, dude, not pot. We're--hey." Shelby sounds mildly disappointed when her leaning post ventures off, leaving her to sway there in the living room. She squints at the direction Sebastian has ventured off in and then it all clicks. She squeaks at the realization. ", Shaaaaane, I think he wants to kill Eric now," she says, pointing at the unfortunate police officer in question. "B, don't be like that, huh? You're're gonna, um." The girl casts about for a suitable reason to /not/ murder an officer of the law. "You're gonna miss your chance!"

Eric winces as the teeth grate against his fingers, and he seems somewhat less tolerant of Shane's nips than he had been a few minutes before. "You think your Pa would have rather I left them at the club after I found your brother and your girlfriend fucked up on Ecstasy?" the police officer says, resisting Shane's pulling. "Have some more ice, Shane." he says, eyes still locked on Sebastian as he proffers the bowl again th the other man. "You would rather I did? I just brought them home to drop them off before they got into /more/ trouble. I'll be out of your hair in few minutes. Don't do anything stupid." he warns, eyes narrowing on Sebastian.

"OhGod, I'm in a house with kids doing drugs," Peter says. "I'm in a house with kids doing drugs with a cop who has sex with teenagers and am PRETTY sure this violates every PSA I have *ever* seen." He grips his head rather tightly--but only then notices Sebastian approaching Eric with... well, he might not *look* like he's ready to murder, but Peter's got a way of picking up vibes--and all the hairs are standing up on the back of his neck. Suddenly, he's springing forward, right behind Sebastian.

"Hey. Hey," Peter responds, reaching out to--*VERY* gently--put a hand on Sebastian's shoulder--while addressing Eric: "Okay. Um. That is really cool and all and I am really just totally an outsider here but I *think*," and here, Peter's tone becomes a bit firmer and slower, "...that you should probably go. Because, uh... sharp teeth."

"He /fucked/ my /brother/," Sebastian /snaps/, with an audible clack of sharp teeth at the end of this, his shoulders tensed hard beneath Peter's hand. It's a younger, tireder sort of tone when he continues, "That's just -- not -- cool." He is briefly distracted from his intent to assault a police officer, though, by whirling around to blink at Shelby, first one set of eyelids and then another. "Miss my -- what?"

"I think she means sex," Shane says oh-so-helpfully. He doesn't tug harder when Eric resists, just goes back to draping himself against Eric. Like a blue /meatshield/. "You shouldn't kill him. And /you/ shouldn't /go/ we're totally going to -- c'mon. There's bed. We were going to do that. Who listens to those PSAs anyway? Everyone should chill," he says, with a very toothy smile, a rather boneless melt against Eric, "because it's time -- for --" It's not exactly certain what it's time for. Falling asleep against Eric? CUDDLEPILES? Shane might be approximately trying both these things.

"This is your brain on drugs, kids," Shelby giggles at Peter's predicament. Everything is funny right now, okay? She settles back against the arm of the couch, still swaying in time to whatever music is playing in her stoned little mind. Fingers toys with the hem of the gauzy skirt stolen from Jax's closet. "Your chance my god /no/, Shane, he'd /die/," she scolds before her focus snaps back to Sebastian. Smile! "But you Cuddle? That's the best part about rolling, cuddling is /soooo nice/. So much better than killing people. C'mon? Let Spider get the dude out of here, and you come cuddle."

"You think, Spider-terrorist?" Eric says, flatly. He does give a faintly bemused glance to Shelby, but he turns to nudge Shane, gently, with the side of his face. "Come on. Go cuddle your brother and Shelby. Bring the ice over to her, too. You both need to keep sucking on the ice tonight. It'll help your jaw hurt less." he says, softly. He slowly attempts to extract himself from Shane's grip with his hands and a contortionist's bending to try and escape his arms.

When Sebastian's teeth snap--when those muscles tense--Peter actually seems to get *more* calm. He straightens, his body growing looser, his tone slower--more in control. Like the tenser the situation, the more at-ease Peter feels. "Yes," he responds to Sebastian. "But assaulting him is just going to get you into a *lot* of trouble. And you can't keep your brother out of trouble when you're already neck-deep in it."

He snaps his head up at the mention of Spider-Terrorist: "I'm not a--what? OhGod is that--agh. Look you really should go. Ice cubes, right, we will *drown* them in ice-cubes, but please just GO because I am pretty sure if this kid decides to eat you I am not gonna be able to stop him."

Tension is bleeding out of Sebastian's form, as Peter talks to him, but it snaps right back as he actually focuses on what Shelby and Shane have said. "/What/?" His eyes are suddenly wide. "I don't -- hey, I wouldn't /die/," he protests, although the sudden deep flush of his cheeks and sudden kind of /panicky/ alertness in his eyes suggest maybe he might die just /talking/ about Sex. "No, I, no, you know, cuddling actually sounds like the thing everyone should do right now. And sleep. Sleep is /good/." The claws are retracting, slowly. He exhales a slow breath, and makes little /shoo/-ing motions to /everyone/ else in the room, Eric included. /Peter/ included. His palms are scrubbing against his eyes.

"See? Cuddling time." Shane seems to approve of this plan. He releases Eric so that he can snag a new ice cube and -- well, he doesn't offer it to Shelby. He kind of tosses it /at/ Shelby and then goes back to dragging Eric towards the bedroom. Probably trying to snag Shelby on the way, too. "Bastian, you should come. You never have friends. Um. Fun. Never have -- cuddles."

This time, Eric lets himself get pulled along towards the bedroom, hurriedly putting the bowl of ice cubes down on the counter-top before it is yanked out of his hands or onto the floor. He looks a little bit perplexed, but he goes along with it as best he can, getting dragged towards the bedroom. "Sleep is good, I agree."

"Seriously?" The cuddling thing worked? Shelby, delighted and bemused. "You really wanna--eep!" Ice cube out of /nowhere/! She curls her arms in front of her face but the cube trajectory hits her in the stomach and she goes back, onto the couch. Laughing, of course, and then snagged as she flails her way back onto her feet again. "Wait, wait, wait, where are we going?" she asks, having lost her train of thought. "Guys, /guys/, Bastian wants to /cuddle/ me, we need /privacy/."

Peter's not sure how to parse this situation--as things apparently de-escalate, he just gets more confused, until finally he's shooing off--hopping back away from Shane, Sebastian, and Eric. "Um. Okay," Peter says, jerking his thumb back to the couch. "I'll just be... over here. On the couch. Doing... Spider stuff." If Eric happens to look Peter's way, Peter quickly points to one of his goggle lenses, then points the hand at Eric. HE'S GOT HIS EYE ON YOU.

"Good. Good. Sleep -- wait I'm coming?" Sebastian is apparently confused on the point of /who/ is doing the cuddling (everyone??); he had clearly not included himself in this arrangement. But at Shelby's delighted expression he is kind of drifting forward, bemused as well. He pushes his bedroom door open, slipping inside and then just -- standing. In the center of the bedroom. Looking at a /loss/.

"Privacy jeez I didn't say anyone was /fucking/." Shane is not at a loss. He is smiling broad. Ushering /everyone/ to Bed. Well, beds. He frowns at the two beds in the room and then just shoves them together, scraping a mess of clothing and clutter along with as one bed scrapes along the floor towards the other. "It's just sleep." Even if he's yanking Eric's shirt off. At least he doesn't touch the pants.

"But he's /shy/," Shelby complains at Shane as she ambles into the room. She is peeling off the mesh opera gloves she'd borrowed as she goes, letting them fall where they will. Given her balance issues, the teen doesn't even /try/ to help with the bed rearrangements but once they're together, she sort of...topples onto the doubled mattress. And steals a pillow to hug until someone is brave enough to climb on in too. "Mmm, sleep."

Eric grins bemusedly at Shane and crawls onto the bedspread next, turning to lie on his back and look back at Shane. "So? The man has a point - it's cuddling. I've cuddled with lots of straight guys before. It's comfortable as hell. Especially, I imagine, when your girlfriend is also doing the cuddling." he says, teasing Sebastian lightly, the earlier anger either forgotten or suppressed. He gestures to the two blue teenagers, patting the bed beside them. "Join the pile."

Sebastian is not quite brave enough, /yet/. He goes to his drawer to grab a /shirt/ first, pulling on a brightly colored Candy Land t-shirt before he, very tentatively, crawls into bed on Shelby's other side. He makes himself very small at the edge of the mattress, not touching anyone and very much not understanding, apparently, the point of cuddling.

Shane is all about the cuddling. He will cuddle enough to make up for Sebastian. In counterpoint to Sebastian's dressing he is undressing, stripping off his vest and button-down and pinstriped trousers to climb into bed in boxers, nestling himself under the covers and up against Eric's side. He flings an arm out across Eric. Absently patting at Shelby's shoulder. Stifling a yawn. "Comfortable," he agrees, dreamily.

"I'm not his girlfriend, we only went out once. And I sang a song for him," Shelby mumbles, caught in the middle of an immense yawn. She blinks sleepily at Sebastian when it's passed, making a note of his precarious position on the edge of the bed. She rolls onto her side, butt pressed against an Eric-hip and hand lifted to pat at Shane's hand too. Then she reaches out to tug at the shy one's t-shirt. "This way, silly. Here..." She pushes the pillow up underhead where it belongs. "Better? I'm sorry I stole your pillow."

Eric wraps an arm securely around Shane, pulling the teenager partially on top of his chest and turning to nuzzle briefly at his hair. His other arm drapes over Shelby's shoulder, one hand ending up on her side... a few inches from where Sebastian would end up tucking in against her. He lets out a contented sigh and closes his eyes, nodding once in agreement. "Very comfortable." he murmurs.

Sebastian is tentative, at the tugging, but eventually he uncurls. Slowly. And slides in closer to Shelby. The arm that creeps carefully around her back is tentative as well. He stiffens when he feels Eric's fingers brushing up against his hand, and adjusts his arm veeery slightly. His eyes /squeeze/ shut. Like. Maybe. He's trying to keep monsters away? He even pulls the covers up a little higher. But eventually he does relax. Almost like it's comfortable.


Shane just smiles. /He's/ comfortable. Tucked in against musclepony. Eyes closing. He has nothing more to say. There's sleep to be slept. At least until Jax gets home.

"See?" Shelby sleep-murmurs, "isn't that better?" Her own arm slides far less hesitantly over Sebastian's waist and she tilts her head so her forehead allllmost touches Sebastian's, once he has finished settling down into trying pretend there is no Eric here. The sleep vibes everyone by Bastian is putting out in the joined twin beds rapidly becomes too much to overcome--after another mumble that makes no sense whatsoever, she joins the others in drifting off into sleep.