ArchivedLogs:Talk of Breaking Quarantine

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Talk of Breaking Quarantine
Dramatis Personae

Pedro, Simon, Teague

In Absentia


(Part of Zombie TP.)


<NYC> BoM Safehouse - Lower East Side

Tucked away off a little-used side street in the Lower East Side, sandwiched between a youth drop-in center and a taqueria, this narrow three-story townhouse has very little to catch the eye. Boarded-up windows, a door peeling its paint, shabby grubby brickface; from the outside it does not look like much.

Inside someone has gone to great lengths to renovate the building into something more habitable. It isn't glamorous but it is comfortable, old furniture dragged in, the place generally swept clean. The first floor holds a large living room, a smaller dining room, a spacious kitchen, a half-bathroom. There are three bedrooms and a full bathroom on the second floor; the attic is just a large empty space crammed full of boxes with a window out to the large flat roof.

The basement, much like the attic, consists of a lot of empty space. A bare concrete floor, no windows, occasional poles running up to the ceiling. A tiny half-bathroom down here, too. Not a whole lot else.

A rare site on the island as of late, Jewel has set up semi-permanent shop in one of the safe houses to facilitate frequent rehearsals. One must allow time for run-ins with the undead when calculating their commute now, after all.

Sitting in the dimly lit kitchen, the teen leans in over a steaming bowl of noodles. Shirtless in baggy pajama pants, Jewel's long dark hair spills down over his shoulders and back. One hand slowly turns a spoon to amass long, thin noodles. The other hand holds up a glimmering diamond cigarette holder with a joint pressed into its end.

If not for his method of entering the kitchen, one could easily mistake Simon for a very unwise burglar. In jeans, boots, a deep purple jacket, a baseball cap, a bandana over his mouth and nose, and carrying a backpack, Simon phases right out of a wall. Letting out a breath, he notices Jewel as he's pulling down his bandana. "{Perhaps keeping warm and wearing a shirt would help you stay healthy.}" he greets in French, taking his backpack off and walking towards the fridge.

Pedro descends the stairs of the house, having landed up on the roof. He carries a few plastic shopping bags, filled to varying degrees of fullness. The batty mutant has had a bit of a colour change, with midnight black wings with stars on them, and the colour fades and blends into a dark blue. He looks a little chilled in his grey hoodie and blue jeans, though he at least has winter boots. Pedro wandering into the kitchen, munching on a strawberry that looks pretty fresh. He waves to Teague and Simon. "{Hello!}, he says cheerfully, in Spanish.

"{But I bet you'd stop visiting as much if I did,}" Jewel teases Simon breathily. The British teen speaks French as well though not particularly well. Stuffing his mouth with noodles, he greets Pedro with the simple raising of his eyebrows. Chewing, he rests his cigarette holder on a nearby ashtray -- also made of diamond, and vaguely shaped like a flattened pineapple.

The teasing gets a faint pink coloring rising to Simon's cheeks. "{I brought some supplies and thought you could use them,}" he replies. Pedro's appearance causes a double-take, Simon giving him a quizzical look while pulling some loose bottles of water out of his backpack to stuff into the fridge.

"{We do miss you on the island though.},” Pedro says to Jewel in French. "{And there are strawberries in the attic, if you want something sweet, both of you.}” The batty mutant pulls another strawberry from one of his bags, and pops it into his mouth. He notes the look Simon gives him, raising a wing. "Tag."

Jewel continues to watch Pedro, taking in the flashy coloration, "Tag?" The word doesn't register any sort of recognition in him. "{It's not surprising in the least that the whole city is on rations but we're sitting flush.}" He stirs the spoon in his bowl, adding in a slightly less jaded tone, "{What did you bring me?}"

"Tag?" Simon's just as lost when it comes to the name. "{Who put fruit in the attic?}" he asks, slipping a small milk carton into the fridge as well. When Teague asks what was brought for him, Simon produces three bottles of alcohol. None of them are full but some is better than none. "{I have been looking for food and supplies often. And Ion went beyond the quarantine. I plan to as well,}" he replies. He takes the last bits of food from his bag, just some granola bars and a small bag of chips.

Pedro nods to Simon, "{We should organize a group to break the quarantine, and bring back as much stuff as we can. Or, we could try intercepting one of their drones dropping supplies, or maybe wait on the ground.}" He shrugs at the question about plants, "{I did. They're easy, mostly, to grow. Just water them regularly, and have a lamp with a bulb that emits a spectrum of light mimicking the sun. A simple timer and they get the right amount of light. I'm good at growing stuff. And I can only eat fruit, so having a supply is important.}" The young mutant rubs at the back of his head, "{Tag is a mutant who lives at the Commons. He can paint with uh, nothing, he said. He changes colours into different colours. So he does this sort of thing. I traded him some stuff he likes for it.}"

"{How far do you think you can get?}" Jewel asks, eyes gleaming at the prospect of someone else, other than him, breaking quarantine. "{Can you get to New Jersey?}" Ah, yes, exotic New Jersey.

The shirtless teen eyes Pedro, "{You really are a little /Martha Stewart/, aren't you?}" Jewel leans back, stretching his arms behind him to move around his spine, "{I'm afraid I have no idea where you're talking about. Err, interesting ability, though.}" From the widening of his eyes, it doesn't seem like Jewel is all that impressed.

"{I can get there, yes. I would just need to do it carefully and take time to rest,}" Simon replies. "{The bridges would make the trip easier. Is there something you need?}" he asks. He offers a small smile as Pedro reveals his garden. "{What else are you growing?}"

Pedro chuckles at Jewel. "{No, my cooking is shit. Luckily for me, fruit doesn't need to be cooked to eat it. Else I would be a hungry batty. Hmm, the Harbour is one of those gated apartment things. It's like, just over there.}" He gestures vaguely outside, and shrugs. "{I can make New Jersey too. I could probably carry someone. Maybe.}" Looking to Simon, he grins. "{Some veggies, more fruit, maybe some other stuff that requires some heating to use. Why, you looking for something?}"

Pursing his lips, Jewel sits on the idea of the trip for a moment. His eyes shift between the other two men, likely weighing how annoying it would be to owe either of them a favor. While the two prattle on about domesticities, he reaches for his cigarette holder and takes a drag from the join before holding it out to one or either of the other mutants. "{Do you smoke?}" He asks, his voice obstructed by the cough he's holding back.

"{There is less chance of being caught if I go. You could be spotted in the air,}" Simon points out to Pedro. He just shakes his head when asked about smoking. "{Cigarettes? No.}"

Pedro looks at the offered joint. He seems to consider for a moment, before reaching out to take the holder. It's very obvious when he gives it back that he does not smoke, for he begins coughing right away. The young mutant needs a moment to breath, and he huffs. "{I don't, no. Thanks for that though.} He looks to Simon and moment and shrugs. "{I can hug the terrain though, flying at altitude would be a bad idea, yeah. I could probably do it.}"

Jewel extends a languid hand to take back the joint and its diamond extender, "{No, of course not. I'm sure if you did, you'd have a hell of a lot less hobbies.}" He carefully ashes it before standing to bring his bowl and spoon over to the sink, "{Might want to be careful staying close to the ground as well. I'm sure they can pick up on all sorts of things. Better to phase right through.}"

Simon turns a concerned look towards Pedro when he starts coughing. "{Would you like some water?}" he offers. There's a nod when Jewel suggests phasing though. "{I can get there and back without drawing attention to myself. I may not be able to carry as much but it limits the risk of losing it.}"

Pedro raises an eyebrow at Jewel a moment and shrugs. "{Can't really afford to do that stuff anyways.}" The batty one looks to Simon and shakes his head, clearing his throat. "{Naw, I am alright. Thank you. Well, if you do try, be careful please. And tell people before you do go, yes?}" He lets out a sigh and rubs a cheek. "{Maybe I'll just stick to scavenging and growing stuff. Doesn't feel like it's nearly enough though.}"

“\{It’s cheaper than what-}” Jewel stops himself, rolling his eyes a little as he abandons his dirty dishes in the sink for Simon. “\{No. ...if this doesn’t end soon, it won’t be, will it?}” Bringing up both hands, he stretches his neck as if attempting to crack it. Moving around as he is, it isn’t hard to see how gnarled and bandaged his toes and feet have become. “{I better head up. Early day tomorrow. Goodnight, gentlemen.}” He leaves the diamond ashtray in the center of the table, likely unconcerned with whether or not it’s still there in the morning.