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! Full Name
! Charlie Ann Wisp

Revision as of 04:46, 12 May 2019

" But you're still the same. "

xxxxxOverview of your character goes here.


xxxxxWhen she is in her 'normal' form - she is slim, skinny with a slight hourglass shape. Her skin is tinted a slight light faded blue, and her eyes are like dark blue ocean currents. Her hair is a slight mess, also a dark tone compared to the color of her eyes. She is somewhat petit, just a little over 5"5.


xxxxx Charlie, to put in short terms, is one for keeping the peace. However, she herself finds herself in hypocritical scenarios that completely disregard this idea in general - as she herself tends to bicker at others and cause petty little arguments for the hell and fun of it. She's almost like a trickster, not necessarily one out to cause any harm to anybody, but she does like to pick fun and joke around with those she'd find amusing. Getting on people's nerves would be an understatement in some scenarios with Charlie, as she loves to cause a little tension despite her claims to want to keep things 'peaceful'. Usually, when interacting with others, she's got a somewhat 'sassy' attitude and a 'bad bitch' vibe to her. Hand on hip, eyes half-lidded, and expression bored - she'd probably give off the most annoyed and sassy look out there. She's quite the rambunctious one, to be quite honest. However, despite her easily annoyed and hypocritical nature, she truly does want to do the best she can to help do what's 'right'. Inner struggles often correspond with her troubling past that she had left behind. . .


xxxxxShe comes from a wealthy family, was raised with money, has inherited a lot of her wealth, and went into a science job at NASA purely out of interest because she had the luxury of pursuing something she loved. After being assigned as a 'helper' on a risky expedition, she was in search of a meteor off in Antarctica with four other crew members. During the trip, she took a severe fall down the edge of a ravine. This fall was just enough to where the trauma triggered a mutation. This led to a lot of trouble at work since not a lot of people want to work with mutants, but until her life got disrupted by this incident and the development of her powers which ( just having an unpleasant working environment because people don't like mutants) led her to leaving NASA and coming to NYC (in search of both a different community, and for a job opportunity -- there are a couple of places someone with a science research background could come work in NYC as a visibly obvious mutant, and Stark Industries is headquartered here and has a reputation for hiring brilliant scientists regardless of... other considerations that might keep people from hiring them in the industry).


xxxxxSome applications to her ice powers include: Cold Manipulation, cold Generation, frostbite to freeze anything to atomic levels making it fragile, ultimate Freeze, Cryokinetic Constructs, ice Attacks, ice Generation, avalanche Creation, manipulate the properties of ice/cold, shard Manipulation of ice, move/lift cold/ice, and Cryokinetic Surfing. Her strongest powers out of this list are shard manipulation of ice, and cold generation. The others are somewhat weaker, and could result in an overtaxed state with severe usage. She's only capable of creating ice if he has contact with water - such as if she's near a water source, or if there's enough water vapor present wherever she is. Examples of water sources she would use would be water vapor, plants, other living bodies, and just about anything with water in it. If she absolutely wanted to, she could use some of the water within herself if necessary - since humans can be made up to 60% of water - however this would be a possible negative aspect to her overall power. She would be able to project her powers at least the length of a football field and a half, so about 200-230 feet. However that'd probably be when she's using it at her 'max', so usually she'd only be able to use her powers at about 150 feet or so. Usually, she can withstand up to thirty minutes of straight up power usage, and at the thirty minute mark, she would begin to grow tired and the length of her exertion would grow shorter and shorter and visibly 'weaker' - not as strong. Overtaxing herself would of course make her become very exhausted and tired, physically worn out and make her muscles unbelievably sore. (Somewhat similar to Frozone's power abilities in the movie The Incredibles). She also has the ability to shape shift, however this power is significantly weaker compared to her ice abilities, and could cause a severe overtaxed state if used too much within a 24 hour span. The time limit (approximately ten minutes at a time) and strain to actually shape shift would nearly overpower the power itself. It would be a struggle to hold together the form without extreme focus, and even then if she were to try and hold a form for too long she'd end up shifting right back into her 'normal' look. (Similar to Amethyst's shape shifting struggles in the Steven Universe episode 'Gem Heist').


xxxxxShe was a Atmospheric Physicist when she still worked for NASA, so some of her primary focuses revolved around: Instrumentation and data acquisition - the design and operation of instrument systems that measure the Earth’s atmosphere from space, from within the atmosphere, and from the ground. This area required a background in electronics, optics, computer science, or radiative transfer.

Data analysis and modeling - the examination of the data produced by the experiments and the development of theoretical models to interpret the data. The result is an improvement of our understanding of atmospheric motions and chemistry, climate change, and weather forecasting. This area required experience in computer science, mathematics, chemistry, physics, meteorology, radiative transfer, or fluid dynamics.

Laboratory studies - the examination of the chemical and physical processes that occur in the atmosphere, including cloud microphysics, photochemical reactions, and absorption and emission of radiation by atmospheric gases and particles. This area required experience in quantitative laboratory techniques, chemistry, or spectroscopy.

However, she was primarily fond of physics, meteorology, computer science, mathematics, and electronics.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.
  • Random facts you think are worth knowing about your character.
  • And more random facts!
  • And more.

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Charlie Ann Wisp
Codename Wisp
Birthdate None
Birthplace Lincoln, Nebraska
Species Human
Affiliation TBA
Alignment Chaotic neutral
Powers ice manipulation/shapeshifting
Occupation (?) at Stark Industries
Registration Status (currently n/a)
Played By Ceci
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2019-06-16)
Mini-Vacation Charlie, Lucien, Flèche
  • (2019-05-17)
Picky Charlie, Desi, Lucien
  • (2019-05-15)
Fine Artists Charlie, Ion, Tag
  • (2019-05-13)
Anybody Have a Map Charlie, Jax, Steve
  • (2019-05-11)
In Which Some Mutants Share Some Illicit Booze Out Of Sheer Spite Charlie, Skye, Taylor
