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May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out

xxxxxOne day she just started to shine. Now what?


xxxxxA small teenager with short, dark brown hair, almost perpetually glowing skin, and eyes that glow notably brighter. The color, intensity, and steadiness of the light she emits varies dramatically with her mood, health, and to some extent conscious control.


xxxxxAmong Morlocks, she's known as an awkward newcomer who glows incessantly and eats way too much. At Xavier's, she's brand new and probably has no reputation other than being notable for her physical mutation.


xxxxxThe only child of two University of Michigan professors, she grew up comfortably in Ann Arbor. Her autism and her parents' overprotectiveness interacted to produce a particularly sheltered (and smothered) childhood. Just when she had started to claw her way to having some limited freedoms from her draconian routine, her powers began to manifest. Her parents took this badly, and, unsurprisingly, sought ways of "curing" her, or at least making her able to pass for human.


xxxxxSamara's body generates light through her skin and eyes. The color and intensity of this light depends on her mental and physical state; its default approximates the spectral range of sunlight and tends to fluctuate between a barely visible glow when she is sick or undernurished and bright enough to cause significant eye strain when she is well-fed or engaged. This light is powered by her metabolism, and consumes energy continuously. On average she requires about half again as many calories as most teenagers her size to remain healthy, and the more light she emits the more food she needs.


xxxxxAdept at identifying rocks and plants. Basic knowledge of gardening. Plays the flute competently. Speaks rudimentary Portuguese.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.
  • She tends to take things very literally.
  • Her favorite show is Sha-ra and the Princesses of Power.
  • She enjoys singing, but does so badly.

[[Image:|x150px]] [[Image:|x150px]] [[Image:|x150px]]

Samara Branwyn Rhys
Codename None
Birthdate 2005-11-01
Birthplace Ann Arbor, Michigan
Species Mutant
Affiliation None
Alignment None
Powers Light generation
Occupation None
Registration Status (currently n/a)
Played By None
RP Hooks
Shine On - The most noticeable thing about her is the glowing. She can only suppress it for brief periods of time, so she tends to stand out.
Lightbulb - She's useful around the Morlock tunnels as illumination, but this probably doesn't quite make up for how hard it is to keep her fed.
Not Just Puberty - Samara needs half again as many calories as most people her size and build and spends a lot of her time hunting for food.
Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral - She doesn't know to call it "ecology" yet, but Samara is very interested in how living and nonliving components of the environment interact. Botany, geology, and zoology are her major interests.
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2020-11-28)
Sooner or Later. BOOM! Astrid, Beau, Cassy, Harm, Nessie, Samara
  • (2020-10-12)
Of Parents and Performances (Or, Family Weekend) Astrid, Kyinha, Jax, Kavalam, Winterses & siblings, Marcus's parents, Nessie & co, Matt, Samara's parents, Lucien, Tomas & aunt, Marinov & Parents, K.C., Maya, Tian-shin
  • (2020-09-18)
Plant Identification Nessie, Samara
  • (2020-06-27)
Visibly Mutanty Samara, Peter
  • (2020-06-22)
Normal Jax, Samara
  • (2019-06-19)
Smart Marrow, Samara
  • (2019-06-16)
Late Breakfast Dusk, Samara, Shane