ArchivedLogs:Very Cold

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Very Cold
Dramatis Personae

Hercules, K.C.

In Absentia


"Uhm... okay."


<XS> Lake

Bright, bright, bright; the lake glitters wide and expansive here, stretching off into the distance. Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, it catches them all. Lapping at the rocky shore, its deep waters are frigid in winter and cool even in summer. A stone pier stretches out a ways into the water, wide and smooth, though often icy in winter.

The water teems with life nevertheless, home to myriad species of fish that provide for ample fishing or just lazy watching on a slow summer day, for those who want to take a boat from the boathouse out to the center of the lake, or perhaps lounge on the pier and try their luck.

The forest surrounding the lake is resplendent with orange, yellow and red as the forest begins to prepare for winter. The reflection off the lake is beautiful, and here and there people have settled to contemplate. A rather large teen lays right next to the water, peering upward at the sky. Dressed in running gear, he has either finished, or is about to begin, a run at some point. Every so often he shifts, and with a strong arm, sends a stone skipping across the lake.

In contrast there's a rather /small/ teen circling the lake, now -- also dressed in running gear, track pants, black running shoes, black-and-white lightweight training jacket that, baggy as it is, doesn't give much impression of the body shape beneath other than Small. There's a black and white pitbull racing along, too, keeping rather exuberant pace alongside the teenager as they fly around the beach.

At least until they draw near and one of those stones goes skipping into the water. The dog veers off from K.C.'s side, every bit as exuberant as she bounds straight into the water, SPLASH, taking off after the skipping stone. K.C. starts to follow -- splash-sploosh -- but backtracks a few steps into the chilly lake. "That," her head shakes, eyes a little bit wider as she looks out towards the water, "is not the right track. Way off course. Way way off course."

Hercules sits up as the dog veers into the lake, and he blinks as the young woman follows in behind by a couple of steps. "Ah, uhm... yeah, that's probably very cold by this point. He offers her a hand, getting to his knees and stretching an arm out. "I've got a towel to dry off your feet, at least. And maybe your dog too."

K.C. /jerks/ back away from the hand that Hercules stretches out, quick and sudden, splashing further back into the lake as she moves away. Then back out of the lake again -- though a few steps further away from Hercules as she moves up out of the water and onto the shore. "Very cold by this point." Her head shakes quickly, one hand curling loosely around her chest, fingers wiggling lightly in the air in front of her. "Very cold -- /Suga Mama/," this is a little bit louder, projected out to the dog (who has failed to retrieve the by-now-sunken stone and is instead just happily /splashing/), "very cold by this point. Come -- come here."

She punctuates this command with a snap of fingers; the dog listens to this, at least, galumphing back up onto the beach. And promptly SHAKING a large spray of water out of her fur and all over the surrounding people. K.C. blinks, scrunching her nose up and exhaling a sharp huff. "Oh. Yeah. Very cold. That's how she dries."

Hercules blinks and sputters as he's giving a good COLD spray of water by the dog. The large teen offers up the previously mentioned towel to K.C. "If you want to dry off before you freeze solid, yeah?" He peers curiously at the dog. "Well, at least she looks pleased with herself. Uh, I ... I swear I didn't know she was going to run after the stone."

"Pleased with herself." K.C. rubs her sleeve across her face, swiping sprayed water off of it. She doesn't take the towel, nor even really look at it. "Yeah yeah. She's always pleased. Mostly always pleased. Except when I have food I don't give her." One of her eyes scrunches up, too, her gaze focused down towards the happily panting dog (now plopped down to sit on one of K.C.'s soggy shoes.) "Yeah how would you have known that? Do you speak dog?"

Hercules looks to the dog for a moment and then back to K.C. "That's what I mean, I didn't know she would go running into the lake after the stone. I still feel badly about that though, since your shoes are soaked. Uhm, you don't want the towel?" He gives it a shake and then leaves it on the ground before him, within easy reach of her. "My name is Hercules. I know, at leat, I am guessing that the dog is Suga Mama?"

"The dog is Suga Mama." Suga Mama perks up at the mention of her name, tail thumping against the rocky sand. "You dropped your towel." K.C.'s hand drops to Suga Mama's wet head, fingers scruffing down between her ears. "My shoes are soaked because I ran in the water." Her lips curl up just a little bit at this comment. "That's why. Why do you have a towel?"

Hercules looks a little puzzled, this young woman... "What is your name, then?", he wonders. "And I dropped the towel for you, to dry your feet. I use the towel for my face, because I get warm and sweat when I run." The large teen holds out his hand for the dog to sniff, wiggling his fingers. "So what are you two up to, today?"

"No that's your towel." K.C. shakes her head, firmly, still scritching between the dog's ears. "I don't want your towel, I have my own towels." Her palm presses down against Suga Mama's head, weight shifting as the dog leans up against her thighs. "K.C. that's with two letters. You're not running."

Hercules blinks to her, "Yeah, it's my towel, but I am offering to let you use it. Since your towels are ... not here, and this one is. I don't mind." He withdraws his hand and wiggly fingers, and shrugs. "I am not running yet, but I will shortly. It's nice to meet you, K.C." He offers up his hand again, for shaking.

"Nice to meet you," K.C. mumbles in return -- even as she is narrowing her eyes down at Hercules's offered hand, backing away a few steps more. "Yeah no. How do you know it's nice? Maybe it's nice maybe it's terrible." Her hands lift, fluttering briefly in front of her again. "It's very cold. Very cold -- very cold." There's a quick shake of her head -- and then she's taking off again, no farewell or explanation. Just a snap to her dog, who falls in line at her heels as they start off on a rather speedy sprint back towards the mansion.

Hercules blinks and withdraws his hand. "Er, uhm, I think it's nice.", he says, watching as she runs off, his eyebrows arched. "Uhm... okay. Bye then. Sorry you got soaked."