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Latest revision as of 19:54, 11 December 2021

Jean Elaine Grey

Coming soon.


Jean is lean built, standing at slightly above average height, and keeping in fit condition. Her velvet red hair is always well kept and most often styled up, either in a professional updo, or a simple ponytail. Her features are sharp, with soft pink lips against pale unmarred skin. Her most notable feature is her brilliant emerald green eyes, which often display her emotions. She cares for her appearance, taking the smallest amount of pride in what she wears and how she appears to the public eye.

No matter the occasion Jean is a woman who is never caught in anything but her best. Even while on duty at the Xavier Medical Bay, her lab coat often covers well cut and tailored garments. She prefers dresses in the warmer months, and very classy slacks with blouses in the colder season. Living in New York it has been easy to fill her closet with a variety of outfits.


Jean Grey is a loving and caring woman who is bright, intelligent, and kind. While she is brave and strong of heart she does not often, if at all, act upon impulse, but instead will survey a situation. She stands up for the little guy, no matter the circumstance. She is vibrant and enjoys playing and games when they are appropriate and everyone involved is having fun. She also very much enjoys caring for the people around her and often goes above and beyond the norm to help whenever she can, often at her own expense.

Jean believes there is good in every person, it simply needs to be nurtured. She tries her very hardest to be honest and reliable to her friends and does not often fail to deliver. Her love-filled heart is strong and courageous. No one and nothing will shake her morals and what she stands for her. Jean is a woman of logic, and she is known as a bit of bookworm to her peers, and a passionate researcher of science and medicine.

She has a strong appreciation for all things living, to the point where she does not enjoy most forms of meat as it comes from animals. She does not see much difference between her own pet cat and the pig that died for breakfast. This is not something she is vocal about, and very few actually know about her eating habits.

Jean has a very forgiving nature, believing that people make mistakes and can be redeemed, but they have to want redemption first. For those, who are willing to work to right their wrongs and take responsibility for their actions, she is the first to rush in to support them, to the best of her ability.

To her students, she is known as being stern and cross when needed, but very caring and supportive. Very few of her students fail her classes because of her attention to each one and the passion she puts into each lesson. She thrives on and loves academics, being a natural at it, but has very little patience for people messing around with it like a game. While it may seem she has little friends and might be considered boring, she actually takes a long time to open up, and almost never to her students. To her friends, she is known as a caring and passionate woman who loves and lives for the school and its students.

She is an advocate for mutants rights and is not afraid to voice that opinion when she feels necessary. Being heavily active in politics she has stood on many a stage to debate for the rights of mutant-kind.


Jean Elaine Grey was born on October 30, 1986, to John and Elaine Grey. She was their second daughter, her older sister Sara having been born five years previous. She experienced an average suburban upbringing in a nuclear loving family. Her childhood was filled with happy memories and loving support, even when it came to sibling relationships. Though five years sat between them, Sara and Jean got along well and even often played together, though Jean was a rather independent child who was happy to occupy herself with a book or game. She showed intelligence at a young age and her parents enrolled her in an elite private school where she and her older sister could both acquire the highest form of education. She took to academics much like a duck on water, and engaged with all types of written material, both fiction and non, though it was obvious she favoured nonfiction.

At the age of 13, her powers manifested rapidly after her best friend was hit by a car. Not knowing what she was doing she mentally linked with her friend as the girl lay dying, feeling everything her friend could feel until her very last breath. This resulted in Jean ending up in a coma and on life support. John and Elaine were contacted by Charles Xavier who said he can help their daughter. Doctors unable to give them answers they decided to trust the man, desperate to save their daughter. Going deep into her mind Xavier discovered her powerful Telepathy and Telekinesis, but how she had little to no control over the former. He locked away her Telepathy and helped guide her back to the waking world.

Understanding that their daughter was a mutant with powerful psionic abilities the Greys had Jean attend Xavier's School for the gifted. There, under the direct tutelage of Charles Xavier himself, she began to practice her Telekinesis, honing its ability to move various objects. In between this and her basic academic studies, she also began learning other skills, such as first aid and hand to hand combat. It was during this time that she met and befriended other recruits of Xavier, most notably Scott Summers and Ororo Munroe. It was during these years that Xavier began to help her slowly unlock her Telepathy once more, this proved much more difficult for her then the Telekinesis. Much of her power remained dormant under Xaviers blocks.

She finished her high school academia at the age of 16 with honors in 2002. She continued her academic pursuit into University, through both off-site means and Charles Xavier. After four years of intensive studies, she graduated with a bachelor's in Biology and Chemistry. After another four grueling years of medical school, she graduated in 2010 and traveled to Scotland to perform her residency under Dr Moira MacTaggert. As Doctor MacTaggert was a friend of Xavier's she considered it an honor. But it was also one of the most challenging times of her life, as the Doctor was very strict. Because of this, Jean learned to harden up just a little, which enabled her to tap into more of her Telepathic abilities, namely the empathy and sensing of emotion.

She returned to Xavier's school in New York in 2013 with a full doctorate. At this time she was ready to dedicate all of her time to Charles’ cause and her full-time training with the X-Men. It was during these years, while on missions, and teaching at the institute, that her relationship with Scott fully began. Finding strength in the cause and message that Charles Xavier was trying to spread she began to take a more active role in mutant politics and activism.

In 2015 Jean took the stage before the state senate in order to the debate for mutant rights. She lost brutally to Senator Kelly and his fear-mongering tactics. She would later go on to help the Senator when he was mutated by Magneto and the Brotherhood, doing her best to make him as comfortable as she could. She discovered the cause behind his mutation, to her horror, was a forced mutation being rapidly rejected by his human body.

During this same time, she met Logan after attempting to treat his wounds and was attacked when he awoke. She later successfully treated and scanned him, though under much painful, yet tolerated, flirtation. She helped Logan settle in and did her best to make him feel welcome at the school.

After the Professor succumbs to the backfire from Mystique's sabotage of Cerebro, Jean discovers the source of sabotage and repairs it. After doing so she uses the machine, despite knowing it to be dangerous, to search for the missing Marie. It almost kills her, but she successfully finds young Marie and aids in stopping Magneto's plan to irradiate and mutate New York. Upon returning the mansion, mission successful, Jean repays Charles by aiding him out of his coma. Much like how they had first met with the roles now reversed.

The years following the attack Jean focused hard on training her powers. Her near-fatal encounter with Toad had shown her how wildly unprepared she was for combat, and with a racist and bigoted president elected she felt she had no option but to prepare for an oncoming war. Working mostly on her Telepathy, as her Telekinesis seemed to come second nature, she began to unlock more and more of her power.

In 2018 Jean’s older sister Sara, and Sara’s husband Paul, went missing. Both parties were known to be mutant sympathizers and outspoken voices in the community for mutant rights. Paul's body was later discovered in a ditch, beaten to a nearly unrecognizable state. Sara was never found. A funeral was held for both in upstate New York, in which Jean attended with many of her friends as support. She took a year off from the institute and the X-Men to return home and help her niece and nephews get settled. She also called off her engagement to Scott and asked him to give her space.

She returned to the school in the summer of 2019 and has yet to restart her relationship with Scott. Seemingly more focused on teaching and medicine, or perhaps just hiding under them.


Psionic Abilities:

Telekinesis; She is well trained in her Telekinetic powers and they come to her as naturally as breathing. Most small objects take almost no effort for her to move and manipulate. She, under strained concentration, can levitate and manipulate up to 50 tons with her mind. Though she must be close range in most instances. The further away from her target the more concentration and exertion it requires. Telepathy; While she is still learning all the boundaries of this power she has the ability to perform some feats of Telepathy. Though not yet matching the power level of the Professor, it is believed she may someday meet, or even exceed him, with enough training. Currently, she has a base empathy that allows her to sense the feelings and emotions of those around her. If she is close enough, or in direct contact with someone, she can exert heavy concentration and energy to inflict new emotions onto others around her. She is limited on how many people she can affect. She currently has the ability to focus on one person and can detect and read their thoughts, project her thoughts into their mind, form psychic links, and in some cases control minds to manipulate physical actions. Doing so causes intense exertion and concentration and becomes easier the closer to direct physical contact she has.

Drawbacks: Using her powers too much, or too often has a variety of side effects. The first and most common are headaches, followed by nosebleeds. In some severe cases, where she has pushed beyond her first warning signs, she has fainted and even experienced a seizure. Any use of her power is a draw on her energy and as such she limits the use of high concentration abilities to moments when they are needed.


Highly Trained in hand to hand combat. PhD in Biology and Medicine with a Doctorate. Academic Professor and skilled medical professional. Trained in academic and political debate. Comprehensive vehicle training. Cars and jets.


Inner Circle

  • Charles Xavier - Father figure and mentor.
  • Ororo "storm" Munroe - Closest confidante, my sister.(open to change for active player)
  • Kitty Pryde - My little sister and the ray of sunshine I need on bleak days.

Students she protect

  • Kurt Wagner - So smol, so scared, will defend at all cost.


  • Hua Tian-shin - So strong and does so much for the community. Slight intimidation of my own making.
  • Jax Holland - Our methods may not agree but our cause does. Has my respect and support.
  • Roberto "Kyinha" da Costa - My fellow scientist and science teacher. Perhaps one day we will find time to be friends.

Getting to Know

  • Lorna "Polaris" Dane - Seems friendly and hardworking! Would like to get to know better.
  • Wendy Ho - Seems sweet, clearly working hard for the cause. Would help with bank account. Would like to get to know better.


  • Coming soon.

Complicated Love

  • Scott "Cyclops" Summers - I love him, so why do I push him away? (open to change for active player)
  • Logan "Wolverine" Howlett - I am not sure I can verbalize all the feeling towards him. All I know is I love him. (open to change for active player)
  • Jean Grey is unaware that her abilities have been hindered by Professors Xavier's mental blocks.
  • She can't stand the sounds of chewing gum but is often too polite to say anything.
  • She is easily bribed with chocolate cake.

JeanGrey1.jpg JeanGrey2.jpg JeanGrey3.jpg

Full Name
Codename None
Birthdate Oct 30, 1986
Birthplace New York
Species Mutant
Affiliation X-Men
Alignment Lawful Good
Powers Psionic Abilities
Occupation Doctor and Professor
Registration Status (currently n/a)
Faceclaim Rachel McAdamns
RP Hooks
Class Dismissed - A teacher at the school you may have taken one of her classes, maybe you even forgot to turn in your homework. Or perhaps you just want some extra help with a chemistry problem after hours.
Tell Me Where It Hurts - One of the active doctors in the medbay. It's said she has a friendly bedside manner. Very liberal with the sweet bribes.
Gold Card - She loves to shop. Even more she loves to shop for others. She'll take any chance to spoil those who ask, or bluntly hint.
Danger, Danger, Danger - Training in the danger room, training with powers, meetings with xmen. Keeps a girl busy.
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